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Poof Message of December 24, 2006

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Here comes santa claus, here comes santa claus,

Riding down santa claus lane.

He's got a bag that's filled with toys

For boys and girls again.

Hear those sleigh bells jingle jangle,

What a beautiful sight.

Jump in bed and cover up your head,

Because santa claus comes tonight.

Here comes santa claus, here comes santa claus,

Riding down santa claus lane.

He doesn't care if you're a rich or poor boy,

He loves you just the same.

Santa knows that we're god's children,

That makes everything right.

Fill your hea r s with christmas cheer,

'cause santa claus comes tonight.

Well, here comes santa claus, here comes santa claus,

Riding down santa claus lane.

He'll come around when the chimes ring out

It's christmas morn again.

Peace on earth will come to all

If we just follow the light

Let's give thanks to the lord above,

'cause santa claus comes tonight.

'cause santa claus comes tonight

Seasons Greetings,

Information with the proceedings of this program, reminds of what they say about the weather in Taos, NM. "If you don't like the weather, wait a few minutes, it'll change". So it goes with the statement of 'stoppage'. There are some people in this world, especially, they who do the hiring and firing, that don't take no, for an answer. I am simply saying, what is happening right now is

a 'no down, no return' type situation. The banking world is going 21st century and there's nothing that can be done to stop it. For the last number of years, you've watched some of it's birth pangs. Most ignored by the public as they are too busy putting bread on their tables.

Yet, as things have internally escalated in the money zones, the middle class began to feel something changing, as they've had to work harder and harder to maintain status quo. You can tell me 24/7 everything is just peachy with this economy but evidence of a different world is everywhere apparent, things that can't be ignored by anyone who's paying attention. When you put your economy in the hands of 'foreigners', you are subject to their will. You are eating food from far away places now, but few pay attention, and that's where the problem is.(pick those lables off the fruit and veggies and see where they came from) Ignorance is Not bliss. It is your country and it is important to look over the elected's shoulders and see how they are, or are not, handling all t hat tax money they are collecting from you. If our president were held up the same standard as any ceo in this country, he'd have been fired for running the company into bankruptcy. Paulson, sure couldn't have been ceo of goldman sachs, if he ran it like this gov, but alas, he's in a trick bag, between a rock and a hard place. There are certain immutable facts, that no amount of dancing is going to change. The us is in hoc, way over any ability to pay, and the collectors are holding the billing statements. The best Mr Paulson can do is, ask. Ask around, see if anybody wants to jump in, and 'give a brother a hand'.

Some of you remember when I told you that, at some point in the future, things around here would resemble a 'sheriff's sale'. Sounded so impossible then, didn't it? It was also impossible, we'd ever stop making rude comments about things made in china, as 'we' were the power house of the world, and no on e can 'do it' better than 'we' can. Oh that Spirit is still alive here, but right now, it's not being used. No, we are having our butts to be handed to us because we are allowing people who have other interests, run our business in the world. Anyone who's ever run a farm knows very well, survival is soley depending on what that dirt under the feet is going

to produce and the sales after. If we were really looking out for the security of the american people, we'd make sure that, before anything external to this country took place, this infrastructrure would be solid. We'd have uncapped the oil wells between here and canada and

keep our own machine well oiled. I add the canadians because, face it, their gov and ours have been 'coordinating things' for a long time. But, then again, I read the 'gem stone papers' a long time ago and have traveled and spoken with my canadian neighbors often.

Whether anyone wants to stand up to their 'authe n ticity' or not, the pattern has been followed explicitedly. We cap our wells, and drain the arabs of their's. The documents I read in dc, were authored in the late teens of the last century. That time period, remember, was when it was decided, 'we' were going with edison rather than tesla, AC rather then 'free energy' pulled out of the air, which would create 'domes' of energy in which everything within would be powered. No need for outlets in the wall or, wires running thru your neighborhood on top of poles to carry power to each home. That's a lot of unnecessarily used copper. Funny as it may sound, we could have been living in the world of the 'jetsons' by now, if a bunch of people weren't so greedy.

