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Poof Report - June 10, 2007

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Lookin' for some happiness

But there is only loneliness to find

Jump to the left, turn to the right

Lookin' upstairs, lookin' behind, yeah!

Lookin' for some happiness

But there is only loneliness to find

Jump to the left, turn to the right

Lookin' upstairs, lookin' behind.

Lookin' back on the track for a little green bag,

Got to find just the kind or I'm losin' my mind

Out of sight in the night out of sight in the day,

Lookin' back on the track gonna do it my way.

Lookin' back on the track for a little little green bag,

Got to find just the kind or I'm losin' my mind,


Lookin' for some happiness

But there is only loneliness to find

Jump to the left, turn to the right

Lookin' upstairs, lookin' behind.

Pa pa pa pa pa pa ....

Greetings and Salutations,

I know, I know, I know, you're beat, tired, and ready to throw in the towel. Never heard such insanity in your life! It'll never happen, and 'Poof you're nuts, no one has received sh..., you're trying to make us believe fantasy..and even if it is true, 'they' will never allow us to have it!" There, I said it! What amazes me is, I don't even know all the people in this program, but people tell me about the thousands they know in it....ummm and you expect everyone to say something when packet man stops by with the ND from hell. I got lenders out here with very good friends, who weren't advised for over a month or so, after receiving. I'm just lucky, that's all. I gained trust by keeping a tight rein on my mouth, people know I won't put their business on the street, no matter what. Even tho people have received right up next to me, they remain in the innocuous category...even tho sometimes I wonder if perhaps I have something really smelly on my face, that keeps the nice

folks away from my door.

Several weeks ago, all funds were pulled from the various trusts and the foundation, after audits and the release of no longer needed trustees. The funds were 'stashed' in an undisclosed location for protection. This happened after the countless attacks on the money, as folks of ill repute kept trying to keep we 'low enders' from getting what was due us. The old, 'they don't deserve it' trip. The world is changing however, as Paris Hilton just discovered. More and more of the human population is losing it's tolerence for being abused in any way. As I stated years ago, and continue to speak out, this money is 'earmarked' and whether a half full glass viewpoint is what you hold, nothing will change that. How many times have I said,

the us doesn't run the world, it just thinks it does? But some of you got hammered in your emails by just that statement. All the money is being sent into the us treasury..from europe. In a pig's eye! (Sorry, my porcine friends. Pigs are actually quite intelligent and unafraid to look you in the eye.)

So, moving on..once things were put away, full concentration could be put upon delivery. I told you about a person having to be replaced for just being too old to continue his functionings with this thing. The replacement signed 'zee papers' last thurs, that allowed the funds to come out of their invisible state so that you could go to a bank and access 'immediately' after the reception of your documents. When I say 'immediately', that's like you could run down to the bank that very day, and access your funds. That's always been an important protocol, but something certain individuals kept trying to upset, thru thievery or hiding out when they were suppose to be somewhere doing their jobs. Over last weekend our new boy, was doing whatever he was suppose to be doing, in his new post, to prepare to send it out. Come tuesday, it was released for the flooding. Now because I sit up all hours of the night and watch the markets, I heard someone make an aside comment about the

german banks having a banking holiday the next day. It didn't take a brain scientist to figure out, if the distribution center was drinking beer on weds, no one was going to be around manning phones or handling accessing...forget weds. So right on schedule, in comes a call...thurs it was kicked out the door and from that point on, it would be straight on 'til morning.

Now I've heard all kinds of things about Ms Merkel, she's with us, she's against us, she's with us again. Same thing with the queen of england, no she's not the only queen out there, nor the most powerful either, if you knew european pedigree. The queen you'd really need to pay attention to is queen B of the Netherlands, the lady ain't nobody's joke but never makes a spectical of herself, plus she's a big backer of the euro, alongside the rothschilds. Which makes me question mr story's insider info. Methinks somebody is blowing smoke in his direction if he thinks for a second the rothschilds are, in any way, in bed with the bush clan. When you say Bank of England you must necessarily include the the rothschilds. Steal from them, you got problems you're doctor couldn't even get off of you, ask Rocky. He didn't know he was had until after Mr O'neil, a rothschild agent, sent 1t up out of here, before junior and the boys realized what was up.

In other words folks, you're still going to get your money, just like they who've already received have. This is a really nasty game of survival, the ultimate game of Risk. The bush regime already commited to the fatal error in the game, trying to hold the middle east. Stay out of family business and you'll be ok. The arabs and the isrealis are half brothers and sisters and no amount of outside intervention is going to solve it. They know this, it seems everyone else doesn't, by their behavior. You get into a internicene battle, you're the one they both turn on and whose butt get's kicked. Hey, we learned this growing up in the neighborhood, what's up with DC? Forgot the basics, I guess. My friends, remember these two terms, as things unfold in the middle east, Ashkenazic Jew and Sephardic Jew, upon these two groups of people does Isreal's future rest upon. Until this is clearly understood by the west, and acted upon, you'll continue to have a problem. The arabs know the

difference but america doesn't nor does it care. Thus the term 'zionist' get's bandied about by ignorant people who think they know what they are talking about. I don't think most of you know this but, did you know the Vatican has video cams stationed outside of Jeruselem so they can catch the Return of Christ on camera, entering the gate?...and I'm crazy!

I only put the above in because everything is on the move and whether you're in the us or some other country, you're going to catch some weirdness no matter where you are, just don't be trippin'. Take it all in stride...there's going to be some 'wierdness' in Mecca too! The truth is, before it's all said and done, the whole thing is going to be upside down and messed up from what it was....and it all begins with the transference of the wealth of the world. This has Always been more than just dropping some funds in your back pocket. Poofy don't play, man...Poofy got kicked out of kindergarten, 'cause he wouldn't play. LOLOLOLOLOLOL

I hope I've helped everyone left, to prepare. Don't buy any wooden nickels out here, keep your heads clear, and give these sorry suckers nothing to work with. Let Them eat cake for a change, and you have filet mignon, while they scream from the recompense for what they have done to the common people. Straight on 'til morning ya'll. If you need me, send an email and we can set up a consult before you and I are both outta here. Drop a little something in the contribution box, if you can. account

Love and Kisses,


PS: Big Hugs Too, might know everyone could use a hug.