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Casper 3rd Update for Sept. 24, 2007

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r threats and demands caused quite a firestorm up there late today as calls poured in from around the world. One particularly comical result was the Queen going bananas demanding to know who and how her personal foreclosure secrets could be all over the internet in Europe. She is supposedly throwing things. Today's "Exposure DECISIONS" of this magnitude, in real time, are not made by your friendly ghost but by those who are helping to bring every possible pressure to bear at the right time, which is this time. The bad guys are truly desperate and can't seem to decide what to do. This morning the Commies were threatening to close B.A. private banking, this afternoon they have changed their mind. B.A. and W.F. retail are reported to be down the drain regardless. I am sure this blow by blow stuff is hard to grasp especially if you don't have a program. Think of it as the all time greatest heavyweight fight in history. It's the 11th round of the 12 round fight and you are watching and listening to the announcer bringing you the blow by blow as best he can. Action-reaction. Punch-counter punch. Blkhats-Whitehats.

Many times we have cautioned "we don't know everything". It's still true even if we do have better ringside seats than most. Goodness knows what deceptions are going on in addition to those we are mentioning.

GW was given until 8p.m. tonight to turn over the packages. He didn't and the Provost Marshall is in his office right now along with Jr., Sr., Cheney and Paulson. Arrest warrants for each of them have been issued . We learned this a few hours ago and bingo-there sits the Provost at 10 p.m. The warrants are being served and they are under house arrest.

DING ! DING! DING ding ding ding. And there's the bell fight fans. That's the end of the 11th round. Boy oh boy what a fight.

It's Bush against the world and his motivations are purely selfish. He is not going to win. The only issue is whether it will be a knockout in the 12th or whether the world wins by decision.


The packages which had been retrieved from the BE.A. vault Saturday and turned over to UPS ( a name that will live in infamy) for positioning Sunday for delivery today were put into sealed duffle type bags by our side, and delivered to the OVAL OFFICE by UPS (ugly pathetic scoundrels) Sunday. Imagine that. OUR packages piled up in the OVAL OFFICE today. Late today the head of Carlyle, while in the oval office, reached into a bag and pulled out a package and what oh what did he find ?? You guessed it. Crap !!!! False packages !!!! HAHAHAHAHA, HEHEHEEEHEE, HOHOHO . The predator becomes the prey. HOHOHAHAHEEHEE LMAO.......Can't you just see it. It must have been priceless. And for DESERT ???? The PROVOST MARSHALL !!!!! HEEHEE HEE HAA HA. Oh my oh my oh my.


Look for deliveries tomorrow.

casper 9-24-07 3rd update