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Casper Update: May 28, 2007

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st anything and get away with it as no one knew any better. Now days he is the biggest joke in town, so far behind the curve that those who pony up $30.00 for his 20 minutes of B.S. find themselves astounded at how little he knows about what goes on each day. He is not even aware of the "controlling" meetings going on virtually around the clock, much less who is in them and what the fights are about that delay deliveries over and over again. Got to keep the "ole cash register" jingling, don't you see. No matter now as the deliveries are about to mercifully bring his nonsense to an end at which point you will learn about the Swiss banks, the cards w/Treasury logos, the Treasury checks, the Constitution, the incredible announcements (CNN leading, Fox and Turner to follow) and all the other things he constantly denies because his ego wont allow him to admit that he is without question the most IGNORANT messenger ever. Anything for a buck, I guess.

Deliveries are scheduled again for tomorrow. Weekend meetings involving the judges running the show have continued and difficulties overcome as they arise, some of which have been real "doozies", some of which they still ask that we not talk about.

Keep your fingers crossed, this should really be IT.

Casper 5-28-07