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Letter To Paper Media And Provincial MLA!

By Tammy Dickson

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y? Do we as citizens demand respect for our heritage customs and country values from all who reside or plan to reside hear. Or do we turn a blind eye to our own self respect and integrity which honour our lineage of founders and ethics! Sadly the latter is displayed in our media daily!

The unholy programming has taken hold of the majority of minds and hearts in this country by design.! We who choose to light a beacon of alternatives and truth manuvere the endless mind fields of fear and undermining presented to us daily! Yet I beseech all who have the ears to hear it is time for doing things differently for the betterment of all!! The only way we can get there is through ownership of the truth. Do the immigrants come here to respect our laws values and customs. Do they share equality with our european populace as we do them? When you look at businesses in Vancouver you see the opposite. If we were to only hire white people and demand only english speaking people enter our jobs and country we would be immediately marked a racist!! Yet in Vancouver and I am sure elsewhere in Canada there is rampad reverse discrimination everywhere unchallenged! Do to corrupt politicians, business people and complacent fearful canadians our countries identity has deteriorated to almost a joke to many others outside our matrix of usury!

From experience I have witnessed corruption in Corporations, unions, film guilds and companies! Government agencies and affiliate businesses. City hall departments and Police unwilling to do there jobs correctly or fairly and the list goes on! Many Canadians have moved elswhere to get away from a sentiment of powerlessness that is only an illusion to control the masses! Yet when you can't find work do to government discriminatorial age policies and mind set it does feel real! WE must take our country back from foreign influences that undermine our heritage and future! When I have told immigrants that I am a third generation canadian I am usually met with contempt that I would even think to bring that up! For they could care aless about our heritage that built the schools, community center,hospitals roads or buildings they enjoy! Many are opportunist who have a free hand to take take take without question for fear of being labelled a racist! I love immigrant contributions to this country who respect our land in all capacities without imposing for the most part a lesser awareness on our populace laidened with discrimination and bias usually towards women. We must take our country back into its orginal blueprint with Nesara and demand compliance from all with out any discrimination towards long term canadians!(especially women)!

If you would like to assist with future programs with these matters please let me know by email. PLease stay tuned for first contact updates from my future internet site with (whistleblower support ) Blessings Tami Dickson
