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NESARA Is Absolute

From: Michael

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the ABSOLUTE truth!!

So let's all not only SEE and KNOW that NESARA is ABSOLUTE---let's focus together, as a powerful GROUP MIND, on 2 or 3 very potent and singular "NOW images" .... I suggest: SEE & FEEL...

1) Giving thanks as we see and hear the news of the arrest and stepping down of BUSH, Cheney & Blair, and other war and 9/11 crimminals...

2) See clouds of spaceships of benevolent ET Hosts filling the skies near where we live...

3) See and feel the absolute JOY, the elation and PEACE felt by yourself and others everywhere---as all the "new world" benefits of NESARA affect each and all of us on earth ... pollution ending, health attention and care for young, old and homeless, and the expression of genuine LOVE in our own hearts and the hearts of others around us... So be it. Bless your heart. We are One. In loving brotherhood...***Michael
