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Poof Report for January 21, 2007

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embrace the new information, instead holding onto the past, head buried in the sands of time, like a kid with their fingers stuck in the their ears, refusing to listen. Change, is the only thing, that is constant and guaranteed.

This week produced many changes, most of which haven't reached the public yet. I did notice that HR 25 has gotten a little attention, a bill introducing the elimanation of the irs, embracing the flat tax. Besides that, numerous other events transpiring in dc, that are being kept on the quiet side, as long as, people behave themselves, as this thing we have been awaiting for, completes itself. While I have said many times, this Must be finished, and whatever it takes, will be done to ensure that, I don't think Most get the gravity of that statement. Too many still believe in the 'all powerful administration' that itself believes it can do anything in this world, unchallenged. Well, the chinese just pulled off nother 'surprise', which had junior talking out of the top part of his lungs. "They can't do that(shoot down a satellite)". Well, they did it sonny, so saying they can't, is really kind of a dumb comment, dismissing the facts at hand. Send them to school, buy them books, and what do they do? Eat the pages! Another reason for his daddy's tears.

Alright now, it's time to get off of this bivouac situation many of us have been in for a number of years, waiting for the conclusion of things. While some will tell you differently, it was always the protocol that once you receive, you are able to access immediately. I only know of one occasion where receivers had to wait 2 days to access their funds due to a computer problem. For the most part anyone who has gone to europe has been able to access right away, with only that one occasion that I know about.

Once the trustees' accounts were clear, this past week, they began doing test deliveries, making sure that people had no problem accessing their accounts. Don't be confused by what I just said. The prior deliveries were done under 'problematic situations', ie; stealing and pressure to stop them. Thus, 'dribbles'. Since turkey day, the 'bad guys' have had their proverbial butts handed to them, with full exposure of all that they were guilty of, times, dates, amounts, where, and who did it. That software that Europe is using makes everything totally visible...ending the 'good old days'. It's like going from microsoft equipment to apple, going from the left brain to the right. They can't steal anything anymore without it being spotted.

You know I've been talking about a 'downpour' at some point, just dropping everything left, with no more drips of deliveries. Lafayette, we have arrived! While some of you may still believe in the ultimate superiorty of US banking, the dollar ruling the world and all, I can assure of something, when historical ownership documents of our recent banking system (1913) were dropped on the table in front of the arguing bankers in Europe a couple of weeks ago, one could have heard a pin drop. End game, baby! Since they who dropped the documents are with us, supporting us, behind the ECB and the euro, guess what? All that crap about the end of euro, was flushed down the toilet, right there, right then, and there's nothing any banker can do about it, if they value their lives. That's how the big boys roll folks. It's going to be survival issues for them from now on, you're either on the 'right side' of the deal, or you're history. Anybody notice that the oldest swiss banking family(160 yrs) just sold their bank to a Netherlands company? Interestingly enough, it belongs to the rothschilds. There really IS a zeus and co, folks!

That's about all I have to say. This is over, this part over, now keep your head clear be ready to run and stay out of the 'it's ok to access in the us' mindset. Make sure you are a part of the 6% that the Europeans expect to retain their funds because you didn't buy the crap coming out of the 'think tanks' bating everyone with all sorts of nonsense about how accessing in the US will be just fine. Maybe, just maybe, we can raise the % points and show we really do pay attention to what's going on in this world. Here's a website that explains the details of what asset protection is available to you, so you can stop asking me, how it works;

http://www.lcg- (About Foundations)

Consultations available upon request, donations accepted. If I've helped you, remember me, that's all. As I've told you, I'll remain available until the moment I sign that nd, then you're on your own. Read your paperwork carefully and do what you're told to do, to protect yourself. It's very simplistic. Breathe... account

Love and Kisses,

Poofness (Financial Services)