So Poof, what's any of that got to do with the price of cheese in china? Exactly this; the funds that you're are receiving are an important ingredient to provide the bridge work to finally arrive where we should have been a long time ago. The Danes have already done their own experiments and have free energy as a viable alternative to fossil fuel.(the company is now looking for investors) You better bet, it made anything remotely connected to oil power highly nervous. The finish of this program, across the bottem levels, into the hands of the common people, providing the bumper mechansim the europeans need to survive the shift from the dollar based world to a multi currency field with the euro holding reserve status, after the dollar is debased. Smart people see a disaster arriving and prepare for it.

That's what the europeans did. There was no way they were going into inorderly economic chaos, along with the us. They decided long ago, they weren't going to be the 'company' in the 'misery loves company' scenario. While 'everyone' sees a big problem out here in the banking world, few think for a second that, maybe, just maybe, the europeans, planned fo r it. I told you europeans think in 100 year increments, not our, 10-15. Plans were made accordingly to deal with it. I would love to sit down with the hapsburg family right now, and listen to their take on the present economic/political/power, 'situation' right now. It would be wise if some of these wise wizards from dc actually had a sit down with them too. Watch Austria's behavior thru all of these changes. They remain, after all that's happened since ww1, the emperors of the holy roman empire. (It's not funny to them) Since the return of the bulk of their gold, whether you hear about it or not, they are definately on the move. The NE corner of Italy is already considering a return to Austria...ahhh we're american, who cares? Oh, it will mean something soon.

The debit card is not the access, it is but the beginning. Stiff upper lip, ya'll. We're going thru the 'passage' and the water is rough...the unbelievable, the ineffable, the impossible, transpires right now. Those who've gone before us can only say, 'it's easy, don't worry, you're well taken care of, you'll have plenty'. And no one who's actually received is talking billionaire status, so stop thinking you're going to buy out the Hunts, or buy the King Ranch in Tx.

One more time, because, apparently I need to repeat myself. One debit card, loaded with about 5g's in us dollars, is what you get. If any of you would just call a bank, even a foreign bank, ask them if they'd load a debit card with millions of dollars and deliver it to god knows where, after all these years, you'd quit asking me. How often have I asked you to engage 'common sense' when you hear this stuff out here? Even Clinton was told, you don't keep a million on a debit card, and you're being asked to believe they'd put 7 figures on a piece of plastic, and you haven't even 'accessed' yet?

Why bother going to access any thing if someone is sending you a debit card that you could buy a house in Beverly Hills with? Sorry but, get down here on earth. It's all very mundane, after all. You've won the lottery, now, what are you going to do with your winnings? This has all been engineered, very practically, so 'be wise as serpents and cautious as doves', as it's your future we're talking about.

Whomever received their packy, over the last few days, 'good night and good luck', see ya out there somehwere. The rest of us, are ready to go, too. We're all bored and are just aching to get going. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year, tho we long to be sitting where you are right now. I want to send a shout out to all my peeps; let the ocean waves roll and take away the sorrow, may the harvest of the fall provide you bounty, let the sounds of south philly the and 'riddems of island' bring you peace in the stresses of the day, let the spirit of peace touch all of the souls who walk this walk... as you know they think we're all crazy...LOLOLLOLOLLOLOLOOLOLOLL!!!!!!!!! May the road rise up to meet ya.

By now, ya know if you have any serious questions about access and asset protection, dealing with us taxes and such, all you do is contact me thru this email address. Fees are handled along with contributions, thru paypal or writing for the land address. account

BTW, if I point you in a direction, for asset protection or anything else, it's because I'd do it myself and it comes from a lot of research...or as georgie would say 'hard work'. That's why, I point you in the direction of multi-billionaires, like the path of Onassis, to protect what you receive and start moving things 'around here' so you're not 'victims' of economic suicide. An anstalt foundation costs 15,000 and it's the best that money can buy, if you buy the panama knock off, you get what you get at around 5000. I return you constantly, your own power, you decide. Gotta trust you're own 'guts', as you are the steward, I'm just holding this torch, so you can see what you're doing, seeee??

"Love and Kisses"
