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Poof Update (NESARA Update)

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is falling down

Well you be a real good little girl

Santa Claus is back in town

Got no sleigh with reindeer

No sack on my back

You're gonna see me comin' in a big black caddilac

Oh, it's Christmas time pretty baby

And the snow is falling on the ground

Well you be a real good little baby

Santa Claus is back in town

Hang up your pretty stockings

And turn off the light

Santa Claus is comin' down your chimney tonight

Oh, it's Christmas time pretty baby

And the snow is falling on the ground

Well you be a real good little baby

Santa Claus is back in town

* * * * * * *

Greetings and Salutations!

Peace and Greetings!

Good gooka mooka...whatta week!!! I guess I have to blow some holes in the sides of some these 'galleons of truth' out here. Hey, just because someone says, they have a contact who's a 'banker', doesn't mean that banker knows what the heck is going on. The term banker can mean anything in the industry. A good chunk of the personnel in a bank, can be called bankers. The question is, in what capacity are they 'bankers'? Are they in the private banking parts of the bank? Are they decision makers, or rank and file order takers? Are they republicans, democrats, or independant? All this means something, when it comes to their view of the future, therefore, tweaking their info in favor of a political viewpoint. I deal with it all the time and strain the info accordingly. I even put my best contacts thru the strainer by back checking with others in the industry. All this stuff flying around here, 'can't' be true. If you haven't a base to work with, you could have your head turned inside out before you know it.

This past week was a pure example of what I'm talking about. While there's all these folks talking about, 'when' it is going to be released, I'm concentrated on the finish. Why? Because it's been happening...being accessed since the end of Jan 2005. It began with tier 1, out of a 5 tier release situation. Now, I would think the managers, who get paid after we do, would know if something they are directly a part of, was set loose or not. As one of them said, as he was standing at certain foreign airport watching the tier 1 people passing by him, "Well, it's begun. Now, I wonder how long it will take them to get to us?" As long as it takes, no doubt.

I've had no one pass on, in my network of information, therefore, I haven't lost anything in my communications. Some things, aren't meant to be public and my folks are smart enough to say nothing that would put anyone in jeopardy that's in a sensitive position. I see this atmosphere starting to rise back up out here, that's making certain folks begin to drop their guard. The powers that be, in this land, haven't all the sudden become 'nice guys' and the patriot act with it's accompanying exec orders, hasn't mysteriously disappeared. Nothing I have told you, over the years, has changed one iota, if fact, they've been strengthened. Yet, my american brothers and sisters, keep sticking the supreme court in the 'intel', as they just can't get their heads wrapped around the idea, that things involving money and banking doesn't necessarily include the Fed or the US Treasury. These guys are in defense, not offense. They are the ones out here begging for loans everyday, just to keep operating. If your debt is over 70 Trillion and rising each and everyday, you only can last as long as your loaners keep loaning. Without a steady transfusion from China and Japan, this gov would be in the same position many of us are in. I'm still trying to figure out where this gov is going to get the gold to flip to metal backed currency, since they have had to ship gold bullion out our own reserves to pay the Brits and the French, after Nixon pulled us off that standard in 72. No way, either country would take 'paper iou's' from us. There's got to be a reason for why that is. Yet, I hear in the rumor mills and from folks who are suppose to be in the know, we're about to move to metal backed treasury currency. On this, I'm from Missouri, 'show me'. No I don't believe it and no one who is in critical banking positions will back it up either.

Listen now and don't beat my box up with these rumors anymore; deliveries are being done thru multi companies. There's no saying which company will be the one who delivers yours. All resources are being used. Some have received thru the various couriers and some have gotten theirs' thru the postal system. If anyone is trying to track how things are arriving, they will remain confused, expending a lot of energy and resources, only to come up with 'all over the map', they'd have to lock everything down to stop deliveries. Business couldn't work here if you tried that, at this time. So resources have been allocated to 'after it's over'...the reason I keep pointing across the waters for access. I don't choose to be involved in the thievery they have planned. I've been given no reason to trust a thing that comes from between their lips.

Now I understand than many of you haven't heard a thing from anyone you know, that's received. You don't know everyone in this program and you'll just have to trust me, or not, my placement allows info to come to me from assorted groups of mk people, that stay out of the loop of rumors or read all the daily blah out here or even particpate in the passing of info around. Who ever ,who is laying behind the scenes in some of these folks networks and passing everything they see that is said to be coming from me, stop making yourself look like you're dumb by passing out info without 'context'. The confusion can only exist by having no base foundation of facts to work off of. That's why, you think the Wanta money has something to do with this, despite the fact, I've been saying for 7 years now, this has nothing to do with anything american. The base funds of this puppy will never be transferred into the states, tho you can run down to your closest access bank, and get access to your account in europe. That's not the same as the imf funds, which are in dollars in the first place. BTW, when imf recipients get notice they can access their money, it comes via the PO. Apples and oranges, the twain shall never meet.

In summation, the people in charge have picked up the delivery rate, for sure, this past week. The percentage of what's left to finish this, is quite low and quite 'doable' in the short short. The most valuable info comes from those who wait behind us. Being that their info comes directly from the banks they will access from, it spells out a wonderful 'any moment' situation for them. Since they were told way back last year, in the spring, at the big meeting in Toronto, 'there was something in front of them that had to be finished first' before they could access, it gives me a reference point on what the big bankers are expecting to happen, when they pass to me, what time it is for them. The ECB and the other attending banks involved in all this money business are all located in the same place, which makes communication quite easy and readily available, over lunch or dinner. There are NO DELAYS! You and I just haven't gotten ours yet but it takes nothing away from the other folks in our camp, who have. I will remind you, that ND is no joke and people are handling that accordingly. So don't be surprised that people aren't spreading it all over the net to make you feel good. Whan I queried about why I wasn't getting more input about drops, I was told, "they better not be telling!" So I'm happy with input I am getting.

So we have entered the 'dog days' of august, so hot, we're breaking records. We all long for cooler placement of our bodies. I kind of feel sorry to see these children having to start back to school at such a time, so different from when school used to start after labor day in sept. I'm still trying figure this one out. Still, backpacks full of papers, binders, pens, pencils, etc, must be purchased and transported back and forth. Help me keep this engine running and the info flowing, while things get wrapped up. Drop a little something into into the account of or email this address for a land contact, if you still appreciate the job I'm doing.

Thank you and maintain your patience, it's almost over for the rest of us.

"Love and Kisses",


* * * * * * *

There's a Brand New Day on the Horizon

(J. Byers)

There's a brand new day on the horizon

Everything's gonna be just fine

There's a brand new day on the horizon

And the whole world's gonna be mine

I'm gonna tell old trouble, he'd better be moving on

Happiness is going to take his place

around here from now on

The old dark clouds are gonna roll away

The sun is gonna shine

And the whole world's gonna be mine

I'm gonna tell old heartaches,

pack his bags and go

I've decided that I don't want him

hanging around no more

Don't you know I said everything's gonna be just fine

'Cause the whole world's gonna be mine

I'm gonna chase away old problems

till they're out of sight

And I guarantee you honey they won't be coming back

Well don't you know I said everything's gonna be all right

'Cause the whole world's gonna be mine

I know my luck's gonna change,

just you wait and see

Startin' tomorrow only good things in life

are going to come to me

There's a brand new day on the horizon

And the whole world's gonna be mine

And the whole world's gonna be mine