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casper 6-8-16 Observations and Opinions


Sub Title: Whole Lotta Crawfishing Going On?


Our last update was Jan.26th. On the 17th of January WE summarized the reclassification of bank depositors to bank creditors. The update before that was September 25, 2015 which included at the bottom our previous update dated May 29th, 2015. All are included herein so with this update you are getting five for the price of one (free). Too much reading for most but having reviewed them today there is so much still relevant information we decided to include them.


I intended to begin today with some Shock and Awe, advising that Muhammad Ali supported and voted for Reagan for President, but, heckeedurn, it’s all over the net today. 


Did you notice the conflict in Sunday night’s Zap update between what Poof had to say versus what Zap had to say?   “Poof’ expresses doubt about funding’s while Zap repeats previous statements that releases have occurred and things are underway. It strikes me as odd this disagreement would occur within the same update from the same ‘house’ (so to speak). I would like to know who is doing the ‘Poof’ writings, after all he passed a couple of years ago. Has Susan become a ‘channel-er’?  Have you noticed how the Poof expressions of doubt seems to agree with the title of Sheldon Nidle’s next webinar scheduled for June 19th, “How The Galactic Federation is Overhauling Their Strategies To Overcome The Cabal-And Get Our Funding’s To Us”. Does that sound like things are imminent? Hence the sub-title, Whole Lotta Crawfishing going on.


Which reminds me, no decent observer could possibly overlook the recent mud-slinging between Zap and Crayford which was started by an attack on Zap by Crayford out of the blue a few weeks ago, possibly because Zaps business appears to be progressing without OITC approval. Crayford lumps Zap with Hudes and accuses both of being pawns of Cabal Banks, BIS,IMF, etc.. Yes for Hudes, no for Zap. He has always said his funds are coming from another direction. Crayford’s position has always been that there are no funds not derived from the theft of or use of the Collateral Accounts and OITC is Big Boss Man for those accounts. In his update Sunday night Zap alluded to OITC’s inability to access or use the Collateral Accounts which, coincidentally, was the bottom line outcome of OUR amateur investigation of OITC many years ago which said  “OITC cannot access one dime of the Collateral Accounts”. This remains the position of our sources today (VIP-Euro-Bankers). This begs the question, If OITC owns the Accounts as Crayford states, and is M-1 as Crayford states, why can’t OITC access the Collateral Accounts?  And if things are so perfectly clear, why do others continue to war over the accounts? This seems to me too come down to a Proxy Fight, Crayford vs Zap, OITC vs Grandfather. 0-1 vs M-1. Isn’t it strange that Grandfather knows nothing of Crayford/OITC and Crayford/OITC knows nothing of Grandfather. High strangeness everywhere. All of us need to pray Zap is right as the alternative, made plain on multiple occasions by Crayford, is that no one gets anything---ever. 


Regarding Zaps other recent dookie slinging arguments with Obama supporters my advice to Zap is   “Learn to argue with fencepost. You will find them to be considerably better informed than Obama supporters”.


Speaking of Politics, I voted for integrity, intelligence and character as I said I would, I voted for Ben Carson. That forty plus percent of the American People are willing to vote to put Mrs. and Mr. Satan back into the White House just shows the depravity and depths to which the Democrats and our country has sunk. As you can read in one of the enclosed updates I still say Biden will be their man. It was not because of his son’s death that he did not run. It was because, he said, very privately, “I can’t run, I am compromised”.  ‘Compromised’.   D.C. speak for I accepted a 200M bribe from Bush, delivered by Hillary. D.C. is a sewer. They are all ‘compromised’, blackmailed, bought. What a strange election cycle. My lifelong Democrat mother and extended family are all voting for and happy with Trump while I, a lifelong Republican until I ‘resigned’ last year in favor of the Tea Party,  think he is a nut case. High strangeness everywhere.


Now let’s observe and opine regarding the many messages from ‘Ascended Masters’ which have appeared since our Jan. 25th update. Two things stand out, the sheer quantity and the appearance of Yosef in support of the messages. As afollower/student of such messages since 1986 I can attest that never before have virtually all known self identifiedAscended Masters shown up within a few weeks of each other with basically the same positive and beautiful messages as occurred beginning late February through early April and never before have they been accompanied by a real live human being in support of them with equally positive and beautiful words. As you know I concluded a couple of years ago that the messages were not coming from Ascended Masters as it would not be possible, in my view, that such sources, if real, could be wrong 100% of the time as they have been for the 30 years that I have followed them. At about that same time ‘channeler’  Greg Giles learned and reported to his followers that he had learned that he was being used in a Psyops Government Mind Control Program. Demanding to know why the ABC Boys would do this to him (ruining his life) and why they would use him to intentionally mislead his many thousands of followers, he was told “We are conducting an experiment to determine the ability of the people to discern truth”. These words haunt me each time I begin to once again put hope in the messages. Ninety five percent of these messages are posted by  channeler Doctor Katheryn May. She has been doing so for many years and has never once been right. That is to say the messages have never come true. Is she a subject of the same mind control experiment as Giles? How about Yosef? How about the Guru’s being led around with always in retrospect, false intel? How about me? How about you? If you don’t understand that USA, Inc. intentionally commits unbelievable atrocities as a matter of course, then you are uninformed.  Look up what they did to the Tuskegee Airman (syphilis) or Native Americans (small pox in blankets) or Obama arms and trains ISIS. Our reporting of these things does not even scratch the surface of what our ‘Government’ does. Am I saying this is what is happening in Dinarland?  No. I’m saying I don’t know. Where could we ever find more positive messages. Where could we ever find a more positive spokesperson than Yosef?  What is the status of the things said in the messages and by Yosef? The status is the same as with all previous messages over a thirty year period of time. And so you ask WHY. If the above is true, god forbid, WHY would they be doing it? Well, the first possible is their own words, it’s an experiment. Second possible, how much money do you suppose has flowed to UST and CBI, both Cabal Controlled, from the people of the world in return for what is still, worthless currencies? Hundreds of billions? More? Third possible, much Guru talk about reducing the ‘note count’ in Iraq. Is not the ‘Note Count’ in the U.S. being reduced with each sale of Dinar and other currencies. Is not this monstrous cash flow basically without cost to USA, Inc. and ‘little brother’ Cabal Controlled CBI?  Is this not one way to “War On Cash” that we read so much about? Fourth possible, WE have reported off and on over time the draining of various Government Accounts (money turned over to Treasury), draining of Pension Funds, even the draining of Japanese Pension Funds, another little brother who does as ordered or gets Fukushima-ed, so given the USA INC. bankruptcy  perhaps they are so without funds they are running a Madoff like Ponzi, the difference being there are no payouts, none.  Fifth possible, the messages are truly from Ascended Masters as claimed. For help in holding on to this possibility read again the combined channeled message from St Germaine and Archangel Michael dated 4-2-16  (patience, use this time wisely) included herein.  


‘Faith’-- scream the Dinar Websites. Even ‘observations’ not in keeping with the view of the host--not allowed. And woe to any mesenger who has called the shots correctly for years (Mountain Goat), BAN HER, BAN HER I SAY. I believe in faith. Did not the healing occur by faith when the woman struggled just to touch the garment of Jesus? And what about the faith of the poor  Israelites with the chariots bearing down on them waiting for Moses to part the sea? That friends is faith. Another example is continuing to believe the ‘programs’ will fund after 25 years of waiting (1991/2016). Twenty eight of my friends have died--waiting. Many have died, many were murdered, many imprisoned.  I’m all for faith. I don’t think that is the same thing as intentionally burying ones head in the sand. I think the average person is being whipsawed by Site Managers. Some of the ‘intel’ reported is so absurd WE would laugh out loud were we not very aware of the heartbreak it causes. “SWIFT is out of business”  for example (announced last week Iran/Turkey reconnecting using SWIFT) or the YUAN is gold backed (not one as Chinese Govt. admitted, but two T fiat YUAN dumped into Chinese Economy during first quarter)  or 400 TRILLION metric tons of gold backing first tranche of funding’s (pave freeway system in gold L.A. to N.Y.- AND BACK).  GURU’S come and go. They show up suddenly with red hot intel and they are the belle of the ball, their light shines brightly. Time passes. Their intel proves false, they disappear. Do they come back using different names?  How many are and have always been, ‘pumpers’. New Gurus show up, so many we can no longer count. Time passes. Without exception their intel proves false. Then YOSEF shows up, the best ever. Now he has been wrong every day since mid-February. Often I have referred to Dinarians as ‘the new kids on the block’. Not derogatory, a simple statement of fact. They have been around a few years, some 10 years. Are you guys good to go for another 15, Dinarians?  You must obtain an understanding of the big picture if for no other reason than to honor those who preceded you and fought the good fight and are still doing so if still alive, while you throw spitballs at each other on the internet and give no thought to anything other than the next ‘window’.  At the same time, other Guru’s or commentators say,  ‘I actually know someone who has exchanged’. Are they lying, are they pumping or are they telling the truth? Or is it that only the ‘insiders’ are allowed access which was the case a couple years ago. An insiders game for insiders to enrich themselves? Obama has fought this tooth and nail as we have reported to you for seven long years. Obama supporters are unable or unwilling to observe the obvious. How many of them do you think saw, heard or gave a second thought to what Obama said to the White House Correspondence Dinner and a National Television Audience the last day in May, his opening remark?  “The End Of The Republic Has Never Looked Better”?  They sell their votes and their children for beads and rock candy. It would be no different if a Republican were in the Oval Office. All are establishment status quo operatives who truck no interference with their gravy train.


