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Poof Update - May 6, 2007

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ur business. (grin) For some, hope has completely left them, and they've done what anyone would do when they feel utterly 'failed'. They find ways to make the whole thought pattern go away from their thinking processes. Some are more successful than others. Of course, I don't help, with my constant, 'don't worry spring is coming'. (Don't get too deep into that image, you'll never catch me dancing around with garlands in my hair!) So while a lot of folks are hard core believing and preaching failure, half empty glasses, and all that, I don't, because I don't see it that way.

Because we've all had to take our thought processes into another realm of thinking about things, it necessarily wakes up some emotions within us, depending on our personal world view, and what we choose to believe about it. Just receiving money that will absolutely shift your living circumstances, opens your eyes to a world, few on this level of life's walk, ever could expect to touch, is going to make some folks' eyes cross. One day, you're struggling thru each day just trying to hang in there, the next second, you're a bazillionaire, free to choose what you want...wonder how many endorphins that activates. Now, you have to think about the comparison between what you thought was the 'real world' to a new 'real world' you have just entered, with a whole new set of rules for navigation. After the mental and emotional processing is finally overwith, you too may find yourself responding to someone with...'because, I don't see it that way' least, not anymore.

Many noticed this past week, a lack of informational flow, especially after last monday. Thus little funny messages bouncing around from computer to computer, as someone felt compelled to fill the void with something, anything, just not this aweful silence. Silence can be golden ya' know. One can even learn to hear things in the silence that are ordinarily missed under the din of everyday chatter. Like the sound of someone with very expensive hand made shoes, walking across a very thick carpet, in an unexpected arrival. A terse statement made for absolute silence was made and the gag order from hell, dropped into place. The only way any info would be coming out is by means of a fly who happened to be in the room. Well, I learned to be patient and wait for the flies to slip out the door and relay the info, it's worked for years. From this information, I expect to be watching this world change very rapidly now, without further ado. I think the link will give you the gist of

some of the material covered.

I've tried to remind you thru the years that there's was lot more to this than us getting some money. We've always been just a part of the puzzle, not the end all. Nothing happens in a vacuum. Not around here.

Due to the caliber and pedigree of the attendees, who 'took over' the preceedings, the express orders given, without negotiation, I might add, expect your ticket to freedom to be in your hand, within 'moments'. It's like an alarm bell went off somewhere and there was a reaction. With the stock market over 13,000 points, the dollar tanking against several currencies, the asians doing interesting things, somebody had to make a move, which includes, blowing out the rest of these packages, getting these euros onto the street, turning loose of the imf programs, and engaging the new global banking system. As the chinese like to say to folks, 'may you live in interesting times', well, we are, and what happens now is anyone's guess, for all the planning that has gone into it. Some are extremely worried, I'm not, 'because I don't see it that way'.

I have caught up with most of you for consultations and I'll catch the most recent requests, as quickly as, I can, in the next couple of days. Consultations are still available and made by emailing this address, needed donations made thru account or by emailing this address for the land address. Now let this be the last time, I speak on this subject, this side of the pond.

Love and Kisses,
