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Update - January 1, 2007


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It appears that we have been waiting for the final steps to be taken.......

the RE-valuation of the Euro.

The road for the Euro has been bumpy---as not all countries wanted to use

that currency.

The Euro was not accepted a widely as anticipated.

The banking society IS changing.

Our boys here..the big bankers...that HAVE BEEN in control...and have put up

one Hell of a fight to keep that position---have lost ground. They have

been pressured by China...Europe...Russia, Germany, India and BACK DOWN from the BULLY position.

The boys have taken every measure they could to KEEP the bully

position---and one of the operatives to do that was to withhold the

delivery..keeping the $$ in THEIR coffers..and NOT ours. Keeping the POWER

in their hands..not ours.

The bankers here...and abroad have been eye ball to eye ball.....working out

the differences between the sides of the pond.

Keep in mind...OUR banking here comes from the Bank of Rothschild's.

IT is a COUSIN to the Euro banks...not a step child ...but actually a direct

descendent....still linked together at the hip so to speak.

Like with any family that goes thru a Divorce....there are items that have

to be divided---sorted out...and Rules set to accommodate the new changes in

the family.

We have watched and heard of these changes...of these new rules...of this


As the banking society changes...we are part of that change. We have no

option. We have to be part of it--just as every other citizen will be part

of it. We, the participants in each of the 1000+ programs may have a bit

more info regarding these changes--but NO ONE is 100% versed in actually


We know that our banking system is broken.

It is past the point of being able to be fixed.

Interest rates are eating people alive.

Credit card debt ( unsecured debt) is mounting--due to the ease in which

credit can be gained.

The banks have issued millions of cards to people that never should have had

a credit card--and now these same folks can not pay back the debt load they


Compound that with---MILLIONS of people that have lived on Credit Cards from crisis situations etc.

These folks are not paying the debt.

The banks are all screaming. Their income streams have been cut off.

The BIG WEALTHY BANKERS are suffering. Their income is less..and the

Wheel.... The F.R. that just keeps printing more $$$...has been exposed.

The other countries around the world have been doing the same thing.

We are not alone....all countries have been propping up their banking

systems...with fiat dollars that are absolutely worthless.

Many countries have warehouses of our FRNS...and these same countries don't

want any more of the worthless stuff.

They want to be able to deal in REAL money...not Disney Dollars.

The BIG WEALTHY BANKERS from around the worked have been working thru a very

difficult situation---to REBALANCE the books WORLD WIDE.

Just like when I balance my checkbook....or you balance yours.....THEY have

been doing the same thing.

Balancing the books Globally.

Who owes what and to whom.

Next comes the part....of How to REPAY that debt country to country...and in

WHAT CURRENCY will it be repaid.

The most recent meetings have been about EXACTLY that.

How to repay the global debts....When to repay the global debts...and with

what currency will they repay the global debts.

Some countries will accept the Euro...others will not.

Some countries will not take the FERNS...

Some will take an Eraser to the Debt...and just wipe it out---debt to debt


We understand that a new currency is IMMINENT.

That it WILL be a metals backed currency.

Do not expect that to happen over night.

There are Band-Aids in position to get the US thru the change over.

Last week the media spoke of the Amero.

The USA ...Euro..or a similar form of the Euro.

That is a Band aid.

We are going to receive our anticipated deliveries very soon...and it will

be spendable here.

You will be able to use the currency here.

There will be currency from "over there" well.

The most sensible thing to do---is to use the $$ that is in banks

here....use it here.

The $$ that is in banks from Over There.....use it Over there.

Don't try to move what is here...out of here.

Don't try to move what is here.

There will be PLENTY of $$ on the AMEX float you during this


The card now is reported to hold 80M.

Let the banking dust settle----then make some good decisions based on the

conditions at THAT TIME.

We will continue to hear confusing stories--as the conditions change.

What makes sense one day...will not make sense the next day, as these same

conditions change.

We just need to be cautious--and be careful.

Not to make any hasty decisions regarding the offshore portions of the



We have all heard the BY THE !ST OF THE YEAR STORIES....

Yes...there was a 1st deadline....but that didn't include delivery to your


You must look at his from THEIR point of view.

The longer they Hold Out...the more $ they have been able to


That part is done.

They can't make, take....steal any more.

There are too many eyes watching.

They met the 1st deadline---of Constructive Delivery.

That would mean that the Contracts for Delivery have been signed.

The next step will be delivery.

Our contact in Brussels is saying WITHIN 48 HOURS>>>>

Our Contacts here are ALL saying Tuesday and Wed. delivery.

There have been NO COURIER companies working on Sunday or today

either.......................which explains why nothing has landed in the

last couple of days.

Just hang on folks......The Banking society is changing---the final steps

are done...

There is no more paperwork to more fights to be settled.


Delivery is IMMINENT.

So.... Have a Happy New Years Day.....and keep an eye out for deliveries to


Starting tomorrow.