Have you noticed the definition of ‘Freedom’ in Iraq? Those who stole Billions, even Trillions of Dinar still free while protestors are being arrested. Reminds me of us.


Citi Bank leveraged 349:1, 70 times worse than Lehman Brothers.


Congress approval rating? Four Percent (Fox News).


Illegal immigrants including Terrorist are surging across southern border. Do not arrest, per Obama (Border Patrol).


Was caught behind a school bus last week, high school students. Bus stopped every hundred feet for five blocks. Of fifteen or so students getting off, not one was carrying a book. All were using their cell phones. Is it any wonder we have fallen from 1st to 17th in world education ratings. Teachers Unions/Democrats/Incorporated Dept. Education (Common Core, etc.)—all working hard to dumb down our kids. As I am fond of saying, ‘put liberals in charge of the Sahara Desert and there would soon be a shortage of sand’. Nothing, including the corruption in D.C., has done as much damage to our country as have the Liberals.


Have you heard? Candace, at Abundant Hope, has declared herself to be the ‘Planetary Christ’. Maybe she is doing the “Jesus Calls’ for Ashtar Command?  


Looking back at old notes just now. On February 24, 2016 YOSEF said ‘Good Bye”, its done. That was three and a half months ago. Since he was mentioned by name in the Ascended Master updates from Katheryn May why does he not ask them why things have not happened? And if you should see this YOSEF, while you are at it, please ask them whether it is true that a whole lotta crawfishing is going on.


As I reported in one of the previous updates included herein, it appears to me that China and USA ,Inc. are very much in bed together which I think is a scary proposition. At the G-7 a few days ago ABE made a presentation urging all G-7 countries to begin immediately a deluge of Q.E. (fiat), a tsunami of Q.E. to try to avoid certain and imminent financial chaos. Did the others buy in?  Is that why  we see nothing? One more round, one more attempt to preserve fiat and the status quo? As a previous update says, included herein, “it’s not that something smells fishy, it’s that something stinks to high heaven”.  I still can’t see asset backed operating alongside fiat therefore I  must conclude, rightly or wrongly, personal opinion, ‘The War Continues’.


In order to keep this update short (ROFL), just one more subject which I saved for last because I believe it to be the most important. For 15 years or so WE have written off and on about getting our country back, our original Constitution and getting rid of the multitude of Corporations Americans have come to think of as their Government. Many many Patriots have addressed this subject over the years all standing on the shoulders of those who came before. WE were mentored by “S” who went into Exile to avoid persecution at the hands of ‘Government’ not wanting this info to get ‘out’. Now days everyone is talking about it but it was not always this way. Many died, many were murdered and/or imprisoned. This information that WE and  now SHE has brought forward has now reached a boiling point thanks largely to the efforts of Judge Anna Rietz(inger), a Common Law Judge referred to by Crayford as ‘that Fake Judge’ which tells me that Crayford does not know squat about American History or the importance of this person and her work. I wonder dear readers, how many of you know and/or understand?  Judge Anna, in my opinion, may well be the most important woman in American History. More important than Pocahontas, Martha Washington, Susan B Anthony, Harriet Tubman and dozens of others who made such a difference in our history. Before going further I must disclose that these words are my own as most of WE has never believed we will ever ‘see the day’. Judge Anna’s  many writings have been delivered to Congress , the Joint Chiefs, Dunford, the United Nations, the Vatican, the World Court and many others. She has done what many of us tried to do but were just not capable.  The entire world has now been noticed regarding the pure EVIL visited upon the American People by the Cabal, USA Inc. and its Political bought and paid for whores in Congress. Which is more important to you, receiving your anticipated funds or getting your country back?  Do you answer only for self or have you also considered your progeny? ‘Both’ is the best answer, avoiding slavery for your children the next best. She has laid it all out in such detail and understandable language that the only possible excuse for not understanding is personal laziness. Too lazy to read  even when others have paid the ultimate price, even when others-Judge Anna- has spent tens of thousands of hours to bring the truth to you so that you don’t even  have to get off your lazy ass to know the truth. Start with her writings posted round about on the net, it’s all free to you. Buy her book (Amazon) YOU KNOW SOMETHING IS WRONG WHEN--- “AN AMERICAN AFFIDAVIT OF PROBABE CAUSE”.  It’s not expensive and is written with pictures and illustrations in such a way that even the most uninformed are brought to speed quickly. If you care about your country, if you want to know what happened to it and how to get it back and how it all relates to our funding’s, this will get you there quicker than anything else I know about. I wish I could afford a copy for every person I know. It should be delivered to every home in America. It should be taught to every high school student. How about that for a ‘project’ after funding?


Judge Anna is not at all sure we will ever be funded. In fact her position is that the bad guys are still bad guys and the good guys are now bad guys having been coerced  by the bad guys into being bad.  She thinks the new replacing the old is the old in disguise and will be run out of China instead of D.C., N.Y. and The City. This one is still up for grabs in my opinion , but the visible signs have New World Order written all over them. Have you seen the videos of the Satanic celebrations and statues at Cern or at the opening of the longest tunnel in the world in Switzerland last week? It’s in your face now coming from every direction every day. Their hand signs. Grown men in the bathroom with your little girl.  It’s foundation in the U.S. is the Democratic Party. 

Except for Guru messages, Sitrep Reports and the like, which cannot be confirmed , there is no visible tangible evidence of the Republic Rising. If it does not come into focus quickly my money is on Judge Anna’s analysis of the situation, good guys ‘Compromised”, another hundred years of ‘Satan (and Liberals) Rules The World’ in the guise of a new asset backed system with the same controllers at the helm and a cashless society coming as demanded by the Fed and the Evil Ones as far back as the seventies. Card only, ‘Mark of the Beast’? Fraud stacked atop fraud with the people unable to recognize it. Of course there could be a New World Order of a different kind as described by the Ascended Masters for the last twenty or more years. It never occurred to me that God and the Ascended Masters would have such a difficult time with a bunch of chicken chit bankers. Anna says there is a different way, that things are not necessarily black or necessarily white, that silver is what our Constitution calls for, not gold, and our Republic lives and rules the land, not the Attorneys andBarristers and their Maritime Jurisdiction and USA,INC.. If you Dinarians don’t understand you owe it to yourselves to learn and you can do so easily by reading Jude Anna’s writings free on the internet with more coming out each week including this week. Dinarian’s have been around ten years or less. I have ‘been around’ twenty five and know others at thirty five and more. There is a bigger picture, bigger than our funding’s and all is out of context without an understanding of this bigger picture. It is all related, parts of a whole. Bottom line from Judge Anna, we are again being snookered, conned, defrauded, retained in slavery, subjected to the same deceits and lies as before when we lost our country to the Bankers and their puppet, USA INC..



I hope this update does not come across negative. If I didn’t sincerely believe it’s coming I would not still be here. There have been many dozens of reports saying “I know someone”. Who is to say that they are false just because we have not received 800#’s. Others swear they know someone in the exchange centers. Many say bankers have confirmed that they have prepared and are waiting for us. The weekly Nidle update out last night is exceptionally positive and Zap says his funds have been released. Nidle says the funding’s and getting our country back are coming hand in hand.



In summary, I hope that Zap will bless us with an explanation as to why his info and Poof’s info is so different within the same update and tell us who is putting forth this ‘Poof Says’ stuff. Poof never said the many dozens of things put forward now as ‘Poof Says’ and I doubt he is speaking about current events  from his casket. I suggest GURU’S take more responsibility for things they say. I think it is high time the ‘Ascended Masters’ explain 20 years of incorrect information if they are, and if they can, and that their human spokesperson YOSEF, explain why more months have passed with nothing happening as offered by him. I hope that all who are expecting funding will begin to question why world events appear to support a continuation of fiat and not a new asset backed system and especially I hope Dinarians will start to demand explanations from those posting a steady barrage of false information on websites and that they not stay with those sites demanding silence, conformity and censorship. I hope that every person expecting funding, regardless of source, will read Judge Anna’s work as she has offered up a remarkable map of what happened to us and a historical record no one will be able to sweep under the rug.  And finally, I hope you can find time to browse previous updates included herein as I did,  because there is so much information that is still relevant. For example, do you recall what the Crop Circle said as reported in the Sept. update?





Casper, Wendy and WE



p.s. For those familiar with this unimportant, dated subject,  it was not John Roberts screaming at the gathered Treasury Dept. personnel.  It was, if I recall correctly from memory,  Tiny Tim.    









Subject: Casper Update 9-25-15


Our last update dated 5-29-15 is included below this current update as so much of it is still relevant.


Well here we are friends right in the middle of the time period referred to by so many writers in so many disciplines over the last few months. Incoming information and intel has been overwhelming for those of us who do our best to keep up. Many visible things have already happened yet me thinks we are all still waiting for the big ‘ka-boom’ whatever that may be.


The following message was ‘imprinted’ (crop circle) using binary code in a grain field in England:


                              Beware the bearing of false gifts and their


                              Broken promises


                              Much pain but still time


                              There is good out there


                              We oppose deception


                               Conduit closing


Twenty nine years of false promises, predictions and prophecies I am intimately familiar with, how about you?  Now we arrive at a point in time when the news from virtually all ‘messengers’ says NOW. We shall see.


