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Prosperity Program Update

From: Charles Seabert

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n the long run. And for those of you who have asked why they haven't handled all the "glitches" yet, we can only say this. From what we've observed, this financial arena has been prone to "glitches" since all the rules and regulations came out after 9/11. But hopefully, from what we are hearing, the run on "re-occurring glitches" on our scene may be over. No question it's been quite an adventurous game. And, as in any game, an opposing side exists. In this case, there are those who have tried to use the delays to their advantage. So, rather than being able to enjoy "smooth sailing" from those in the financial arena who could have chartered a more direct and stable course for us, they've taken us the long way - over the "rapids" and "round the bend" instead. But, we have heard that this is all getting resolved by the legal teams working on our behalf. We've also been told that these good folks have continued to persist and to forge ahead through some pretty tough "offensive" blockers who have unfairly kept changing the rules and moving the goal post to suit their needs. But, we're supposedly making some serious strides and the goal post should be clearly now within our reach!

This "testing of our mettle" and "ruffling of our tough little feathers" through all the detours could finally, finally be over at any time now. When this happens, whatever words may have been used at times to describe this roller coaster ride - may easily be replaced with - "Glad we took this game on and had the fortitude to hang in for the winning touchdown! "So, guys, thanks very much to those of you who make it a point to let us know you're "hanging in'! Based on the encouragement we continue to receive as to the pending happy outcome of our venture, it seems like the wisest and the most workable option! "Hope" works. It keeps you where you should remain -which is "up"! And, needless to say, "up" is the preferred choice by those who don't like to quit - and find "up" ( a.k.a "hope") essential for being able to persist -stay on a given course -hang in - persevere - and to ultimately succeed! Have a wonderful holiday weekend. Happy Chanukah and Happy Easter!!