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NESARA PLEA - Bringing NESARA into...our 3-D World NOW

By Russ Michael

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battle. So just BRING LIGHT, please....

A state of HARMONY is the KEY to any state of PERFECTION and any MANIFESTATION. St. Germain, all the Ascended Hosts, and Jesus (now the COSMIC Christ), can use yourself, myself, and all of us to ANCHOR the announcement and implementation of NESARA upon Earth--- if only we will put our minds and bodies and feelings into a state of harmony, peace and STILLNESS. And then ASK Them to bring NESARA and its multiple blessings forth on Earth before the Nov. 2 elections!!

Jesus, the Cosmic Christ, has recently gifted us, all of Earth humanity, individually, with the FREE and unlimited USE of the "Sacred Fire Love" from the Ascended Master Octave, which containss the VIOLET FLAME of purification---as well as the ability to 'search out' and manifest what we the AWAKENED Children of God are asking for with deep intensity and determination.

All human CONSTRUCTIVE things are filled with Christ LIGHT, and all human DESTRUCTIVE things are literally an anti-Christ MANIFESATATION, such as the debased acts of violence and injustice in government today, restrictions of citizen rights and freedoms, as in the 'Patriot Acts' and unjust WARS, and tarnishing of our grand and divinely created and sustained U.S. Consitution.

NESARA will restore the Christ LIGHT back into our 'fallen' U.S. Government, and soon after this jubilant anouncement and implementation, into all other major governments on Earth. You can be ASSURED that Jesus, the Cosmic Christ, St. Germain and the Heavenly Hosts, and our many ET Civilizations 'on standby' above Earth NOW, will rush to answer our SINCERE call for HELP, in getting NESARA announced before Nov. 2 election!!

Because of FREE WILL, They need and MUST have a certain amount of us in PHYSICAL FORM, ask, pray, decree, command or demand what we DESIRE, before they can ACT with any 'divine intervention' on our behalf....

When you and I, and all others involved in sincere, ASKING, PRAYING, COMMANDING, DEMANDING or DECREEING that NESARA be announced in the immediate NOW--and we each literally STILL our bodies, minds and emotions--feeling calm, poised and very, very determined, you can be sure our 'prayers' will be answered!!

So PLEASE, let's each and ALL of us place the IMAGE of Jesus, St. Germain, or any Ascended Master mentally on the forehead of everyone living on Earth NOW---and call FORTH from the depths of our Hearts the ANNOUNCEMENT and the IMPLEMENTATION of NESARA before Nov. 2nd election date.

Jesus has PROMISED, that He (or any other Ascended Master) will physically enter INTO any IMAGE or mental picture and feeling of Himself, or another Ascended Master) that we place on the forehead of any individual, including yourself. And then his LUMINOSITY and LOVE, will heal every single IMPERFECTION within that being. This will aid both NESARA and our Humanity and planet Earth to make its DESTINED appearance and Earth Ascension FASTER!!

KNOW---that any one of the Ascended Masters can INSTANTLY make an IMAGE REPLICA of herself or himself---and send that LIVING image to each of the now billions of individuals living on our Earth today--so that is an easy TASK for them to fulfill. They have PROMISED to DO THE WORK---IF you give the command, demand or decree, or prayer by ASKING for what you DESIRE!!

NOTE: Before doing this, take a moment to send a deep feeling of LOVE to Jesus (or any Ascended Master you select)--or your own "Mighty I AM Presence" ---and when you FEEL very calm, centered and poised ---THEN utter your prayer or decree for this glorious SHINING EVENT--which will 'herald' the advent of the final permaanent Golden Age upon Earth!! Please do this DECREE or "Application" or "Call" for NESARA NOW--at least 3 times daily--when you are calm and STILL, of body, mind and feeling. And HOLD that stillness and poise of being, as LONG as you possibly can, after each 'call.'

We came here to DO THIS!! We can do it. Let's do it!!!!

I AM, Russ Michael

P.S...IF you have 'light worker' lists, or know how to make contact with other folks like Jimmy Twyman, etc.---who YOU yourself can personally and fervently ask to forward this NESARA PLEA (in it's entirety) for NESARA NOW...before the election date, to their list members, please do it!! Thanks with all my heart....I AM.

***BREATHE in and BREATHE out LIGHT and LOVE daily.



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