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No info is forthcoming regarding progress of final step completion at this time. "We are that close" is the latest info being given per independent sources .

To understand and ID some of the players, one needs to look back into ancient history, WAY BACK in the beginning of around 3,000 to 4,000 BC to ID the WHO and WHY and WHAT and WHERE did they come from. Then fast forward to around 300 AD and again to 10th to 16th Century AD for the updated players and the family infighting for power and working the "agenda". In these time periods one can ID the family factions, the deceptions being put into play. Fast Forward again to 18th -20th century. The THEME of purpose has not changed, the Names can be identified in part, the balance of power shifts can be seen, the countries involved can be identified, the veil going down over human kind and Truth of history ( not the "official text book version" they want you to believe) can be identified by composite of important events in history from a variety of "out of the box" documented sources. Families and their "secret society" under various names and disguise can be identified in part or in whole.

Remember the old TV program with Joe Friday called BADGE 714 ?? A famous line they used was, "The names have been changed to protect the innocent".

We are now in the 21st Century, the Veil is lifting, the TRUTH is being exposed. Some Names have been changed, and some have not. Some are innocent, and some are not. The family game is changing, we are part of the part of the "innocents". The family theme is the same, as it has been for century after century, but this time..the results of their games are moving into the "unknown" realm.

Part of the family wants and needs us to have the money at this time for the "agenda" to continue to move forward, the other part of the family would take the world down in trying to keep their hold on their perceived power position, apparently forgetting the overall "agenda".

Divide and the name of the family game being played.

The world is like a giant Chess Board to them. We are the pawns.

For those that understand the game of chess, you are aware that the common thinking is Pawns are played as "expendable" pieces of the game . But, the wise player treats them with due respect, because ONLY the Pawn, well played, can BECOME an important that can be literally changed into another important piece, to change the complexity and WIN the game.

To that end, may we all succeed.