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Casper Report August 18, 2007

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ho have traveled great distances to be "paid" only to end up getting stiffed or handed an i.o.u. sometimes called a "voucher". Now consider that this lying has occurred also at the highest levels of banking, and between nations, and between creditors and debtors, and even between those with contracts and documents signed by the President of the United States. It's a sewer full of thieves and liars who continually throw sand in the gears of forward progress.

Domestic banks continue to fight the changeover even at this late hour. At a banking meeting in the Netherlands last weekend B. of A. said they would not go along with global banking (Basel II) under any circumstances. This from a bank which is in such bad shape their acquisition has been turned down by Chase (twice), Citi, China, and banks in the Netherlands, Holland, Sweden,and Switzerland. Pity the employees of this "company" controlled bank which would rather go under than suffer the consequences of "transparency". Everything even remotely associated with us has been taken away from them (they held the U.S. distribution contract until recently). Politicians, Supreme Court justices, administration officials, in fear of announcements and loss of "control" have continued sabotage operations every day this week. This has caused the "big boys" to arrive and has put D.C. "on their knees" begging for mercy. There are things that were best left unmentioned over time which still cannot be discussed openly. Suffice it to say a) the vast sums pumped into U.S. banks this week and last were provided by Europe and b) the assets of the Fed Res are owned by those who are now here to get our stuff out the door and to put a stop to the sabotage by GW and his cronies.

Moreover, the data blast Thursday and Friday that the T. Bk's. are not real and the Fed Res survives is all B.S. put out by the liars. The new treasury banking system is up and running, has been tested and is "processing" in preparation for the big changeover which will now likely come well before the 9/19 schedule due to the bloodsport activities of the previous 24 hours.

Lie to us, no cost, no worries, to hell with them, let em eat cake. Lie to the wrong people continuously including Thursday and Friday and now they suffer the consequences.

The handful of programs which are to be delivered first should arrive your doorstep next 48 hours with announcements likely Monday night. The rest follows immediately. You will be directed to a certain bank (big secret). Current news says go there, after the announcements.

The prevalent opinion is that the changeover worldwide from fiat currencies is likely to create great stress and confusion and failure of many domestic financial institutions and banks. Therefore security issues should be first and foremost on your agenda. There really is no telling what the NWO traitors will do next (note their meetings in Canada this week as they move toward the NAU and the confiscation of millions of acres of ranch and farmland from Mexico to Canada to build their super highway with and inland port in Kansas City). Loss of U.S. dollar (Fed Res) hedgemony worldwide, loss of fascist dictatorship at home (constitution) and exposure of crimes you can hardly imagine have the Bush/Clinton/Bush crime syndicate and 3000 or so of their closest allies considering what?? Domestic terrorism ? Marshall law? Crashing the world economy ? Put nothing past these snakes. Nothing. They are crippled but they ain't dead yet.

Other info seems superfluous in view of the above so will end it here. Consider a cookout at home tomorrow.

casper 8-18-07