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NESARA Patriot NESARA News, Comment and Inspiration

NESARA News, Comment and Inspiration

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NESARA Patriot

NESARA News, Comment and Inspiration

By Jim Nash


Greetings NESARA supporters,

It has been a while since the last newsletter as the year 2005 has reached its last month. There have been some people requesting a comment on the latest direction that Shaini G. (Dove) has taken with respect to NESARA. As a person that worked rather closely with her for more than a year, I thought it would be best to share my thoughts and opinion with those that wanted such.

Her last two messages has revealed that she believes that the necessary gold needed to back the new U.S.Treasury currency is missing or was never appropriated. Let me go on record to state that I don't believe this to be true. She wants you to believe that she called someone at the U.S. Treasury Department and they revealed to her that there is only 10% of the necessary gold to implement the new money system. Let us analyze that statement for a moment. Do you believe for one second that someone can randomly call the U.S. Treasury Department and get truthful information about NESARA and the new money system? I'm not saying she didn't call, I'm saying that getting truthful information in that manner on the most secretive subject in the history of these United States is highly unlikely. If she did in fact call, it amazes me that she would be gullible enough to believe that information. It is my personal opinion that money or gold is not what's holding up NESARA. If that was the case, it would have been dealt with some time ago.

Let us recall the mission of Ascended Master St. Germaine. Some 250 years ago he set up the World Trust for the Children of Light to share with the world on or near the year 2000. He is and was not only a financial genius but is known for his work as an alchemist. I know this might be hard for some to believe, but among other things an alchemist has the ability to turn base metals into gold. This being the case, it would be reasonable to believe that the gold could be appropriated at any time if such was necessary. One must never lose sight of the Divine aspect of NESARA by realizing that the Creator has many helpers working in capacities to bring NESARA forward that will astound our minds and challenge our belief systems. You should find comfort in the fact that NESARA will come forth when the Creator has deemed it so. May I state that Patrick Bellringer at has addressed this issue and has done a great job of putting things into perspective. Knowing Shaini as I do, I'm sure she will continue on with her line of thinking and may even find it necessary to rebut these opinions, but regardless of the circumstances, I want all to know that NESARA is well being cared for and in the hands of very capable Beings. NESARA continues to be a certainty, my friends, and with that you can go to the bank.

Blessings to each and all.

Jim Nash

NESARA Patriot
