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Casper Report Jan. 20, 2007

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n. 19, 2007 SUBJECT: Reply

Dear VP.: Thank you for your letter. Do not hang your hopes on funding and NESARA. WE have passed the milestone of good intent to make this happen. There are now only promises to fool the people, that quickly turn into broken promises again and again. The Titans are fighting over the people's money, and they promise to take it and keep it for themselves. The NESARA Mission people are too tired, too threatened, too disillusioned or too bribed to continue the Mission. There are a few signs of hope that the "system" is cracking, but cooperation from the Darkside is taking far too long for Mother Earth to survive in "3D Intensive Care". It is doubtful that our "War President" and his warmonger Cabinet and Congress will have a change of heart any time soon, and allow goodness to flow. I am not stating these things to be negative, but to be realistic about the future."


Until last night bellringer has carried the light through all manner of delay and difficulty, through every trial and tribulation. the "give up" message on the fourwinds site this morning is unbecoming and incorrect. good has not given up and decided to evacuate the planet. other messenger's more qualified than i continue to convey daily messages from "the higher powers" directly conflicting the "sananda" message attached to bellringers morning post.

i will leave it to those messengers to discuss bellringers post except to say that it is true, as bellringer states, that the battle between good and evil continues daily, even hourly, with moves, countermoves, counter-counter moves, etc..

the war between mr and mrs SATAN, i.e. BUSH SR. and the Q., and their children, i.e. JR. and the CLINTONS, is an ongoing affair. GOOD has not abandoned the playing field to EVIL, nor has EVIL won the day or the game. it might appear that way for a few brief moments, again and again, but GOOD wins is not in question. things happen and must be dealt with. positioning packages for the "big drop" has occured more times than you realize. last minute problems stop deliveries.

problems get fixed every time, further isolating and exposing the evil ones. now it is obvious to every country where the trickery and deceit originates. it's the whole world against a diminishing handful of satanic illuminatti new world order genocidal maniac's who are willing to eat their children for a buck.

we know more but can't say more. chins-up.

one more last minute set back does not equate to defeat. the immediate "situation" is being dealt with at the highest levels even as we speak.

deliveries being rescheduled for next week before or after state of union message - timing unknown.

casper 1-20-07