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Poof Update for Sunday, August 19, 2997

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r oh ever a Wiz! there was The Wizard of Oz is one becoz, Becoz, becoz, becoz, becoz, becoz. Becoz of the wonderful things he does.

Greetings and Salutations,

I have to drop in a few details into this message which will perhaps help you with the 'stuff' that bounces into everyone's email box from time to time. Certain messages have no validity in facts. In other words, they are constructed on flawed basic foundation, like this program ever being traded or even exposed to it. Goods and chattels have been sold but exposing the the total to the trade game would've been insane.

The funds forthcoming into your hands are the result of a foundation with it's attending trusts being dissolved. A very old foundation with goods and chattels owned for a few centuries, after having been put together way back when. Don't be surprised, there's a couple more out here just like it, old and untouchable.

The dissolution orders said the forthcoming from this had to be distributed to the lower ends of the economic strata. The holders of these old documents came together in brussels for the resolution. It was like manna from heaven, the rest of the piece to put the euro into place and recapture european economic dominance. Perhaps even the next reserve currency of the world!

Note something here, brussels is the seat of the world gov, not dc. While that may mean nothing directly to you, especially if you live in the us, you can bet every world gov has to deal with brussels.

In the spring of 2003, there where certain folks from this side of the water that went there to stop deliveries from happening then, claiming national security concerns(not ready) and promising to start paying their bills to europe, first payment due in sept 03. It didn't happen.

Two months later brussels calls all the big bankers in for a meeting and lays down the protocols for the dispursement of all this money. They cut the dollar out of the equation by going east and finding central banks willing to support the euro in the release.

They also put the imf program releases directly after the finish of this program.

After all that was laid out, all hell broke out. Brussels stuck to it's guns, the us would be bankrupted first if that what was necessary to get this business overwith. Yo, anybody have any doubts this government is running air? So Bernake can print until the cows come home, hoping folks will keep taking them for payment.

Meanwhile, Europe is sitting on a cache of off the books, debt free money. Brokers, traders, and yes, even bankers, are shivering right now. The status quo is being flipped on it's head and the world has never dealt with a 'sudden shift' in banking and finances before. Things have always seemed to move on a more plodding path.

What you haven't been informed of, at least publically is, this change has been on it's way for a looong time, and always something that had to happen. The question always had to be about managing the inevitable, not whether it was going to happen or not.

I say Follow the Yellow Brick Road with conviction. Despite anything you are hearing out here, the proof of the pudding will be in the eating. You'll know for sure who knows what they are talking about when that packy hits your hands and you read the instructions.

Junior is past the place where he's got anything to say about this thing and what goes with it. He's been given his instructions and he will accomplish that before any of the madness breaks out on these shores, and you can take that to the bank with ya, when you go. Brussels doesn't use hobnail boots to get things's soooo 20th century.

How many times have I mentioned that this is huge game of global Risk and you never try to control the middle east, if you expect to win the game? or the us doesn't run the world, it just thinks it does?

The europeans are expecting the best and the brightest to show up over there because it means you 'got it' and maybe just maybe you'll help out with all the stuff that needs done out here. That hasn't a thing to do with book learning, it has to do with common sense and following your heart into fearlessness, that thing driving you from the gut level.

Last week's business was completed by thurs, again...more of little children dragging themselves home. The runway or gangplank is clear of the debris of the last landings. With all this blood all over the trading floors, it's time for the medicine to be adminstered and induce the healing crises. Nothing or anytime is going to be 'perfect', somebody is always going to have an issue, that's the nature of this world.

In this case and the most merciful is to shoot a quick right hand between the left and right guards to a spot right on the chin button...joe louis had a 6" knock out punch, ali's was so fast you couldn't see it and only the films could show you where it came from.

Well so much for my analogies, somebody's got a right cocked and ready for delivery...some say it's already on the flight path. What do I know, I wait for one of you to let me know you've set free or the nice person stops by my door. I learned a long time ago, if you have a date, it's most likely inaccurate, and if you have a name, that's most likely not the guy in charge.

As I continue scaping my fingernails down the chalk board, we don't have a problem other than children bankers with their lips poked out, dragging on the ground, having to do what their master have ordered and taking every advantage of 'tripping over their feet' they can.

Meanwhile, the dragon comes and patience has been exhausted.

Had to push away from this thing for a moment, so some of you that were trying to get a response from me....I wasn't here. I see some of the most insane messages come across my desk and sooner or later, I just push away and I have to go shower off the intellectual spillage.

Some one compared this with trying to inform people that Soylent Green really was 'texturized humans' and no one believing you as they headed in to watch their movie and become a green biscuit.

Hey, I'm still here and I'm continuing the consultations. Email this address. Donations are needed and accepted at account

Just hang tight my brothers and sisters, they have hit the last skin of this onion and we're it.

I wouldn't want to be in anyone's shoes who 'tried' anything right now. They might look like the guy they found hanging off the bridge in London a few years ago, he was a banker, too. As they say, don't get in the game unless you're ready to follow the rules. lolololol

Love and Kisses, Poofness