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N E S A R A UPDATE, June 20, 2007 by Patrick H. Bellringer

Patrick H. Bellringer

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at the close of the Age! The speeding up of time has moved us past the prophesied end point of December 21, 2012, and we are now on “borrowed time”.

These last few days of June, 2007 are very important days in Heaven’s Plan. I encourage you to stand strong in the Light of Truth, and hold positive energies for goodness for our world and her people to be achieved—now! Do not spread rumors but be very cautious about what you say concerning the NESARA Mission.

The last few games are being played out by the Darkside. Things are at the turning point, and checkmate is about to be declared on Earth Shan! So I say, believe in change---now, keep creating positive energy, and let the changes happen quietly under the guidance of the Lighted Realms. All is well! Know it!