Over the years many messengers supposedly conveying information from ‘on high’ have come and gone. Bunches of them. In recent years Greg Giles and Katherine May (Hollow Earth website) have been the most prolific ‘messengers’. Giles eventually learned his beautiful messages were being received from the scumbags in the see eye aye, not from on high. He apologized profusely  to his large audience telling them he had learned he was being used in a mind control experiment to test the discernment abilities of ‘the people’. The hearts of many true believers/followers were broken with this one and Giles, to his great credit, explained how it happened that he unintentionally misled so many and he promptly extricated himself from the control of the savages in the Corporations intel agencies. May, ‘channeling’ St. Germaine, mother/father god, Sananda and many others was a true believer and convinced thousands her messages were legit and from ‘on high’. She repeated the many ‘guarantees’ she had supposedly been given regarding the timing of our ‘funding’  and to say she was a devout believer in her messages is a great understatement. As the false ‘guarantees’ piled up she eventually split with Hollow Earth but continued with her messages and her devotion to their accuracy. After several additional ‘absolute guarantees’ did not come to pass she too was forced to face the fact that she was being misled and was in turn misleading her many thousands of followers/believers. My own ‘testimony’, repeated in several previous updates over the last three years, is that I have been a serious Chela (student) of such communications since 1986 and that I cannot identify a single instance in which any promise, prophecy or projection from such ‘sources’ ever came true in any kind of visible or tangible way. Twenty nine years of ‘broken promises’ led me to conclude and to report to you my current belief that such messages emanate from Langley where some of the worst people on earth reside. Even so I have always hoped that not all such messages are bogus. Take for example the  9-7-15 update supposedly from Archangel Michael which was posted on RMN Sunday the 20th if memory serves, or type ‘michael’s blog’ into google. Here is a message worth reading, pertinent to the moment and hard to imagine it came from the crazies in the agencies. I strongly recommend this message to you even if you are not a follower/believer in channeled ‘spiritual messages’.  Also, Anne and Patrick Bellringer at have reposted several of the Hatonn messages from the early nineties which deal with the urgent subjects before us at this time. I was reading Hatton messages as far back as ‘86/’87 in the ‘Contact Newspaper’. Little did I realize that 29 years later I would still be waiting for what they say to become visible. That said I strongly recommend these messages to you as they appear to have been written for this moment not that moment in time. I guess that’s just how it is when you come from a place where time does not exist. Decades mean nothing-except to us. Oh well, I’m sure that should funding occur we will all act more responsibly that we would have BWGOW (before we got our walkers).  


So which is it, the ‘Beware’ crop circle message delivered in binary code or the current extremely positive ‘spiritual message’ from AA Michael?  You must decide for yourself.


Have you noticed that those claiming ownership of the Collateral Accounts and assorted caches of gold have gone silent? A striking contrast with the ‘food fight’ they have been waging for years. Let’s see now,  Keenan claims the wealth of the world belongs to the original Chinese depositors he represents. Zap and others claim it belongs to the Dragon Family he represents. Karen Hudes and her ‘coalition of law’ claims distribution belongs in the hands of the Boards of the IMF and the World Bank but not the officers thereof. The IMF claimed all belongs to them before eventually withdrawing their claim. Then comes Mr. Seno claiming to be ‘M-1’ and waving documents signed by the IMF, the World Bank, the U.N., Jack Lew, the Queen, the BIS and others claiming Mr. Seno is The Man, the big cheese, M-1, and rightfully owns everything. Then comes the persistent, irrepressible OITC in the person of Mr. Crayford saying no way Jose’, Seno is just a front for the bad guys, the ‘establishment’ criminals trying to get their thieving hands on what they failed to steal in their previous 50 year ‘management’ of the worlds wealth. And the Vatican. And the World Court. And Joe the Plumber. All have gone silent. Why, do you suppose? Did someone win and the others are licking their wounds? Something must have happened. Me thinks this too big a coincidence to be a coincidence.


In our update of 5-29 included below WE had many bad but true, in our opinion, things to say about Obama and his orders to lay off ISIS leadership and their headquarters in Syria. Many of the items in that update have since been confirmed by the talking heads on many different television news programs. What we didn’t report because we did not see it coming, is the flood of refugees now over running Europe as they flee the barbarians Obama and his Agencies trained and funded. Back then there were an estimated 15 to 20 thousand which we could have dealt with without breaking a sweat. Now look at what the world is dealing with. This goes far beyond the incompetence of our pitiful excuse for a president. This has to be intentional. This is, in OURopinion, the work of the Satanist NWO crowd, Obama’s controllers, open borders and all that, the intentional destruction of nations sovereignty and indeed the destruction of the world as we know it.  These are the OWNERS of Obama. In the same way that future President Wilson was ‘purchased’ by the future owners of the Fed Res, so too IMO, has Obama sold his soul to theSatanic Communist New World Order.


Have you heard? The military is kicking out the Green Beret who saved a child who was being raped in Afghanistan. Having previously purged the military of dozens of Generals and Admirals under threat of loss of their pensions, those who would not agree to be Obama’s  boot licking yes men, we now have the replacement pervert Generals attacking our own highly decorated soldiers and kicking them out of military service for stopping the rape of a child. And, right now there is an article posted on RMN regarding Christians leaving the military. The Liberals (Obama supporters) are remaking our country in their own image with 100% support of their elected representatives, the Democrats. And all this happy talk about the Republic and taking our country back? Do you see any sign of it? Well neither do I. Obama has just ordered the release from Gitmo of Osama Bin Laden’s former body guard who will now join the five extreme terrorist Obama previously ordered released.  His destruction of our country with 100% participation of Liberal Politicians is intentional, WE have been trying to explain this for years but WE didn’t realize that he and his ‘handlers’ have even greater ambitions, the destruction of free Europe by causing the migration of millions of Muslims by refusing to deal with ISIS. ‘Pinpricks’ for show according to our military sources. As the terrorist hidden among the millions begin to do their thing what do you think the New World Order freaks will do?  Problem, reaction, solution.


I was thinking recently about revisions to my plan previously reported to get rid of the Liberals. Remember? Canoes, shorelines and a jug of water? Six Liberals per canoe? Well, it seems to me taxpayers should be willing to give them a free tow to International Waters so they are not exhausted by the time they get there. And, I think all canoes leaving from our various coastlines should be roped together. That way they can party together (except the ‘rowers’) as they decide which country they are going to destroy next. I suggest their destination be the Vatican so they can participate in the next round of child sacrifices.


You Liberals reading this must surely realize I am just kidding. One jug of water for six in a canoe? It would not be humane. You can have as much water as you can carry. And - hold on to your hats now- since this is the time of the Super Blood Moon, as many unsold baby body parts to eat as current supplies permit.  



This week I had a nice visit with a friend from Syria. A wonderful highly respected man, a very accomplished professional with advanced degrees and family still living in Syria. He believes ‘they’ are all in on it together, the U.S., Russia, Iran, Hezbollah, the Mossad, etc. etc., even China, with a plan to divide Syria into five countries or parcel it out to five countries and that everything going on over there is a ‘game’ for all except those who are being slaughtered and/or migrating. As an American for many decades and a traveler to Syria at least once each year, I was humbled by his statement that Americans are truly the greatest people in the world. He does not feel or think the same regarding the American ‘Government’. Borders, Language, Culture. Without them there is no ‘country’ which is what ‘they’ want. The world is facing a tsunami of Marxism/Liberalism and It appears to be the goal of the Liberals, the communist NWO, Obama, to wipe out all three (language,borders,culture) using millions upon millions of people fleeing for their very lives not knowing where they are going or where they will end up. Imagine the suffering all because Obama and/or his handlers decided not to stop ISIS in its infancy but to arm and train them instead. Oh the horror of it all. Burning people alive, beheading children in front of their parents, selling young girls to their ‘soldiers’, Crucifying Christians. EVIL, pure EVIL in the name of Islam. By the way, his orders not to hit ISIS headquarters still stands according to our military sources in Iraq. Now he gives Iran a clear path to the bomb by-passing Congress to do so by not requiring the 67 votes required to enter into a ‘treaty’. 100% support from the Democrats. Trump is right, never in history has there been a more perverted gathering of anti-American idiots in one place as we now have in D.C.. If I were to awake one morning to find myself suddenly a Democrat I would consider it my civic duty to start the car and suck on the tailpipe.


Hillary and Obama are screaming at each other lately, once on an airport tarmac and again in the oval office, Hillary demanding he rein in his ‘attack dogs’, Obama saying he can’t help with her legal problems. Biden announcement coming. You remember Biden don’t you, the one who took a 200M bribe from Bush with Hillary playing ‘bag lady’ which explains Biden telling his friends he can’t run because he has been ‘compromised’. “Compromised”. D.C. speak for bought, bribed, purchased.  He will run and likely win. Only pathological liars and the completely corrupt, controllable, blackmail able, are allowed to lead the Democrat wing of the Establishment Party. Not to be overlooked in any discussion of Democrats, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, head of the Democrat National Committee/convention, (DNC). To the left of stupid lies INSANE. This poor woman is completely insane. She should drive past local hospitals and go straight to the A.L.L. (asylum for the Lunatic Left).    


Franklin Graham, Billy Graham’s son, explained in an article about a year ago why normal Americans, taxpayers, conservatives, will never win another national election. He described the coalition the Liberals have put together as consisting of the following groups which, collectively, will continue to control our country as we rush headlong into the Detroit, Baltimore, California outcome. Blacks, Latinos, Feminist, Gays, Gov. Workers, Union Members, Enviro-extremist, the Media, Hollywood, uninformed young people, the forever needy, the chronically unemployed, illegal aliens and ‘fellow travelers on the road to perdition’ (I added that last one). “Norman Rockwell’s America has ended. The Cocker Spaniel is off the porch and the pit bull is in the yard”.

