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Casper Update: Sept. 15, 2007

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h is fighting with everyone. First we heard Q got her gold and went home. Now we hear she was paid in gold equivalents and can't access til we receive. Bush is in a fist fight with China, unsure which China. Bush is fighting with Bush. Yes, you read that right. Isn't that a hoot? Perhaps they will whack each other. Other "back room" deals are rumored to have been straightened away (Noriega gold, etc.). He is maintaining his "I am KING of the world" stance.

The changeover is still scheduled 9-18/19 and sources say that will not be changed necessitating our deliveries before then. Most say Monday, some say this weekend, some say Tuesday. A letter with card seems to have been readied and was expected yesterday. A list of banks included. Looks like they are forcing domestic banking or at least the necessity of going in to pick up the actual package. Everybody else gets "pushed" when we fail to receive. Did you know that Monday is Constitution Day? The 220th anniversary of the signing by the founding fathers. Significant? Don't know but seems reasonable.

The money on the card is unrelated to the funds in trade so it's possible to see the card and letter at any time. Did you know that the original FC contract called for weekend delivery? And that the original CH contract called for Sunday delivery? Did you know that, historically speaking, most major government announcements are on Monday's, usually at night? Might all the head fakes and CONTINUING yo-yo with packages be cover for weekend deliveries? It's as good a "guess" as any as no one knows what these clown's are up to right now, except of course that Bush is always the problem. Do you ever wonder what Al Gore would do? Or what you would do if you were President? Would you defend U.S. dollar hegemony and the attendant standard of living it has created for all our citizen's? Or would you opt for the "level playing field" demanded by the rest of the world? Would you defend U.S. control of much of the worlds natural resources, won at great expense over a hundred years, or would you "give in" to a scenario in which our hard won competitive advantages might be forfeited to Asia and their bed-partners, Iran, Venezuela, Russia, etc.. As a life long conservative I have spent a great deal of time thinking about Bush's actions and wondering what Al would do. The U.S. controls the world (or at least keeps things in check) more from economic power than military prowess, although it is the two in combination which has created our hugely resented debt based control of world affairs. A case could be made, a serious and legitimate case, that any U.S. President would make, would be required to make, the same decisions Bush has made. Unfortunately this generosity of thought falls apart when the character of the President is added to the equation. He stole the Wanta funds. He stole the Q's gold and the Noriega gold. He stole the Jones money. He has stolen and traded our funds literally dozens of times. They stole the Trustee positions from those who died mysteriously. He stole the money in Iraq. He is motivated by personal power and greed and defends the interest of his Illuminati brethren, international and Wall Street bankers, big oil and big pharma always at the expense of the people generally. He is a Fascist. He is an Oligarch. He is a Fascist Oligarch. And in my view his actions are dictated not by Patriotism in defense of America but by fear, fear of what constitutional law and full disclosure will mean to him personally, to his family, and to his allies who have whored themselves out for money. Lot's and lot's of money. He refers to the constitution as a piece of paper and orders others to stop bringing up his violations of it. His funds and those of his allies are frozen now and he borders on insanity as a result. The debt based fiat system of world currencies are near a crash and the central banks can only delay the inevitable with activities which will result in a hyperinflationary blowoff if not curtailed and replaced by the new worldwide treasury banking system (hard currencies). I would like to think that you or I or Al Gore would have explained this to the country by now and expended our energy in a cooperative way with the rest of the world rather than protecting our personal power at all cost.

The situation has been and still is critical. Bush seems willing to flush our nation and the world to protect his status quo. D-day and D-hour arrives Tuesday, midnight. Hopefully those confronting him from every direction will win out, but you know about cornered snakes. The world awaits our deliveries, not just you and I. Everything is at stake, the money is on the table so to speak. Junior needs a spanking in the worst way and that's supposedly happening now.

Monday is our likely day so lets contemplate the future during our last hours as "po-folk".