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Casper Update - Sept. 11, 2007

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on heard that the policy had been changed to Sund. midnight til Wed. midnight.

Since Tues. of last week those packages warehoused in Charolette have been moved up and down, back and forth, round and round more times than we can count to create the impression "things are on the move". "Control", however, never left the hands of G.W./China/B.A.. Whether this is all the packages or some of the packages (farm claims & freedom ?) it has been obvious for a long time that the DRS (dirty rotten scoundrals) can control everything by controlling these packages. These packs have moved back and forth between D.C. and Charolette at least five times within the last eight days and on occasion have been moved around within D.C. Twice they left the B.A. vault in Charolette, were flown around for a few hours and returned to the vault in the wee hours. While this G.W./China game of hide and seek goes on, our funds are traded again and again, or, more accurately, used as collateral for trades run through backwood countries and banking systems.

Today these packages were once again returned to D.C. and this time G.W. has placed them under military guard and stated "you will never recieve these packages, they belong to me". A federal judge ordered them released, G>W> said screw you, the judge said i can do no more, he is President of the U.S.. The news media were called and refused to film the guards saying "he is the President and we are afraid of what he will do (code for we also work for the Illuminati).

MEANWHILE- G.W. has ordered the entire U.S. air force to stand down Friday the 14th and today Israels airline, El Al, has cancelled all flights New York to Israel Friday the 14th, something that has never before happened and has nothing to do with the Jewish new year.

MEANWHILE-Dotson and others continue to be put off a few days at a time as our lack of deliveries have everyone else held up. Those who "get paid" day in and day out actually get a card with a small amount on it and promise's of the real money after we recieve.

The World Court and Brussels have "sanctioned" much of the trading which has occured, the profits are usually seized and this may explain the desparation of the DRS's even to the point of seizing international packages in violation of every law known to man. These people kill people. Regularly. What's a few dozen broken laws to them??

I intended to discuss the internet "tax debate" this time around but under the circumstances i'm just not up to it except to say we have known for years that taxes are taken out before we recieve so no taxes due except on accruing interest. The IRS has tried many times to access these escrowed taxes to no avail. The most recent Christopher Story update poo poo's the corporate U.S. and admiralty law demonstrating that regardless of how well versed he may be regards Wanta or International finance he does not know doodly squat about the constitutional crises in this country regarding the demise of the FED RES, EXE. ORDERS and PRESIDENTIAL EMERGENCY POWERS. Without knowledge of these things and how the CORPORATE U.S. under Illuminati control stole our nation from "we the people" it may be hard for him to understand the many implications involved and why G.W./Clinton/the banks etc. are fighting so hard for the status quo. They are in for a penny in for a pound, it's win or prison now. While the Dem's try to decide between the Wahabi school graduate and the communist, the Republicans defend to the death criminality on a scale never before known in the western world.

MEANWHILE-146b in corporate debt matures next month with no place to go, 10 trillion in bonds (debt instruments) mature in November, the dollar goes down, down, down, two million ARM's reset next 12 months, corporate defaults have doubled and the public is fed pablum right up to the last possible moment before the coming collaspe.

So where are we? Where does this leave us??

It would not be fair or correct to imply that we have all the answers. We don't. The dis-information teams are harder to deal with than ever before. They are really earning their money these last few weeks. They are SCUM. They have tortured so many people, their own citizens, until they died. Many of our people took their own live's as the stress became unbearable. And still they continue. It is hard to imagine a sorrier bunch of criminals. As i said in the previous update, the war is apparantly not over. By stopping the deliveries they stop the announcements and maintain themselves in power. And POWER is the right word. G.W. is a wartime president with emergency powers beyond your furtherest imaginings. He has the Sp. Court, Homeland Security, the Patriot Act, the Atty General, The Treasury Secretary, Exe. Orders, much of the Military, the Fed Res, the printing presses, the ability to issue unlimited debt instruments, control of the media, a worldwide Illuminati power structure at his disposal including multi-national corporations, Wall Street Bankers, The council on Foreign Relations, The Tri-lateralist, The Bildeberger's, Federalized local and state police, the Vice President, a corrupt and compliant congress, an equally evil opposition party led by more Bones men, a corrupt former President who's closest 100 friends and former personal body guards are all dead now, and, i suspect, Barney the dog who has likely been trained to eat our packages.

I am sorry to be the bringer of bad news like this but suggest it is necessary if those who believed in deliveries because of time dated insurance policies are to be aware of today's happenings so that everyone everywhere might ask their sources for help overcoming G.W.'s latest tricks. I do hope all those saying tomorrow are correct and many many sources say exactly that. Not for one minute do i believe G.W. can stop this but he has proven he can delay it over and over again. While you and i may not be able to do much other than observe there are those who can and they most certainly will. And so, if we don't recieve tomorrow don't get down, hang tough and we will update again as soon as we can.

casper 9-11-07