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First, WE are advised that  Drake the Clown has once again attacked casper on his radio show this week.

WE don’t have time to listen to such nut cases ourselves but others among you are kind enough to keep us informed. As you are all well aware by now not one single thing he has ever said has come true, not one single thing, and now this fruitcake is telling those still listening to him that they must go and arrest the bad guys themselves.

Yep, you are to strap on your guns, leave your families and go and arrest the Bankers, Generals, Politicians, handcuff them, throw them in your station wagon and take them straight to ??? Oops, he forgot to say where to take them.

Anyone continuing to believe this man is an xxxxx and we don’t have any more time for xxxxxx.


Next comes our reply to todays posting by David Crayford/Whistleblower, again disparaging the casper group and the programs as was his weekly habit for a couple of years before he disappeared.

It is not casper who has ‘reappeared’ David as he has been here faithfully and almost weekly for twenty years.

It is you who has suddenly reappeared and are claiming that since you are now using your own real name you are therefore the most righteous one of all.

What a lying farce you are.

For two years it was nothing but  “Whistleblower” until others exposed your real name publically, many times as a matter of fact, causing a circumstance in which you eventually acknowledged the truth of it.

WE, by the way, were never a part of that ‘back and forth’ between you and others believing you had every right to maintain your anonymity.

Now here you come a year or so later pretending it was all your decision to identify yourself, a bald faced lie while saying several times in your posting how honest you are.


Your next OUTRIGHT LIE has to do with your claim that all those ‘Trading Programs’ were backed by assets of the Collateral Accounts.

There was only one trading program, Freedom, and if you knew your butt from your elbow you would know that. However, now that you have claimed publically that OITC/Collateral Accounts is in possession of all funds including the ‘Collateral’ provided by millions of Program Participants worldwide and the subsequent ‘payout’ of funds from the programs themselves and since you are yourself a lawyer it will come as no surprise to you that the ‘Legal Beagles’ are already hard at work in several overseas locations as we speak.

Since you have basically set yourself up as the ‘granddaddy’ of the OITC you may rest assured that the various lawsuits and class action lawsuits will be naming you personally even though our own Intel says you have been fired by the OITC. True or False Mr. Honest Man?  


On behalf of every program participant the world over we must insist that you immediately provide a schedule for the return of the peoples funds stolen by you & the OITC along with compound interest for twenty years and appropriate ‘fines and penalties’.

Also be aware that beginning today every encouragement will be given to everyone everywhere to undertake their own legal actions. Also for your edification, WE have been asked to advise you that since you and OITC/Collateral Accounts now own/have confiscated all money in the world including the investments and investment profits of millions of Program Participants that all Currency Revaluations under these circumstances are illegal and will also be subject to litigation.


Also, to advise you that the General Counsel of the U.N. has stated this morning that neither they or you have any authority to confiscate funds belonging to others whether directly or indirectly and if it has happened it was done illegally.

Also, that you personally may expect to hear from those of your profession shortly. And I, casper, wish to report directly to your eyes and ears that sources in Europe have referred to you this morning as “a wind bag for the Bloodline Families” which claim all funds the world over for themselves. And I also say to you that, Lord willing, even The Old Man will be appropriately identified and called to account as one of your co-conspirators.  


As you all know friends, casper & company have neither the expertise or the resources to be the instigator of the above responses to Whistleblowers claims but there are those with the funds and the balls necessary to the task and we are happy to serve as their ‘messenger’ in this situation and would also like to state publically that should the opportunity arise WE will delighted to serve as the most experienced of all witnesses to testify to the Courts and to the World Court of Public Opinion as to the devastation wrought by these GREEDY THEIVING ANIMALS.

It is high time the lot of them are exposed for the world to see.    


The stuck pigs always scream loudest friends and that includes Drake, Crayford, Keenan and anyone else who lays claim to our funds which do not belong to them, or who claim that they have some phony right to seize the Programs or the Program Proceeds.


Be not confused by the above messages between attorneys. WE say neither Crayford or the OITC has control of anything nor can they gain control of anything nor can they even access frozen accounts. Neither can Drake or Keenan.


The ‘WAR’ is being fought well above their heads and they can exert no influence whatsoever, in our opinion, upon any outcome. Actually friends, there is absolutely nothing new here from Whistleblower. He was making all of these same claims years ago before disappearing and now reappearing with nothing new to say. “We own it all” was his message then and his message now.


WE have had no dog in the fight between those claiming to own the worlds assets and that is why we have stayed away from these subjects unless ‘provoked’ as has recently been the case.


Perhaps their Back Room Brawls now include The Program Funds. If so they can count on a million very angry folks entering the fray and wearing brass knuckles.


           Casper   9-28-12   opinion
