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Update from Casper plus Poof Questions and Answers - March 5, 2007

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ay the 5th. China, Russia, Japan and others still threatening to bring down the (our) house of cards but trying to avoid if possible. This would crash the markets and severly hurt the American public, which is their customer. In the midst of this ongoing financial warfare Paulson flies to China trying, we think, to convince big boys not to dump the markets. Paulson’s crap (Sunday-George Stephanapolis-abc) saying that to China/Japan one Trillion is no big deal, only two days trading activity, nothing but bluff and bluster.

These criminals have been given till 5p.m. today to sign off or go where there is no T.V. or newspapers. All is proceeding forward with or without their signoffs.

The group in D.C. presenting themselves as the "new World Court" or a sub-set of the World Court, are neither. Higgins and the regular old World Court are still in The Hague and she (Higgins) was still working for the Crown until this weekend. They have apparently come back to our side (after threats from major countries) and are supporting the arrest of the criminals now. This back and forth regarding the court is very convoluted and to difficult to explain here. There has been much deception even though they claim it was not intentional.

The group here, helping us, style themselves as a "council" or "comission". They now appear to have the backing of the World Court regarding the ultimatums given to Cheney, Paulson and Sr. Cheney stands on the bow of the Titantic refusing to get into the lifeboat (immunity) and would rather see the world end than acquiesce.

Wanta, IMF programs, dozens of peripheral programs including Dotson and Freedom, and the "test pack" folks who go to the bank every day expecting access, are all waiting for our deliveries to kick things off.

The new schedule is Tues/Wed., if nothing else goes wrong.

Warnings now fast and furious from Asian countries, "STAY AWAY FROM Bank of America". Crown is furious over this as it controls B of A Private Banking.

This would be a good time for your very best prayers. A dump of dollars and a market crash is in no ones best interest. Moreover, if it becomes necessary to publicly expose the corruption of successive administrations, and the level and degree of such corruption, it could require decades for the country to recover while the rest of the world screams SATAN SATAN SATAN which would be an accurate description of the Bushes and Clintons, not the American people. Radical jihadists make no destinction.

Surely this will really be my last update.



Poof Q & A 3/5/7

Question to "Poofness":

Hey Poof, I guess if they had actually started the dump, we would have known about it by now. It still sounds like a dribbling when only four hits pop up when thousands remain. Personally, I REALLY thought they would have dumped, and I mean EVERYTHING to everybody, this passed week. Everything's in play now. So, it may remain dribbles for weeks as the markets continue down! BTW, whats' that "72 hours" thingy have to do with this????

Response from "Poofness":

The big man confirmed we're in a 72hr window. It's the time when they make is virtually non existent because the folks are gagged. The big cheese imf guys are on a 30 min notice for coming to the bank. He said if necessary they'd open another window monday after 5 if all is not completed within the first period. I never expected to get many confirms myself. I've been the person telling people for years to keep their mouths shut and quietly get out of here. Save the celebrations for europe or someplace else.

Since you like to look at the tech effects, imagine this, 3 programs being dumped at the same time worth trillions, right on that, trillions of imf humanitarian money hitting the ground. This was the scenario I was given years ago, masssive confusion in the banking world, as the world is eased onto the new global banking system. This is where I've been told to lay low for about 3 months until the dust settles, then start nosing into investments. Got to see who's left standing first.