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Casper Updates: Sept. 24, 2007

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today and now says " unless ALL my trades are allowed to go through I will burn the packages".

I will not resign and nothing you can do.

The World Bank says "your illegal trading of other peoples money is over, no trades will be allowed-period.

Sorry to have to bring you this news. All we can do is observe the secret world financial war and report developments as they occur which we will do.

casper 9-24-07 p.m.

2nd update

This afternoon all countries in the world were notified of GW's actions and his threats. Their reaction has been immediate, severe and consistant.

GW has been warned that if he touches a single pack he will spend the rest of his life in prison. ALL supreme court judges have recieved a similar warning and the corrupt Wld Court judges who have backed the ATTEMPTED trades have had their countries of origin notified that they will be embargoed by all other countries if any of them assist GW in any way.

Our side, led by the World Bank, is working to retrieve the packages now. More when available.

casper 9-24-07