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Poof Questions and Answer 9/14/07

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about that, or is there any truth to what he says? I'm assuming IF nothing happens today, then it SHOULD happen on Monday, IF the change over is still scheduled for Wednesday? Is that still supposed to happen, or has something happened to change that date?


J. D.

Response from "Poofness":

That stuff casper was talking about had to with junior trying to change protocols and get out of the preordained order. The world wasn't having it. They want all this stuff finished and the smacking on the dollar is demonstrating their point and their power. I spent a lot of time on the phone with europe the other day, there wasn't even a ripple over there as far as junior was concerned, and things are already on the move. I was told to just chill and wait for them to get to me...not excluding the weekend, I might add. The change happens when this money is finished being dispensed, not before. That why I don't stand on dates. I can tell you tho, they want all this overwith, asap! p