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Casper Update: September 27, 2007

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t of it. Protecting " team members" who provide most of the info in the updates is part of it, and protecting " sources" who's careers are often on the line is a huge part of it. If "they" ever came for me it would be relatively easy to find and close the "leaks" many of which have already been found and closed, not to mention the "interrogation" itself.

In the beginning the primary motivation behind these updates was to play middle-man between large numbers of compartmentalized Trustees, Bankers, Etc..who could not communicate with each other and knew little about what was happening in the next "cubical" much less around the world. Some had signed as many as twelve nondisclosures. This isolated each of them leaving them with the feeling that they were the only one working toward our success (funding). This effort was a great success as the splintered and isolated groups came to realize the magnitude of the endeavor and that there was now a route by which they could make known to similarly situated others what was happening, good and bad. Still later, this vehicle became an update mechanism for the "participants" generally, in an attempt to alleviate some of the suffering and to show that hope lives and all was not lost no matter what they were hearing elsewhere. When things really bogged down a year or so ago the primary motivation again changed to one of exposing the activities of the bad guys, shining a light to the extent possible into their secret meetings and plans. This created the intended "synergy" allowing our "helpers" to know and to spread "their" tactics and strategies far and wide which in turn allowed those capable of doing something to do something.

We became a thrower of "hand grenades" (information) which sometimes created spectacular results and sometimes fizzled completely. Did you know, do you remember us telling you, that is was not at all uncommon for Casper e-mails to be read openly in meetings all over the world and sometimes displayed on tables full of documents for participants to review at their leisure over the two or three days of meetings ?? It was not the messenger who was of interest to the Wld. Court, the Sup. Ct., the G-8, etc., although it was probably a curiosity. It was what was being said that caused the firestorm. Back then we were seriously worried about our personal safety, our families safety, and the safety of the sources of the explosive information which was sometimes coming from within the bad guys own meetings. It was and intense time as we intentionally washed their dirty laundry in public month after month not because we desired to be a supermarket rag or had any personal ambitions, but rather to enable diverse and unrelated "helpers" to put the information into the hands of those who could do something with it, i.e. to overcome the "darkside" plans of the day. And finally, anonymity as a general principal was/is an attempt to keep the focus on the message not the messenger.

It was/is the "information" that made a difference, not the messenger. In slow times, in times of a vacuum, this messenger took liberties and talked politics, economics, and emphasized personal opinions. In retrospect that was probably a mistake as you just can't say anything in this modern world without alienating half the people. So for that i plead guilty but to tell you the truest truth i am not sure i would change it if i could as i too have a right to an opinion.

Who is "team"? Who is "we"? Well, "we" are the opposite of "they". They said NO to funding, No to the constitution, NO to treasury banking, NO end to D.C. corruption, No to exposure of horrific deeds done, NO announcements. "We" said YES to all this and tried our best to "give em hell" every day for years. Information provided by Casper, as stated many times, comes from our "team", sometimes referred to as our "intell group", a dozen or so of the "tried and true" , Casper is a member of that team not the "leader" of that team. If we accomplished anything good, if we influenced the outcome, ever, it was the team that did so. And that word extends way beyond our very personal group to all the messengers who helped keep the heat on "They/Them". Hopefully this will help you to understand why anonymity was perceived to be so important. If there is anyone anywhere who actually knows who i am, thank you for protecting my identity and in turn those associated with me.

And now, it really is time to sunset the ghost and get on with a different kind of life. Expect deliveries this week, perhaps even today, and into the banks Monday. Announcements may be as early as tonight. CHOW.

casper 9-27-07