Welcome to Liberalism. You ain’t seen nothing yet.


Speaking of uninformed young people, do you suppose they will ever learn about our Republic being stolen and then murdered? Or that our country is now run by Emergency Orders, Executive Orders and Presidential Directives explaining why Congress has become irrelevant? Or that the Corporation replaced our Constitution with one more to their liking? Or that our Courts are governed not by Constitutional or Common Law but rather by Maritime Law and the UCC, Uniform Commercial Code? Or that their country’s monetary system was sold to a dozen great white sharks for a few pieces of silver? They are now possessed by ‘The Matrix’ with little hope of ever knowing much less understanding their predicament.


Don’t be fooled friends by all the religious Poop and Circumstance this week. The Pope is very much on board with the New World Order.


Dinar Guru messages keep on coming and read the same today as they have weekly for years. How many do you suppose, besides Guru Terry K. I mean, are being paid thousands of dollars monthly to pump Dinar sales?  As WE reported many times all the ‘make ready’ in the world means nothing unless and until the powers of this world reach accommodation and reconciliation in a wide variety of arenas. Have they?  There does seem to be a different and better aroma in the air and yet all visible and tangible evidence, in our opinion, indicates that the ‘establishment’ is still driving the car, our car, and the history of their actions provides little confidence they will suddenly reverse themselves and allow the free flow of funds we all hope for. This is only our third update this year. Four months since the last one, three additional months for the one before that which was in February. As we explained previously we do not enjoy providing negative intel that conflicts with positive Guru messages but given these many additional months without results perhaps you can now see why WE could not go along with their messages at that time. And so, WE chose to be quiet, generally speaking, and let them run with their Dinar Ball without constant conflict from us. At this time I personally think they have a legitimate shot at finally being correct and yet the circumstances surrounding the R.V. endeavor are still not as they present them. Iraq is a mess. The security situation is not under control. Bombings and kidnappings are a daily occurrence. Ramadi  has not been taken back, never mind Mosul. Huge quantities of Dinar were printed and distributed around the world with much of it stolen, laundered and now in the hands of ‘bad guys’. This deal/opportunity has always been divorced from financial and ‘common’ sense as we have explained in many previous updates, nevertheless hope lives and ‘running with this particular ball’ still belongs in the hands of the Gurus who specialize in this subject. If it happens, the funding, WE encourage you to review our updates from last year and 2013 regarding what will happen to the Fed Res Dollar or the Treasury Reserve ‘Notes’ after such a distribution of funds as they might greatly influence your ‘after the fact’ decisions.  In his most recent update Zap advises that the R.V. and PPP are now related and tied together. WE reported that to you from our London sources over a year ago not knowing whether or not it would be true. Hopefully it is true and those program participants still living after 23 plus years of waiting will not have to sit by idly while the new kids on the block, the Dinarians, celebrate. Several economic newsletter writers-several- say a new U.S. Dollar, a TRN, will immediately upon issuance be devalued by forty to fifty percent with another thirty percent to follow within six months. WE have reported several times the various laws that have been changed and rewritten in anticipation of something, otherwise why bother. The G-7 has declared that ‘bank deposits are no longer to be considered money’. In the U.S. laws have been passed declaring that deposits in banks belong to the banks, not the depositors. See previous updates for detailed explanations. It is as if ‘they’ have pre-planned the theft of as much as possible after the fact should ‘the fact’ occur.


There are several reports saying Deutsche Bank is on the verge of collapse. If it goes the rest will follow like dominoes. The whole banking system is insolvent and has been for years. The Fed has manipulated an appearance of solvency by moving toxic ‘assets’ from the books of the commercial banks onto the Feds balance sheet which now shows 4 plus trillion in ‘assets’ most of which is near worthless junk previously marked to model while in the banks, not to market. There is a quad of derivatives floating with banks as counterparties to each other. Someone is on the wrong side of the derivatives related to falling oil prices yet there is no mention in the financial press. The worries are obvious and spectacular. The AA Michael message referred to above says the change to a new system has already been implemented behind the scenes. If this message really is from AA Michael, the creator of this universe according to the 2100 page Urantia Book , rather than Langley or Quantico, then it stands to reason that our concerns will have somehow been dealt with prior to the release of such massive funds.  


WE watch. We wait. We shall see.


Casper team,  9-25-15

Subject: CASPER OPINION 5.29.15


Subject: Casper--- another opinion piece


Five times WE reported to you Obama’s statements that he would never allow the American people to receive significant funds. That was not one event reported five times. It was five separate refusals to allow the ‘funding’s’ to occur as passed along to us from D.C. sources. Now, more recently, someone has ‘posted’ that Obama made exactly the same statement to the World Court adding “not as long as I am President”. As the delays continue with excuses bounced back and forth between Washington and Iraq almost daily, perhaps you can now understand where the problem is and has always been. Since OUR last update 3 months and 10 days ago the internet and even the MSM are confirming many of the things WE reported to you in the past. The arming and training of ISIS, for example, by the CIA on orders from Obama is now in print. The gun-running through Benghazi by Obama and Hillary as we reported 3 years ago is now in print. The sell-out of our country, its people and it’s military secrets to other countries by both Clinton's for personal gain, as WE reported several times. The recent ‘discovery’ of the ‘overprinting’ of Dinar, something WE have harped on for more than two years asking time and again ‘why, if they intend to R.V. at $3.00 or more would they continue to distribute Dinar worldwide @ 1166 in unlimited quantities’ pointing out that no one, no bank, has the money necessary to do such an exchange and if the funds should be created from ‘thin air’ it would amount to the intentional debasement of the USD, not to mention six months of legislative changes declaring bank deposits the property of the bank or the new G-20 rules saying Bank Deposits ‘are no longer to be considered money’. They even reversed the already passed Dodd Frank Legislation to once again make depositors liable should your bank fail. Certain Guru’s continue to believe and report that their Govt. Sources, Treasury and Agency sources are their friends, our friends, and are working to get this done. WE have twenty years of experience with those lying dogs and not once have found them to be doing anything to help the American people. APR (as previously reported) WE have been aware of their devastating lies for way more than a decade as we watched our friends die while holding on and hoping against hope their lies would not be lies. Our intel comes from their own family members, secretly of course. They are paid to lie and know what they are doing. WE have confronted them in past years receiving the standard reply, ‘we are doing what we are paid to do’. They think their evil deeds are unknown to their families but they are wrong. There are ‘teams’ of liars, highly paid to lead people and GURU’S around with a ring in their noses including OUR noses for several years. Long time readers must surely recognize the steady flow of ‘inside intel’ from our updates even though confirmations may be years in coming. In our last update 3 months ago we informed you of Obama’s orders not to bomb ISIS headquarters in Syria and not to attack their leadership. Now you see it in print with extensive coverage by the talking heads. Very few ‘sorties’ are being flown daily and 75% of those return to base with their bombs and no weapons fired. The reason? Orders from Obama. No pilot can attack the enemy without his permission and by the time it comes hours later, if at all, the Terrorist have long since finished roasting their marsh mellows around their fire and disbursed and the pilots, now out of fuel, return to base only to repeat the same charade again the next day, and the next, and the next. ISIS belongs to Obama. A river of blood, beheadings, rapes and crucifixions, children cut in half in front of their parents. You can’t imagine the suffering so don’t try. Isis has now spread to nine countries while Obama protects their flank and their leadership. Here’s a news flash for you. ISIS is inside Baghdad. Suicide bombings have been going on there for two weeks. APR (as previously reported), IMO, ISIS is Obama’s ‘fail-safe’ mechanism. If his sabotage from within the system ever fails ISIS is on standby, roasting marsh mellows while laughing at the held in check planes overhead.


As mentioned before I hold Dinar/Dong as Insurance in case we are wrong. WE want the Guru’s to be right and pray often for things to work out as everyone has been led to believe.


As you have surely observed without our help the delays are coming in ever greater increments of time. Take the Zap/Poof reports for example, not that they personally have anything to do with the delays which they most certainly do not. For months the delays reported by Zap were daily delays (not going out Tuesday after all but will be Thursday).  Then they became weekly (new Docs needed, Paymaster out of town, Chinese New Year, etc.) not this week, now next week. Now they have gone to monthly delays, ‘not in May after all, will be June, hoping for first half’. And so it is with all items of a ‘funding’ nature, across the board, without exception. “One delay all delay” (Casperisim #1 from 20 years ago). As WE have said many times, all the ‘make ready’ in the world means nothing until the Cabal (Banks) and its flunky Politicians (Obama) are forced to say ‘uncle’. Meanwhile the sale of the ever more worthless by the day Dinar and Dong (intentional debasement by over printing and distribution) continues worldwide as the flow of ‘real’ money moves from the pockets of the innocent (speculators) into the coffers of UST and CBI and their network of ‘salesmen’. And the Banks, which first said scam and now say yes, us too?  They are Cabal owned. Without ‘fractional’ (loaning non- existent ‘money’ into existence) they are little more than the cleaner and laundry or sub-sandwich shop sharing the same strip shopping center. It’s the same old WAR described here a thousand times, FIAT vs something new. Many say China is behind ‘the new’ and getting ‘it’ done. In the visible tangible world China is fully cooperating with the Fiat world and will be included in the SDR basket in October which is nothing more than a continuation of Fiat at a higher level. Meanwhile Q.E. (debt expansion/fiat continuation) is ongoing throughout the Western World with the Fed using half a dozen countries-secretly-to continue their purchases of Treasuries in order to keep Obama rolling in his Trillion Dollar annual deficits and the Fraudulent Fiat Financial Debt Ponzi SCAM spinning, not to mention the need to cover all the stealing and thievery  in D.C.. And China, the one being counted on especially by Dinarians to ‘fix it’?  China is once again buying Treasuries, U.S. Fiat Debt Instruments and supporting Obama and the Banking Cabal. In fact, reports last week say China has replaced Japan as the second most prolific buyer behind only the Fed itself which didn’t stop with the Brussels Con Job (400++ billion secret Fed purchases of Treasuries)  but now, as reported above, is now using half a dozen Cabal Ruled countries to continue its secret purchases. This is the real world folks. There may be reasons WE are not smart enough to discern but on the face of it the U.S. and China are in full blown cooperation regarding the indefinite extension of Fiat, Fractional and the Status Quo.


