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N E S A R A UPDATE: July 9, 2007 by Patrick H. Bellringer

Patrick H. Bellringer

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g positive energies for goodness for our world and her people at that time. Jun 30, 2007 was a very definite “line in the sand”, creating a “sliding window” during which the NESARA Mission can now move forward toward completion.

This week of July 9-13 has the greatest potential yet for this to happen. Both sequence and timing are finally coming together. Be assured that the New World Order is dead, and that great numbers of the very evil Illuminati Family have been arrested and removed from their positions of power and control for resisting the completion of the NESARA Mission.

Many little Darkside games have been played in these past three weeks, but these evil players are no match against our Lightworker warriors and the Forces of Heaven. May you continue to support them this week with your prayer power.

All is most certainly not lost, as some believe. This is Heaven’s Plan unfolding, and Heaven wins, always! There shall soon be an end to this most crucial mission, and it shall be very good. Know it!