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Poof Update: Sept. 9, 2007

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came as a bit of a surprise to hear one of them refer to a certain person as an 's.o.b', who'd been a problem. This person was laying way down in the bottem of the swamp, making money, hand over fist with a document he was holding against our particular level of receivership. Why not, we don't deserve it anyway, right? Jeeze, for a 'scam' there were certainly alot of people who had no problem 'dipping' with whatever instruments they were holding. They never could directly hit the principle so some of the collateral holders, who'd already been paid off, decided they wanted more because the net was larger than it was then and one in particular held on to the very last moment. Very interesting tho, no matter how big the cajones anyone has had out here, the dragon scares the bejeezus out of them, which caused them to quickly relent from their activities. Dragon fire can make a whole swamp boil, causing anything in it to quickly rise to the surface and vacate. Ummm, fried gatortail, just so sweet...'I gairuntee!

So, after they reached the bottem of the 000k input level and a big no was given for anyone to trade money in the hopper before the loose cannons were delivered, some 's o b' decided they could defy that and do what they wanted, that was just before a big flame hit that butt and common sense was returned. So, our trustees, the lowest of the low, were given their pay vouchers, a prerequisite on every level before a delivery. These, they cash in upon completion of the job. The green light came on this past weds for this last and final round to be done...low and behold here comes the swamp thing, up out of the muck with it's hand out. That paperwork was cleared and great joy returned to the people of Mudville. The swamp monster's gone, the swamp monster's gone, they sang. Now it's 'Mos' Scocious'.

There's no doubt most out here don't have the ability to set up asset protection before they access but there's no need to be concerned, despite these reptiles trying to scare you with 'ooooo, when you access in europe, the banks have to tell on you', therefore some are caught in the quandry of how you protect your assets. If that were true the treasury wouldn't have so many folks on the ground over there trying to spot americans coming to access. They'd just wait until the european union banks collected all of our names and dutifully sent them to the us treasury. The us was unwilling to 'out' europeans with accounts in our best tax haven in the world, the europeans reciprocated with not giving the us info on americans either. No way this goes under 'terrorist money' since the ECB is providing the euros to pay it out, hello!(euro accounts are none of the us treasury's business) I just remind everyone to leave the skyscaper banks alone over there, waaaay too much exposure to funky loans and derivitives. As Mr. Sinclair says...'d' day is here on that stuff.(jsmineset)

We're in that zone, where things are going to happen very fast. Like dominoes falling, catch the first wave and secure your future immediately as possible. The fallout will be utterly uncompromising.

The nice young lady over at rumormill news gave a little background on the families and money to be dispursed, this past week. While some of the details are not there, there's plenty enough to give fill on what I've been talking about for 7 years. Nothing like experience to clear the air on certain subject matter. She uses the term 'factions', I say, 'black hats, grey hats, and white hats'...same thing. One would trully be surprised to know really how much gold is secreted away, in light of the reports of how little physical gold there is supposed to be. You can be sure the Swiss aren't trying to tell what they've got stashed in the mtns!

So according to my weekend calls, the fat lady cleared her throat on friday and will be hitting high c over c during this week. So if you have relatives in europe, give them a shout and tell them you want to connect with the family and see how everyone's doing lately....maybe stay with them for a moment, eh? Most of what you hear in us media is crap and you won't realize that until you're out of the bubble and take a few gulps of some fresh air. When the new global banking system comes online in the us, it'll take americans a minute but the order of the times will start clarifying itself in the grey matter. 'They've' had plans for the euro since it's inception so don't start thinking just because the brits hate it, it's going anywhere right away. The new french president needs to watch his step too in his new cosiness with junior, he's in rothschild country and they are also behind the euro.

Stay loose, don't panic, and don't get all wound up with the fact that change is afoot. You're a part of that change and not an expendable one so, chill out. The big bad boogie man is out here trying to intimidate every lender in this country, just so you'll get nervous and screw up, handing them your money. Oh, yea, ask anyone who has one, there's no such thing as 'private banking' in the us. You want private banking, the real kind, go to europe. The elite rich folks had that set up back in the 40's after the war....check rocky's work in 1947....imf, world bank...etc, etc. I know none of this was lost on Buffet and Gates! If everything was so hunky dory over here, they certainly wouldn't have converted their money to euros and europe. As I've always said, if you want to keep your money do what the billionaires do and stay right in their back pocket, that way you'll never be noticed...lolololol

That's it, it's done...don't expect to be repeating myself next sunday, thank God! Anyone who needs me before I go contact me thru this email for a consultation and we'll hook it up. Donations have been most helpful and needed. I thank you. account

Love and Kisses,