Now, before leaving the world of High Finance allow me to place a bee in your bonnet. If there is a Plan B eventually forthcoming as many report and it is electronic in nature as many report, is that not ‘The Mark of the Beast’?  Total and absolute control by Big Brother? Want groceries? Be a good little robotic supporter of World Government or find that your card does not work.  



This week the White House said Obama’s ISIS campaign is a success. Meanwhile more tens of thousands of refugees running from ISIS hit the roadways on foot, carrying their children and belongings with them. Tens of thousands dead, slaughtered actually, because our pacifist, pitiful, pathetic excuse for a man, for a President, has allowed it to happen. The suffering is unimaginable. This is the American legacy for Iraq and for the Americans who previously died to stop evil barbarians from crucifying and beheading innocents. Obama is the greatest coward in American history. He is PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE for an Olympic sized swimming pool of innocent blood. Obama’s shame is our shame as a nation and as a people. While Guru’s constantly tell you ISIS is under control they now control ten times the area as a year ago and are now operating inside Baghdad and the United States. Obama armed and trained ISIS as documents now confirm and is virtually ‘inviting’ them into the U.S. while Liberals chew their cuds and prepare to vote for Hillary, perhaps the most evil woman in American history. She and her serial rapist pedophile husband have sold enough ‘favors’ and U.S. military secrets to have collected 1.9 BILLION DOLLARS from foreign governments and Corporate Interest such as Monsanto, ninety percent of which they pocketed personally. Where do you think Chelsea got ten million dollars for her New York apartment? This week it was disclosed Hillary accepted another 26 million from Swedish Businesses to exempt them from Iranian Sanctions where they were doing major business deals with these Clinton payoffs warehoused in Sweden.  More than 70 people close to the Clinton's are dead under mysterious circumstances, all their body guards, all those trying to bring forward drug running evidence, kids dead on railroad tracks in Mena, many women RAPED by Bill, Vince Foster (killed inside the White House according to one source, in the parking lot according to another) and so much more from Hillary’s multiple refusals of security for our people in Benghazi to her destruction of her E-Mails to Bills last act in office pardon of Marc Rich-International Financial Crimes-Vince Foster was the bag man/runner between the Clinton's and Rich).  It was long ago but not so long that we don’t remember reporting to you the Clinton's sale of our military secrets to China. The net is full of reports regarding a two and a half mile wide Comet headed toward earth. If this were true, and you are God, would you lift a finger to stop it?  How can such WHITE TRASH, rejected by the people of their own home town (Hope, Ark.) rise to power in our country? Because PATHOLOGICAL LIARS and CON-ARTIST are the heart and soul of the Democrat Party- and- because the vast majority of their constituents, 43% of the electorate, have not a clue about the world beyond their noses. This excludes of course the Limousine Liberals, where money and Political Favors are completely interchangeable. The only honest Democrats are the Welfare Recipients who know who they are, why they vote as they do and are, by and large, honest about it. Does it sound like I am recommending the Republicans?  Hell No. They are simply the ‘right wing’ of the same political party, The Establishment Party. Actually I do not believe Obama was ‘elected’ the second time, perhaps not even the first or that Hillary will be ‘elected’. I believe our Presidents are SELECTED by the CFR and the CABAL and the Diebold Voting Machines which report as they are preprogrammed to report. I do not believe the majority of the American People are as blind or stupid as the election results suggest they are. Only the LIARS, CON-ARTIST and the ‘CONTROLABLE’ (blackmail able) can rise to power and be ‘elected’, is my opinion. Do you recall who taught us this lesson, applicable throughout history but especially true today? He discussed with us in great detail the degenerate nature of Americas political structure where those who attempt to bring forth the truth or dare to be honest are punished, persecuted and even killed, and only the filthiest of the filthy can survive?  Christopher Story.   ‘None are so blind as those who will not see’. 




·        Recently, Obama orders Iran, Hezbollah and The Muslim Brotherhood removed from the terror watch list.


·        Obama sent his own campaign operatives to Israel in an attempt to defeat Netanyahu in the recent Israel election.


·        Obama is proceeding toward signing a deal with Iran which gives them a clear path to obtain Nukes in unlimited quantities while simultaneously lifting all economic sanctions.


·        Obama is by-passing Congress which will not be allowed to vote, while obtaining U.N. (NWO) approval of his actions. (Congressional Republicans are fighting this).


·        Obama is empowering the Iran led Caliphate throughout the mid-east setting up the preconditions for ‘Armageddon’.


·        How to destroy America from within? Spend it into oblivion taught Obama’s professors at Colombia. Obama has increased our debt more than all previous Presidents combined.


·        Meeting in White House recently, Obama, Fed Res, SEC, CFTC, Fed Housing Agency, others.  “Spooky”  says observers. Warnings—Flash Crash of Dollar.  Billions move into ‘tangibles’.


·        Hillary, appointed by Obama, deletes e-mails in ongoing Benghazi cover-up. Sixty plus, plus, plus associates of Clinton's deceased, unnatural causes, including Vince Foster who put himself in a ditch in Fort Marcy Park and shot himself in the back of the head.


·        From the most incompetent President in American history to the most evil female on the planet as President, for no reason other than being female?  Boy howdy, those Democrats and their constituents know how to pick em don’t they.


·        The All Seeing Eye atop the pyramid on the dollar bill? We have arrived have we not? Phones, e-mails, Internet, cameras, even our T.V.’s watching us watch it. Total Control capped by the All Seeing Eye. America, home of the free gone forever.  


·        Obama has virtually destroyed our relationships with our traditional allies, Egypt, France, Germany, Jordan. UAE, Saudi Arabia, Israel, on and on goes the list, while embracing all things Muslim including terrorist such as ISIS, Muslim Brotherhood, etc., and the worst terrorist country of them all, Iran. All enabled and made possible by the Democrat Party (LIBERALS) and their exceptionally uninformed voting constituency.


·        The Border Patrol testified before Congress recently that if they arrest or take into custody large groups of illegal aliens crossing the border they are, on orders of Obama, punished for doing so. TESTIFIED. UNDER OATH.


·        If Obama were to acknowledge, on International Television, that he is the anti-Christ, Democrats would still vote for him.


·        Obama is the greatest LIAR to ever occupy the oval office. The second greatest LIAR, Clinton, waits in the wings.  


·         Lawless, sleazy, disgusting, dishonorable, liars, hypocrites, scoundrels, traitors, money grubbers, corrupt, criminal, incompetent, deplorable, pitiful, shameless, dishonest, miscreants, unprincipled, irresponsible, political whores. Words that describe Obama or Hillary?  BOTH. That’s why they are BOTH true and perfect representatives of the Democrat side of the Establishment Party.


·        Unprincipled, disgusting, cowardly, pathetic, wimps, sissy’s, traitors, cowardly, shills, pawns, money grubbers, corrupt, criminal, political whores, traitors. Words that describe the Republican side of the Establishment Party.


·        Those who have entered our country illegally should not be allowed to vote, EVER. Those who are on Government welfare (not Social Security or Medicare which the people have paid for) should not be allowed to vote so long as they are living at the expense of taxpayers. Without the ability TO PURCHASE votes with taxpayers funds no Democrat could ever be elected again.


·        Obama is, plain and simple, a highly visible TRAITOR. A MUSLIM and a TRAITOR. He was brainwashed before arriving and he has further brainwashed himself since arriving. In my opinion the reason Obama has allowed ISIS to grow out of control, to continue the slaughter, without U.S. interference, is because he is determined to hand over Southern Iraq, its oil fields and  Baghdad, TO IRAN. The five terrorist (5) released from Gitmo by Obama have now been found to be in communication with Al Qaida and ISIS. All travel restrictions have been released for them THIS WEEK.


·        Hillary is different, but equally terrible. Here we are dealing with SLEAZE on a scale that should embarrass every American, not to mention a long trail of dead bodies. A people who would elect this lying scheming money grubbing  sleaze bag as their leader deserves no mercy from God or Comets.  


·        The biggest COWARD and most deplorable politician in either wing of the Establishment Party is Mitch McConnell, Republican leader of the Senate. The only thing this sleaze bag cares about is that nothing interferes with his personal ‘Gravy Train’.  He is on a par with Obama and Hillary. 


