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It Is Time!!!!

From: PagPawnt

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Light and the

Galactic Federation.

IT IS TIME for ALL to KNOW deeply -

in every cell of their being ...

That the Last Cabal and all their cohorts

have LOST the battle!

And have given in to the LOVE & LIGHT!

That every Soldier is returning to their families -

hugging, kissing and wiping the tears

from their brows.

That the light of Forgiveness

is lighting the way for all prisoners,

and every person who has been hurt by another -

that they are finding LOVE in their hearts

and Forgiveness in their souls.

IT IS TIME for ALL to KNOW deeply -

in every cell of their being ...

That the Laundering of funds has been stopped

and the money is being redistributed to

Everyone worldwide.

That every child and family in the world

KNOW that they are Loved, cared for,

and have shelter and an endless

supply of food.

That All who walk this earth are HAPPY,

REJOICING, hugging and sharing their lives

in an equal and loving way.

IT IS TIME for ALL to KNOW deeply -

in every cell of their being ...

That there is PEACE and Loving Understanding

of our new Galactic Allies.

That our family, from the cosmos,

has brought the assistance for the recovery

of Mother Earth's endangered ecosystem

and new technologies to replace our

dependance on Mother Earth's resources.

IT IS TIME for ALL to KNOW deeply -

in every cell of their being ...

That ALL people worldwide KNOW in their hearts


That All people worldwide KNOW in their hearts

that every Rock, every Tree, every Animal

and every person is inter-related!

That our manmade boundaries are

no longer necessary!

That ALL hearts are FILLED with

Loving Compassion

for ALL Living Things!

That All see with new eyes

the Beauty of this planet

and KNOW within their hearts

that Mother Earth is a living entity

that Needs our assistance.

That ALL see the NEW Garden of Eden,

and that ALL living in that Garden

experience the Holiness of the Divinity..

IT IS TIME for ALL to KNOW deeply -

in every cell of their being ...

That there is a Tugging within each person's heart

to (re)discover their TRUE Purpose on Earth

at this time.

That NESARA has been implemented!!!

That the Heart of Christ has returned to Earth!!!

That WORLD PEACE is here now!!!

That HEAVEN has come down to EARTH!!!

The PEOPLE have spoken!

So Be It!

So Be It!

So Be It!

With Heartfelt Praise and Thanksgiving

to ALL who have assisted

in this momentous occasion!
