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Poof Report - May 14, 2007

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aying attention to what's going on the big picture and found the connecting data in thoses old newsletters of mine, you're way ahead of the game, at least emotionally and mentally, and from what I've been seeing in here, a lot of work on your spiritual natures, as well. You're going to need it! You see, that whole 'money cop' situation is up and running, the watchers are watching, and the last play to, outright steal it, was exhausted. Here's the good news, there's no surprise here and it was ALWAYS going to be this way, at the end. The 'nwo' folks who stand to loose, were never going to just sit down, admit defeat, and let things proceed to their inevitable conclusion. Every deal that was ever brokered in Paris, over the distribution of this thing was always reneged upon by the fed. Always trying to get even more money for the use of the dollar. That's why Brussels met and agreed to get other central banks to use their currencies to support it's release, cutting the dollar entirely out of the deal. Only people who access in this country, receive dollars via the german boa. Their greed and arrogance, cut them out of a deal which would have netted the fed/treasury, buckets off the % points earned from it's use, as the funding currency. That's when this thing went into the next stage. That opportunity is gone so the 'brain trusts' in the clique of the nwo, had to escalate the battle, because now it's hit that, 'who's going to survive the big one' place. What has been known to the bankers all these many years is, you can't keep floating the world's economy on fiat money. It'll balloon on you and end up bursting creating quite a mess . We've hit the 'mess' stage. The argument is not whether it's going to blow, it's always been about when, and who's going to benefit or who's going to lose. As I have been trying to get the message across, all these years, no matter how angry you've gotten with me, this program is part and parcel off something huge enough to shift the wealth of the world into other hands. It is Not going to be pretty! It has taken considerable labor to make this happen and regardless of what anyone thinks, it will because it must! It is no different than an idea, who's time has come, like the wheel or sliced bread. This is an 'intentional action', meant to change the world's economic forecast. It takes more money than anyone would be even comfortable thinking about to do this, it was already here, it just needed collecting into one big pot. The mountains of old frozen accounts from yesteryear dumped into the hoppers to fulfill the task can do it. But why, you say, should I even expect anything, they'll never share any of that big pile, they only keep it for themselves? While stop feeling special and consider yourself getting a new job. You're going to take your part and spread that money everywhere, like a virus. There's 128 countries signed up and ready for the new global banking system, and they all need your help spreading the euro down into the highways and byways of the world. The european central bank will be proud of you and see to it, your residuals will keep coming as the years pass. Of course, even if you do something dumb out here, it'll end up back in the banker's hands, anyways, making the only losers in the big picture, they who fought it and refused to prepare. Thus, get ready to see massive bank failures, on both sides of the atlantic. European banks that couldn't push themselves away from the derivitives game, will crash. The sovereign society has identified those banks that have refused to play with 'air assets' well as, those that do. Which prompts me to replay my advice, WAIT until the dust settles, bef ore getting into investments. Go access, get all the plastic cards you want, go look at asset protection places, figure out with whom you're comfortable, then go sit down somehwere, and let these boys beat the crap out of each other, as they claw to survive this. I've seen all the emails you've sent about this carlyle group stuff. Where there's smoke there's fire. They've been behind the scenes the whole time folks, it's just that now, they've 'gone public' and have a name. Lest anyone thinks these are nice guys looking out for our good, I ask that you do a bit of research and understand the cast of characters in that bunch. If you ever saw old man bush in his black robes, perhaps you'd understand the gravity of my statement. I keep remembering the 2000 elections and what really happened, my own frustration with not being able to scream it from the roof tops. So be it, as they say. Life is a circle and what ever goes around comes around...folks will now be reaping what they've sown, some for the betterment, others, pure hell! Here's where each and every person's free will will be the determinator. So, I understand, they can finally drop everything left without any further, interference. BTW, I have gotten more confirmed drops, and I know that some of you know about some of them and other's don't believe a daggone thing is going on. That's ok, I have to wait my turn too!...and I've had them puppies dropping close to me...oooo..I can't stand that! lololololol I need to thank you, those you of who've helped out...I'm still getting glitter off of me from one of those school projects. Steady as she goes, folks. Donations can continue to go to;

"Hugs and Kisses", Poofness