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From the Desk of the Unknown - Sept. 5, 2007 (Updated: "Afternoon From The Unknown")

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a coalition of folks that are fighting to get this done...on our behalf.

Please remember these Brave Folks.....doing battle with Serpents, Snakes, Rats and Thieves.

We at least are not going at this without "soldiers and support".............

We do have an "army" of people doing battle daily for the positive outcome we all desire .

Financially the country NEEDS this funding to take place.....

It is no longer on an individual basis....

The majority of the country is Paycheck to paycheck...IF THEY ARE LUCKY ENOUGH TO HAVE A JOB!

Let's see what the day brings......we may get lucky later with some GOOD NEWS.


UPDATE:  "Afternoon from The Unknown" Sept. 5, 2007

You will see the "Hour by Hour" in effect.

At the begining of this day--there was a Red Light.

The pad of those famous Stop Orders was put to use.

There is..even at this hour...activity taking place.......

Still marching directly towards us.

At what seems like a snails pace.

There have been threats made....

We believe..that THIS TIME...the folks are paying attention.

Now, mid afternoon...there is a Green Light.

So, Once again....

We wait.

We watch.

We listen.


We'll See what the next 24 hours will bring!

Watching for that Pink Zebra with Purple Stipes.

I will happily answer the door when they knock.

I'll even make coffee! (__)