·        Obama is a RADICAL MUSLIM TERRORIST. He is insane, IMO,  as are all Radical Muslim Terrorist. Those who cannot recognize Obama’s insanity are called DEMOCRATS. They will point to a red car and swear on a bible it is green. Why? Because they are typically brainwashed, uneducated, uninformed, misinformed, pliable, cult personality worshipers, government dependents,  government workers, etc..  And because, especially because, Obama/Hillary promise them the car is green. The science is settled. Or because, APR (as previously reported) , before this incarnation their brains were inserted upside down and backwards. Up is down, red is green. What else could explain their 100% support for the most incompetent, treasonous, sinister, arrogant, narcissistic, silliest, goofiest, anti-American pathological LIAR in the history of American Government?  LIBERALISM IS A MENTAL DISORDER. It has destroyed our once great country. There is not one other thing, not even corruption in D.C. that can hold a candle to the destruction of our nation by Liberalism. We The People have handed our country over to this crowd of goofballs who destroy every single thing they touch from Detroit to California, from the Dept. of Education to Benghazi, from Health Care to Immigration. I believe what I am typing. Will you compromise with the Devil? The ONLY SOLUTION is to defeat them so thoroughly they will not want to be seen in public. Get off the fence. Get out of the middle of the road. How about some integrity and common sense for a change. Defeat them in such overwhelming numbers not even the rigged voting machines can keep up. How about flushing the entire money grubbing ESTABLISHMENT PARTY down the toilet. How about BEN CARSON FOR PRESIDENT? Screw the Establishment.  Kick em out. Flush them and kick em in the butt on their way out the door. Demand our buildings and monuments back. Close the big WHOREHOUSE on the hill and fumigate it. Fumigate the White House ten times before it can be occupied again. Demand the National Archives, The Library of Congress, UBS and the U.N. hand over their copies of the INCORPORATION DOCUMENTS OF THE UNITED STATES so they can be burned up by BEN CARSON on the White House Lawn  ON INTERNATIONAL TELEVISION. Take back your country, SHEEP.


·        Obama is mentally ill. Those surrounding him are also ideologically blind to reality. Only YES MEN survive in Obama land, Civilian or Military. Those who support and vote for such people are the internal enemies of all things American. The idiots are in charge of the asylum. What do you think we should do?


·        Never in the history of the United States has there ever been so much corruption, so many lies, so much subterfuge, so much EVIL emanating from the Corporation and its minions in D.C. as exist at this very time. SATAN rules America. I could go into unending detail but these updates are for those who already understand and are witnesses.  Soooo,  if you were God and the Comet is coming, would you give it a nudge?  Or not?


I know,  ENOUGH ALREADY.  I feel so strongly about the intentional destruction of our country by these PERVERTS and political pawns of the Cabal and The New World Order that I just can’t help myself. I really should cut the idiots who support the Democrats some slack. I was once blind and ignorant myself.


******************ALERT ALERT ALEEERRRT*********


As I type this Fox News has just confirmed the above report, ISIS IS IN BAGHDAD. Why do you suppose GURU’S who quote Iraq sources with every update do not know what we have known for two weeks? Do you think they will R.V. under these circumstances? Why do you think Obama is protecting ISIS and ordered their ‘Home Office’ in Syria off limits?


FOX is loaded tonight. Paula Jones, remember her, one of the many women RAPED by Bill is coming on begging the American people not to put him back in the White House. Poor Paula, she doesn’t understand, being a RAPIST and a PEDOPHILE and the world’s greatest CON ARTIST are badges of honor with the Liberal Wing of The Establishment Party.


I will never forget the day I was introduced to Ronald Reagan. His eyes began with my shoes, went to the top of my head and settled on my eyes. We talked. I knew I was in the presence of a true American Patriot. He was the last true ‘Republican’. I miss Reagan and John Wayne. I doubt our country will ever see such leadership again. We have sunk to low for most good men and women to want any part of it.  Carson is an outsider, perhaps the biggest reason he should be elected.


Just in case it is another 3 months and 10 days before we update again there is one more opinion I wish to express: It’s about homosexual marriage and Ireland and the Boy Scouts ‘throwing in the towel’. Every holy book on the planet says ‘NO’. The Liberals are daily over ruling all things related to God. You can read examples every single day on the Internet. But the Boy Scouts? I was raised by the Boy Scouts. I was the ‘Scout of The Year’ for the largest region of my state which included one of our country’s largest cities. My dad left when I was eleven. Mom worked two jobs. I was alone on ‘awards night’. It got to be embarrassing the number of trips to the podium. I won everything, Everything, Then left for college three or four Merit Badges short of ‘Eagle’ at age 17 (by nine days). The assistant Scout Master played parent pinning things on me and we were both in tears. The Scout Master was not present. He had been arrested the week before for molesting two boys in our troop. He was homosexual. I do not have a grudge against homosexuality or view it as any greater ‘sin’ than many I am guilty of, but I do not agree that homosexual marriage is what God intended and it distresses me greatly that the Boy Scouts have succumbed to the demands of Corporate America and will now have homosexual Scout Masters while simultaneously Ireland, a part of my ancestry, has just approved gay marriage. A real shocker to me. Never mind what God says, LIBERALS RULE THE WORLD.    For a little while.


I could continue but it would just get worse, more opinionated.  A lone voice, well, almost, SCREAMING IN THE WILDERNESS for twenty years. It has changed nothing. THEY have control of the media and the microphone. Only the arrival of the Comet or something similar will wake the sluggards.


OOPS: Loose ends,


·        More on welfare than in the depths of the Great Depression.


·        Obama’s destruction of our country IS INTENTIONAL.


·        Greece has declared a Bank Holiday Monday. Watch out.


·        Judicial Watch has filed a RICO lawsuit against the Clinton Foundation, Dist. Court-Florida. RACKETEERING. Selling out America, influence peddling.  


·        U.S. armaments to several countries after large donations to the Clinton's.


·        Isis is beheading children.


·        McCain—‘Iraq military not driven out of Ramadi. They drove out of Ramadi’.


·        Obama refuses to give arms to the Kurds, the only effective force fighting ISIS.


·        Bix Weir—‘Big Event-Implosion Global Fiat Monetary System’.


·        Buffet buys more Wells Fargo-470m shares, 25B (end of March).


·        JPM stockpiling silver.


·        Banks fined 5.8B, currency manipulation. What a joke. Last number we had was 77.7B made by banks. Gov’t gets their share of stolen loot, no one held to account, ever. LIBOR manipulation even more profitable. Govt. will get ‘their share’ (fines) then all gets swept under rug as usual.


·        ISIS has issued its own currency, The Golden Dram, worth $4.00 U.S..


·        ‘Common Core’ teaching homosexuality—using pornography------ IN KINDERGARTEN. In KINDERGARTEN.  LIBERALS RULE THE WORLD.


·        Former Republican House Speaker Dennis Hastert caught ‘structuring’ the withdrawal of 1.7M in cash from accounts to give to “individual A” without proper reporting. They arrive poor and leave rich. D.C. is the world’s largest sewage plant. Congress is a whorehouse for sale not to the highest bidder, but to all bidders.


·        A canoe. A jug of water. A shore line. Six Liberals per canoe.


Good night friends, I’m pooped.


Casper    5-29-15


p.s. Yes, we are aware of today's ‘conference call’ saying things are ninety five percent for this weekend,Monday included. Never mind that this is the one hundred and seventy fifth time that have said it, let’s just hope and pray it will be true this time.






Subject: Fwd: casper 1-17-16



WE will do an update soon. In the meantime there is, IMO, a Big Unknown floating which requires immediate attention. It is in regard to Guru Tenn. Wolf Man updates disclosing that his Wealth Manager has left her bank because of information she has learned.


Let’s review something WE have previously reported. During the previous year three major items occurred in the banking world indicating an intent to “Bail-In” the banks thereby stealing the deposits of those receiving funds from Programs, R.V., etc.. Now a fourth item has been added.


1). The G-20 issued a ‘ruling’ saying that deposits in a bank in their countries are no longer to be considered “money”.


2). Congress reversed Dodd Frank legislation which said “no more bank bailouts by the American people” to now say “except in the event of bank failure caused by derivatives”.  (Of course any bank failure for whatever reason would be blamed on derivatives in order to trigger this exception so as to steal depositors money).


3). Domestic Legislation was passed classifying depositors as ‘creditors’ of the bank meaning that a depositor gets the same treatment in a banking crisis as the banks office supply company or its window washing company.


4). Recently, 120 U.S. Banks have published their ‘Living Wills’, a guide describing what will occur in the event the bank fails.


And ominously, this weekend we read that the Dallas Fed has ordered banks in its District ‘Not to write down impaired Oil and Gas Assets’ as would be normal and ‘Not to mark to market’ other assets within the banks. In other words, lie. Do not follow GAPP-Generally Accepted Accounting Practices –or normal Bank Regulations for that matter. The Fed is ordering the Banks to commit fraud.


Also, as an aside, the very important recently posted writings by Judge Anna Von Reitz(inger) claims Wells Fargo is owned by the Atty. General of the UNITES STATES ,Inc., a pawn of Obama who is himself a pawn of Satan’s Bankers. She goes on to say that Wells Fargo attempted to PURCHASE our original Republic claiming it is no longer a country and its people cannot be located.


SO, why do you suppose Tenn. Wolf Mans friend and Wealth Manager left the bank ‘because of what she knows’. I view this as an extremely important unknown and implore T.W.M. to obtain further intel in this regard and to confirm or deny whether it should influence an exchange involving domestic banks.


Casper   1-17-16


Subject: casper 1 /26/16 Observations, Opinions and Financial News




Our most recent full blown update was Sept. 29th, 2015. WE offered very brief commentary 11/16, 11/19 and 1/17/2016.


