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Poof Report for July 22, 2007

Poof Report

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m behind

Chorus: Think it's time we STOP! Hey What's that sound Everybody look what's going down ...

Singing songs and carrying signs Getting so much resistance From behind

Chorus: Think it's time we STOP! Hey What's that sound Everybody look what's going down ...

Paranoia strikes deep Into your life it will creep It starts when you're always afraid Step out of line The Men come and shoot you down

Chorus: Think it's time we STOP! Hey What's that sound Stop and take a look around

Hey! What's that sound Look what's going down.

Greetings and Salutations;

Due to the times, I felt like the 60's protest song was most approbiate for this moment. Most folks remember it being put out on the airwaves by Buffalo Springfield. Some songs tho, are still carrying the weight from the times in which they written.

The 17th of july will go down in infamy as the day, our esteemed resident in the white house signed an executive order, giving the sec of treasury the power to snatch your funds, at will, and as he sees fit. Civil forfeiture laws were given a massive dose of steroids. Nearly anything can be construed as helping to block the reconstruction of iraq. That means if you're aren't going to willingly help them fight this 'war', they can snatch your funds, straight out of the bank, and never say a bloody word to you! You're just broke, when you go to get that coffee at starbucks, first thing in the morning, when you swipe that debit card. They said so, and you have no standing in court to fight it. Go to the white house's web page and read it yourself if you think, this is some mass hallucination. By the way, this includes people protesting this muggle of mess, where we fight them there, so we don't have to fight them here. "War is peace", Orwell, '1984'.

Since it's plainly in the public now, you understand why I've been pointing across the water all these years to access. Respect and trust is earned, not given because you won an election or so. The moon is Not made out of green cheese, no matter how many times you say it is. This is the story of br'er rabbit and the tar baby, you hit it with everything you got and just find yourself stuck to it more. I've got a whole lot to say about this subject but in america, nowadays, it could be construed as blocking the 'war' effort. That's pretty paranoid when the gov can't take being criticized with logic, pure reason. I agree with Jefferson who believed there should be revolution in this country, every few years, just to keep political hacks from getting comfortable...keep the good old boy network uneasy. 'For the people by the people', not for quite a while now. Alright, I'm stepping down from the soapbox, but only until I'm in europe where there's a venue to speak thru. It's pretty pitiful when Sweden is/was offering political assylum for americans. They called us a young democracy that, just didn't 'get it' yet.

Word has reached me, all the pieces of the puzzle, that represents the completion of all money distribution, were locked into a tight bundle on thurs. Why thurs? I haven't the foggiest, except the bankers agreed, and in the hierarchy of things on this planet, that's all that matters. They have always been the 'deciders' in the grand scheme of things. Not presidents or prime ministers. It's important to remember, however, when the bankers 'decidedly' all get on the same page, somebody behind them made them get there. Everybody's got a boss out here, no matter how much money they are sitting on. There are somethings on this planet you can't buy with money...amazing thought, eh? The imf guys got called to europe for their funding meeting, our trustees had a big global coordination meeting on thurs, and the rothschilds announced the british and the french houses are merging, on thurs. I know very well it was the rothschilds who 'inspired' chirac's, no, to helping out in iraq. And they tried to tell you it was because the french were 'chickens'. This is about money folks, and power. Now what this action does to the Bank of England's behavior, I don't know yet, but you can be assured butts are puckering in many august houses of power. I know the house of bush is because the old man tried challenging them for global banking control,(control of the fed) much against the advice of his mentor, rocky himself, who already learned that lesson, when O'Neil was in the treasury.

I got a few rumors about when they are finishing everything out, like dominoes falling, but nothing directly from the folks doing it, as every last one of them shut up, upon entry into the mtgs, and said nothing after they were over. This indicates the whole bunch, our trustees and the imf people have been told to 'lock it up', until everything was done. Since bad news travels fastest in this world, if things weren't a lock, I'd hear complaining already, as everyone is tired of all of this and don't want some yahoo telling them to wait, any longer. There's a choreography to this and would necessarily have to be, considering how much money is being moved. While the story fellow keeps talking about the wanta money as having whatever bearing on the global economic conditions, any one of you who've been reading my missives all these years, know I've been talking about economic chaos just with what's going on between this program and the imf release. Some one way up there somewhere, would have to explain to me, how dumping that many more dollars on the market is going to assuage the situation, since that's the problem in the first place, with 'whirly bob bernake' printing dollars like they are hot cakes at the Huddle House. C'mon, just 'cause they aren't publishing the M3 money reports anymore, doesn't stop central bankers from calling each other, 'Hey Luis, how much you holdin', dude?' Is the whole world suppose to be stupid, in comparison to the 'genius' operating in dc? Or maybe, they didn't want You reading those reports and seeing how the us is approaching 1936 germany behavior, then start asking those pesky little questions.

I Know nothing further. I can only speculate with the evidence I have. All is finished but the finish of the deliveries. With all parties attending enclusive mtgs with the expectant receivers and no moaning coming from any sectors, I can but conclude all parties are in agreement and the time of the end is here. BTW, don't think the chinese have been sitting back on their laurels doing nothing. There's been no discussion on movement of money anywhere on the planet, where they haven't had a representative present.

I know this has been hard on everyone's nervous system but, please understand what I've been trying to get across all these years, this is bigger than ch or mk, the power brokers of this world are flipping the script, shifting the wealth of the planet into other hands, I don't care how much money anybody thinks they have out here, this is scaring the bejeezus out of a whole bunch of them, because it's never been done before, and plans are only as good as you've made them...but there's nothing that can be done to stop it. Fiat currencies are only good for an average of 60 years before there has to be a 'reworking of things'. If they are keeping things tight then, the world will get it's flip this coming week, then everyone will be off to the races, as money movement seems to be always termed in 'hours'. How long wall st will last after this, or how long it takes for the dollar to absolutely tank, doesn't seem like a long path, at all....maybe 10 days after the imf funds are released, seems like a reasonable bet. Damn, I just gave wall st another derivative market to create!

If you need me, I'm here. Consultations remain available. Donations always needed and done thru account

Love, Kisses, and Good Luck,
