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CASPER - Report Dec. 10, 2006

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ng whether it is friend or foe. At the moment it is friend. It seems to go back and forth depending upon the wind direction or what it had for breakfast. HILLARY went nuts, ranting and raving that the money belongs to them for use as she and BILL and the BUSHES see fit. She is reportedly being dealt with harshly, as is HIGGINS. Our side is demanding that HIGGINS serve the indictments prior to her resi gnation being made public. 3 other World Court "judges" must go also. The illegal trading, outright theft of funds, bribery, money laundering, blackmail, extortion etc. etc. is apparently so pervasive the Washington power structure will do anything to stop the deliveries, to stop the announcements, to stop the public exposure of their criminal acts. Just as there is a difference between the FED. RES. and the U.S.A., so too is there a difference between the CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC of "we the people" and the CORPORATE U.S. Our republic has been "captured" by criminals. we have been "hornswoggled" by successive administrations as they used THE WAR POWERS ACT, EXECUTIVE ORDERS AND D IRECTIVES, and EMERGENCY POWERS to claim FALSE EMERGENCIES to rule the nation and loot the treasury via technical legal bulls. Thats why there is always a war on something; drugs, poverty, cockroach's. It doesn't matter what. It allows them to declare emergencies and rule the country "in time of emergency" without regard to the constitution and that’s what they have done for decades. How many times have you watchers of c-span witnessed "the extension " of this or that emergency being delivered to the congress by the presidents messenger? It was and is nothing less than a COUP against the American people by a series of corrupt administrations WITH THE ACQUIESENCE OF THE CONGRESS. They KNOW the FED RES/IRS/U.C.C etc. is unconstitutional and that several federal courts have said as much but they won't "let go". The reason? Because they are desperate to keep their crimes covered up. They have even pledged citizens birt h certificates and social security numbers to collateralize the national debt. You will not believe some of the things they have done. That’s why GHWB once said " if the American people ever find out what we have done they will hang us from the lamp post". The "evil doer's" are from both political parties. Their allegiance is to the Code of Federal Regulations, the TRILATERAL COMMISSION, the BILDERBERG"S, the New World Order, the ILLUMINATI, etc. and if you don't understand this stuff be glad because in this instance ignorance really is bliss. As always, it falls to a small percentage of the citizens who do understand to "put a stop to it" and they are. Yes, we may have to go through some national trauma but the other side of it, Lord willing , we will have our country and our personal sovereignty back.

Still the meetings continue(Sunday night). The card is 4.1M. HILLARY moved to first position to "walk the plank". HIGGINS plus 3 to go.

Information regarding deliveries and method of access is not available-yet-as the meetings are "hermetically sealed" as Johnny Carson would say. Pay no attention to those spreading gloom and doom. All is A-OK. Just a few last minute dragons needed slaying. Expect deliveries 1st of week. Negative information is floating out the Internet this weekend-- originates from the Bush and Clinton camps. Pay no attention to the negatives. Even S.C. Justices have been ordered to stay out of the way or else they Earn a Free trip to the Hague.

Casper 12-10-06