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From the Desk of the Unknown - August 8, 2007

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Something just isn't right there with him.....

He just doesn't have it together.


This APEC summit is a very important event for a Look at the Global Finances.

There are some major decisions being made at his meeting....

All the big wigs are there..

Anybody who has anything to do with money, there.

One can only guess...really what the discussion is about.

Once again..we stand on the wrong side of the Red Velvet Drapes.

We can only catch snippets of what is really on the table for discussion.

We can assume...that part of this meeting is the balancing of the books at the F.R.

Clearing out the Debts/Credits...getting ready to close the last chapter out.

And then close the book.

Nothing else makes much sense.

The information flowing about is varied and diverse.

It all seems to point in the same direction.

We are closer now than we ever have been in regards to actually having this

THING completed.

It certainly has been along bumpy ride, as the changes take place.

There have been Babysteps taken....every step of the way.

Every " I " has to be dotted...every "T" has to be crossed.

Of course...they have used some of these I's and T's as Speed Bumps along the way...

And I am not convinced..that the sharpest tacks in the box are running the show.

These folks doing the work....are just regular you and I.

They are following the orders and directions of those above them.

Remember...this has never been done before....and will never be done again.


There was No Blue Print to follow.....only the Rules of the original Contracts.

Over time..the rules changed...the contracts changed.

We are hearing now...that the final items to be done...are being done.

There always has been a Surety Bond in place.

That Bond mandated that a certain amount of packages be delivered weekly.

That is what we have heard of as Test Packs...or the little drips and drops here and there...of delivery.

We hear...Now for delivery...there is a new bond going into position.

This is a Bond on Delivery Performance.

Like protects the Delivery process.

Allegedly...that Bond is now in position.

The delivery process may begin at any time.

Some people are of the belief that the delivery may be today or tonight.

Others believe that Sunday delivery is possible.

Others believe that this next week will start the delivery.

It all depends on who YOU want to listen to and or believe.

Personally...I don't care long as it's in the next few days..........and I don't care HOW they come....."Pink Zebra with Purple

Stripe Express" will be just fine with me!

I believe, we are at the End of the Road.

We may not KNOW the exact time.....however, we all KNOW we are close.

During these final hours/days...Prepare for a totally different way of Life.

There are projects to be done......and people to help.

If you haven't compiled a list of people that you want to help....Now is the Time.

Get their numbers....etc when you have the

$$ in can immediately move forward...and not have to waste time.

People need help NOW.

To some people $100.00 is critical...others it may be $1,000.00....and to others it may be $10,000.00.

Make some decisions....get ready.

There will not be time to Get Ready in the very near future.