I don’t enjoy doing updates anymore. Not sure why. They say the longest journey begins with a first step, so here goes. WE hope you find it useful. The title today will be one we have used many times before,


                            “THE WAR CONTINUES”


Gurus are fond of saying so many things which are simply wrong. One of their favorites is “there is no blockage, it’s just a process”. Rather than listing all the reasons why they are wrong about this item we refer you to the Zap update of 1/24/16, specifically the messages from ’Poof’ and Suzan . They pretty well nailed it. Notice also that their remarks track closely recent updates from Sheldon Nidle . WE believe they, and WE, and you are victims of well-intentioned miss-information. WE believe it likely that the ‘sources’ of said miss-information are themselves victims of the situation described by the Poof and Suzan paragraphs of this update.


In that same update ZAP offers the following comment:   ‘Transform the crap that has been perpetrated on our environment by the beetle-headed flap-eared scum sucking low-life bottom dwellers intent on seducing and raping and pillaging that I was not born with enough middle fingers to express my true feelings for’.  I will never understand his need to be so polite. The flap-eared scum suckers occupy all aspects of the Corporation not just the environmental department, also a Corporation.


Many times over the years WE have referred to D.C. as a sewer and Congress as the whorehouse on the hill. Now read the words of former Assistant Treasury Secretary Paul Craig Roberts in a recent interview:    ( paraphrasing)  “Never in history has so much EVIL existed in one place as now exist in Washington D.C.”.


Here are our most recent observations and opinions in no particular order:  


1). Miscellaneous Financial News and Events.

     A). In an Emergency Update from his home in New York Monday night 1/18/16 economist insider, newsletter publisher and former CIA consultant Jim Rickards told his audience of approximately  

         40,000 that tens of trillions of dollars have already been lost in derivatives markets. AND, that the Saudi’s are going to drop their dollar peg. He said it could happen tomorrow or it could be in a few  



B). The chief economist of the World Bank says the world is facing an avalanche of bankruptcies that will test social and political stability.


C). Last year my son sent me a picture of himself standing in front of the Monte dei Paschi Bank in Italy, the world’s oldest bank. A run on this bank and others in Italy is underway and it is facing “a  

      Mountain of bad debts”.


D). Ray Dazio, one of Time Magazines ‘100 most influential people in the world’ issued a statement saying we are entering into a Depression.


E). The TPP is to be signed 2/4/16, Asian Trade Agreement soon after. This is the takeover of the world by Corporations bypassing Sovereign Constitutions via Treaties and ‘Agreements’.


F). Word from Davos, ‘We can’t allow Trump to destroy us’. I call B.S. on this one, Trump is and will be their best friend (IMO).


G). From Economist Michael Pinto,  ‘the coming crash will be worse that 1929 and 2008 put together’.


H). Total World Debt, Government, Corporate and Personal? 152.784 Trillion, up 38T since 2008.


I). BBB—Bond Bubble Bursting. Was 80 T 2008, now 100T. Default 95B so far 2016.


J). World Stock Markets—8 T lost since first of year.


K). China to Banks—‘Stop buying USD’. Banks suspended from Foreign Exchange Trading.


L). Domestic mints unable to keep up with demand for metals.


M). The BDI has crashed. Obama surrounded by Communist Czar’s.   


N). GOLD—First true price discovery mechanism-Shanghai-April.


O). Domestic Bankers—Why are they suddenly walking out?


P). Societe Generale--France—Bearish Gold and short Silver.


Q). Wallmart—Closing 269 stores.


R). MIA—IMF employee Jack Lew.


S).  Wells Fargo—not a bank? A securities company? Bought the name?


T). World Bank—‘Perfect Storm-2016’.


U). 1300+++ Accounts---White Spiritual Boy, etc.etc.etc.etc.  No money here. Ghost Accounts. Used by Reagan to fool Soviet Union.


V).  The AIIB will lend in DOLLARS.


W). J.C. Collins, a most excellent writer, continues to write ‘Fiat Forever’, in the form of SDR’s.


X). The fight over the Collateral Accounts appears to be ongoing thereby jeopardizing funding’s tied thereto.   


Y). Q.E. (Fiat Forever) continues around the world especially in China, Japan, Europe, and secretly in the U.S..


Z). Multitudes of economist and financial newsletter writers are writing and speaking in the same vein as above: Bix Weir, Jim Willie, Bill Holter/Sinclair collaboration, SGT Report, etc., etc.. The list is

      Very long.


Want to fix most of the above in ten minutes? Our various funding’s with simultaneous Debt Jubilee. For the first time the PTB/PTW are speaking out loud about a debt jubilee, most recently from Davos. This is very important, enlightening and exciting.


As WE have reported so many times before, Iraq is a part of something much larger than itself. It’s ‘readiness’ cannot ‘push the button’. All things are dependent upon the ‘rulers of this world’ coming to agreement in a  number of arenas, the same verbiage WE have used many times before, hence the title of this and many other updates      ‘THE WAR CONTINUES’.


2). Next, WE will address the ongoing miss-information provided by the Guru community. These remarks do not apply to all Guru’s as some appear to be quite conscientious. Mountain Goat wins the Gold Star for continuing to say NO while most others say YES and have been doing so weekly for years. Who can argue about who has been correct, not once or twice, not for a short period of time. If ‘the proof is in the pudding’ hers is the only pudding that has not been burned  to a crisp several times over. Unfortunately when she leaves her pudding, her ‘knitting’, and steps into the status of other matters she is completely lost and has no idea the foolishness of what she says. She should stick to her knitting, her specialty, the Dinar Revaluation.


  There is a steady flow of miss-information from the Dinar Community. Even the simplest things are bent completely out of shape, miss interpreted. If ever there was a case of the blind leading the blind this is surely it. That said, 24 years ago when I began this journey I was equally uninformed. Their Community appears not to have experienced veterans of this very long WAR. But that said, we should never lose sight of the fact that they are doing their best to carry the flag forward even if they don’t understand what that means. Who among them has the time and motivation to research  what has gone before? And who among us has the time or motivation to bring their ‘tribe’ to speed?


Recently a Guru said Mercury goes Retro Jan. 25th.  Another said the Age of Aquarius ends Feb. 20th. Mercury went Retro the first week of January and goes direct Jan. 25th. An ‘AGE’ is 2160 years. No one knows when one starts or another ends. Various astronomers try to predict With In A few Hundred Years. Another know-it-all Guru attacked Wanta apparently ignorant of the fact the Courts ruled in his favor. Same with CMKX and Farm Claimants, etc.. There are dozens of examples of Guru’s saying the most uninformed things. I am sometimes embarrassed for them and I don’t even know them. Another Guru reported that Abadi met with the President of the WTO in Davos, Jim Yong Kim. He is the Director General of the World Bank. Literally hundreds of these examples of miss-information are available. I am not doing this to nit-pic. It is indicative of the easily checked false information put out virtually every day  in Dinar Land. No one checks anything. They just say things and the first thing you know Dinarians are quoting each other and believing they have verified something. Take for example this far more important example. “Banks must be asset backed to comply with Basil 111”. They have kicked this one back and forth among themselves so often and for such a long time it is accepted as fact in Dinar Land. It’s Gospel. As far as I know WE are the only ones who have ever reported that we have reviewed the first 750 pages of Basil 111.  I personally read (browsed) these 750 pages two or three years ago, there was no mention of the words Gold or Asset Backed. Basil 111 is new bank regulations. It deals with allocation of Capital into Tiers One, Two, Three, etc. etc.. It is not a ‘Monetary Document’, it is a Bank Regulation Document. A change In the worlds Monetary System would not be decided by Banks or their regulators but by those who rule this world. There may be thousands of additional pages of Basil 111 I have not reviewed. If someone has firsthand information that conflicts with these words please step forward with your intel. Otherwise, stop thinking credibility can be obtained  by quoting each other month after month. As said above, there is a steady flow of B.S. from Guru’s who have no idea what they are talking about. The average Joe’s in Dinar Land who make no claim to be knowledgeable are being terribly abused by those who do claim to be knowledgeable. And, like the Guru from afar mentioned above, the domestic Guru’s who offer commentary about things outside their tiny world of Dinar Land are making fools of themselves without even realizing it. Why do you suppose these ignorant (without knowledge) Guru’s  who have so much to say about things they don’t understand  can’t muster the courage to ask questions germane to their own business? Two months ago a post from Frank at Sterling, posted on one of the Dinar Blogs said, ‘We paid Tony a flat fee for pushing Dinar sales for us’. Not one caller out of 30,000+ on each call had the balls to even ask about this.


3). Next, lets discuss the Collateral Accounts. With all the various ‘Claimants’ speaking their piece lately I was dismayed to notice that Crayford/OITC was MIA. When did you ever see a public discourse regarding the Collateral Accounts  continue for weeks without Brother Crayford showing up on behalf of OITC?  Never is the answer. He has been as reliable as BIG BEN and sure nuff he did  finally show up this past week. Thank goodness, I thought we had lost a ‘player’. Most claimants speak of vast assets in these accounts , precious metals, gemstones, valuable artworks, etc. So WE put the question to high level Bankers in Europe. They said the countries of the world did indeed fund the accounts at the end of WWII. They went on to say the largest contributor was the U.S. at 30 B.  This is so very different than others intel. Me thinks others are right but obligated to report what Euro Bankers say. So let’s review the known claimants. Mr. Crayford/OITC, Mr. Sino, Hudes/Wld Bk/IMF, Keenan, Zaps Elders, Judge Anna, Wolfgang Struck, and us, ME, WE. Yes friends, WE have decided to claim all of it. WE have not taken this decision lightly. After several Board Meetings and several beers WE have decided it is in the world’s best interest ‘they’ give it to us so we can give it to you, and you, and you. WE appoint Judge Anna to be our fiduciary to receive the assets as we are unsure of Brother Dunford’s loyalties. As for Hudes, she represents the existing crop of criminal bankers. You DON’T GO GIRL. What does distribution of these accounts have to do with various funding’s?  WE don’t know.


4). Speaking of knowing, we have a new messenger (Dr. Clarke) who says “I KNOW”. It will be the first week of March for the R.I. and mid to late March for the R.V.. He seems to be a swell guy who is blissfully unaware of the two dozen prior ‘Dr. Clarks’ who also said,  ‘I Know’. Notice that his comments, like those of Mountain Goat, fly in the face of the other Guru’s.  


5). Our intel says Hillary will not be indicted, she and Obama are blackmailing each other and Loretta Lynch will do as ordered. They don’t care if Comey resigns. It’s a SEWER. It’s corruption beyond your wildest imaginings.


6). China leads the G-20 for the next year.


7). Hillary has been endorsed by the largest LGBT in the country, as was our Bath House President.


8). Economist Holter says “We Are Standing At The Gates Of Hell”.


9). A caller to a Dinar Telephone Site named Chryl? (government employee) says Liens have been filed against the home of the Judge involved in the situation in Oregon.


10). Some ‘insiders’ are saying ‘a vote for Trump is a vote for the Corporation’. Notice that no politician is willing to step forward and mention the incorporation of our country and every department and agency thereof, much less that this ‘Government Model’ has been applied to all Western Fiat Based Countries. Any politician willing to address this publically would, IMO, shoot straight to the top of the polls.


11). Iraq’s economy and the value of its currency are at the mercy of oil prices. WE previously reported that ‘Iraq is a Mess’. It is still a mess. An Iraq economist recently said the exchange rate of the Dinar/Dollar pair does not reflect the true value of the Dinar. Then he dropped the hammer. He said the true value of the Dinar is approximately 1500/1.


12). Wells Fargo has 17B in junk bond exposure.


13). In what seems to me a brilliant analysis by a financial writer he said China has anticipated a complete collapse, intentionally run up its sovereign debt as much as possible, invested the proceeds in

        Infrastructure and will retain those physical assets after the crash while the rest of the world will have nothing to show for their simultaneous massive run-up of debts.


14). Dow down about 2000 points since the first of the year, most every commodity bubble has burst.


15). Mid-East Sovereign Wealth Funds are dumping U.S. stocks.


16). Approximately one T in 2015 stock buy-backs now getting slaughtered.


17). Did you know that ‘Ashtar Command’,  in addition to their for sale widgets, gigits, gadgets and thingamajiggers are now offering an hour with Jesus for only $200.00?


18).  I had a dream. It was a terrible dream a few nights before Christmas . It was perhaps the most lucid and powerful dream I have ever had. It said ‘Great Disappointment Will Continue, And Poverty Also’. It occurred at a time when the net was alive with predictions and ‘intel’ saying ‘by Christmas’ with a fallback position of ‘by the first of the year’. I awoke overwhelmed with sadness which hung on throughout the morning. No way I was going to report this during the holidays. I tried hard to recall whether it included a time frame and concluded that it did not. It didn’t say ‘during the season’ and it didn’t say ‘forever’ either. I have never before reported a dream to you. I feel obligated to report this one.  


19). Then, the first week of January Mercury went Retro. Those of us who have Mercury as our ruling planet knew that nothing of significance would begin before the last week of January. WE KNOW.

         Therefore the dream has proven to be accurate for the last 30+ days. It seemed the dream was for everyone, not just me.


20).  It’s been four long years since our financial sources in Europe said to us and WE reported to you, “the Dinar R.V. is a Government sponsored scam’. WE have given them several opportunities to change their minds, they have maintained their position .We didn’t want to believe them so i bought some Dinar and Dong and waited for the overwhelming volume of intel from others to come true. I think about this constantly as I am sure you do. Most now believe China will fund the R.V.. Why would they? They have direct contracts with Iraq and Iran for discounted oil. Why would they jump through Dinar R.V. hoops to get what they already have? By continuing to sell Dinar worldwide for one eighth of a cent the UST and the CBI, both owned by the Cabal, are continuing to intentionally debase the Dinar. Remember, WE reported to you one dealer who admitted he is getting his Dinar from UST for sale to us. And another who hinted that we are right about this but would not confirm completely. Why would UST pay $3.00++for something they already own and are selling to dealers at something less than one eighth a cent?  Why would Iraq interrupt free cash flow of Billions if not Trillions of Dollars flowing from us to them? Some folks say 40T Dinar issued, others say 60T. These numbers are from Iraq and do not included the T’s printed and distributed by the U.S., France and DelaRue/London. There has never been any common sense to be found in this ‘deal’. There is no one on this planet, certainly not Iraq, or China, who can afford to mop up tens of trillions of Dinar at $3.00 each. Why would China do this when they can easily acquire Billions/Trillions of Dinar at one eighth of a cent. With this ongoing intentional debasement for years on end coupled with falling oil prices the value of Dinar vs Dollars has fallen dramatically  should it be de-pegged from the Government imposed Program Rate. Is it possible the Dinar R.V. is a diversion? Are they going to crush every thing then introduce their World Currency? After all, we all know this has been their plan for decades. ‘They’ control the CBI just as they do the Fed Res.. Despite occasional ‘good news’ regarding a cleanup of the banks, getting our Republic  Back,  asset backed currencies, etc.etc. a careful review of actual goings on as opposed to good news from the internet would seem to indicate the Corporation, The NWO, the Police State, Q.E. (Fiat) forever everywhere and a couple of dozen other indicators leaves the appearance  and impression that ‘they’ are feeding us B.S. while expanding not contracting their tyrannical ‘CONTROL’ mechanisms. Don’t forget they have delivered billions of rounds of ammo to such as Social Security, EPA and most other Gov’t. Departments and agencies and Mexican drug cartels. Who do they fear? Us, that’s who. What are they about to do that would necessitate arming themselves to this extent.  If it (the R.V.) is a scam the Banks at the highest levels would naturally ‘be in on it’ as they all work together to preserve Fiat, Fractional and to save the Corporation by hook or crook. At the lower banking levels they would repeat what they are instructed to say and would themselves be victims of the scam. Or, all the arrangements are now in place for bank bail-ins. They might allow the R.V. in order to obtain their own funds which are not deposited in commercial banks in the U.S. or Europe. As soon as our collective deposits are made and we lay-me-down-to-sleep they announce and seize as they did in Cypress. One Guru reported that there won’t be bail-ins  because the banks will be so flush with cash. He obviously doesn’t know the difference between a bank asset and a bank liability. Friends, it is not that something smells fishy. It is that something stinks to high heaven. Year after year, in spite of the ridiculousness of the proposition, people continue to hope, pray and believe in miracles. And make no mistake, it will take a miracle. Making a silk purse out of a sow’s ear would be child’s play compared to the magic wand turning pieces of pennies into dollars. Other explanations are possible. Completely closing the domestic Fed Res Fiat Financial system while simultaneously opening the electronic digital system is the most logical, IMO. When dealing in digits anything is possible. Such a system might require ‘seeding’ to generate the necessary ‘velocity’ of money (digits). We could be those seeds. Miracles do happen. I continue to ask, why would this possible successful  scenario not amount to ‘the mark of the beast’ and suggest that brother Bellringer is the right man to address this question.


20-A). On the other hand: Iraq might jump up one day soon and say ‘we have not been able to retrieve trillions of stolen dinar. What’s worse, we have determined  that ISIS is in possession of vast quantities of Dinar. We cannot revalue the existing Dinar. It is necessary that we void it completely and issue a new currency (the lower denom’s).  Therefore the voided Dinar is and will remain, without value.


21). Why so few updates? WE have been very busy racking and stacking canoes along the coastlines in order to get rid of those pesky Liberals before November. Liberalism is a Mental Disorder resulting in a complete loss of common sense.


22). I still think Biden will be their man. Will be ‘elected’ by their electoral voters at their convention.


23). Three years ago my mother who lives nearby responded to a notice in the local newspaper for a ‘grant’ to do work on her home without charge. Contractors hired by the city came in and replaced the central heat and air system, all the ducts, all windows and doors and a variety of additional work. I had forgotten about it, more or less. This weekend past I walked across the street to speak to a long time neighbor who’s house had been completely torn down including removal of the slab and a brand spanking new brick home was being constructed. Turns out the city is paying for every dime of it. He is not a minority, refugee, etc. He is a retired white man. Refugees being brought in by Obama in much larger numbers than generally known are given EBT cards with living expenses continuously loaded on the cards. A friend who is Creek/Cherokee Native American confided in me recently that he and every member of his tribe receive from the Government (Corporation) a Christmas gift of $25,000. Cash. Every year, every Christmas and another $10,000. Cash on their birthdays.  Obama/Cloward Pivin/ How to destroy our country from within? ‘Spend it into oblivion’.


24). China has injected I T in Q.E. Fiat with more to come. S&P down 2T since first of year. Iraq budget built on $45.00 oil, they are selling some oil at $20.00. Got to compete with ISIS stolen oil don’t you see.


I am tired of writing, I’m sure you are tired of reading. Have much to say about the Judge Anna/Hudes stuff. Will save for another time. Keep your nose to the wind friends. It is not difficult to smell the shit storm approaching.



Casper   1-26-16