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This morning sources advise that yesterday’s update in response to Kennan in which WE put Whistleblower and Keenan ‘in bed together’ was a mistake in interpretation (by me) and a serious enough error that it should be ‘cleaned up’ immediately, so here goes.


Whistleblower is ‘in bed with’ Obama and the Bloodline Families of Europe and is at odds with Keenan and the various people and groups he represents. The B.L.F.’s which own the Fed are extending the status quo, doing all possible to prevent our funding and the new banking system and claim they own all money the world over. U.S. Presidents, especially Obama, who is joined by Bill and Hillary Clinton, are ‘in bed with’ these Fed owners and assisting with the blocking of all funding’s and the ‘new’ claiming they would lose control of the U.S. Government should the funding’s occur. Obama blocked scheduled payouts in 2009 and again nine months ago.


Keenan represents various interest claiming previous bailouts of the U.S. and un-repaid loans and interest thereon and a variety of other financial claims against the U.S. and therefore they own all or most of the money. Basically that those he represents have been royally screwed by the U.S..


Treaties are involved going as far back as Bretton Woods in 1944. It’s all very convoluted and complex but boils down to a fight over the money with all parties scratching and clawing to get at funds which are still frozen. WE are informed that funds aggregated from nations as a result of Bretton Woods were to be returned to participating nations at the end of 50 years with interest and that the U.S. has failed to return funds belonging to others sometimes providing counterfeit Bonds and Gold Certificates. WE hear that certain courts have now ruled Bretton Woods to be null and void. To further complicate matters there are such peripheral ‘stashes’ as the Marshall Plan Funds for which the Queens father was Trustee and signed certain oaths protecting those funds for the American people who funded the plan in the first place. As a descendent of the B.L.F.’s herself she has nevertheless been unable or unwilling to turn those funds over to the BLF/owners of the Fed as they are demanding. Also we hear, 240 heirs of the Bloodline Families do not agree with their elders and insist that the funds must be paid out. Then of course the OITC in the person of whistleblower continues to make claims separate and apart from his allies Obama and the B.L.Families claiming OITC  is the rightful controller of all funds. WE hear the courts have ruled that the OITC has no legitimate claim to anything and at this time they ‘control’ nothing, absolutely nothing.


Then of course we have ‘The Sheep’ as represented by casper and many others watching and standing helplessly in the freezing rain for twenty years. Baaaaah.


And then there is another power. Secret, invisible and very very quiet. Who has all those accounts frozen? Who has precluded the looting and divvying up of funds specifically assigned to American citizens? Apparently only The Shadow Knows.


The Military Might of the U.S. is in bed with the Financial/Banking might of the Bloodline Families to forcefully preclude the new and the payouts and Obama and previous Cabal Owned U.S. Presidents are participants in the never ending delays and blockages of the new in order to maintain control of our country and the world at all cost. In order to maintain this control piles and piles of Forged Documents have been used along with blackmail and bribes of various Court Judges.  It is corruption on a world scale with greed and power the underlying motivations. All of them are scared to death that if ‘the people’ receive funds it is all over for them. Debasing currencies worldwide in order to extend the status quo as they are presently doing and it’s resultant misery for the common man is of no concern to the owners of the Fed or to Obama who would have his uneducated and therefore ignorant flock believe that he is on their side. Nothing could be further from the truth, he is an employee of the Cabal.


WE continue to believe that the ‘new’ will overcome the ‘old’ if for no other reason than the old has irrevocably entered onto a suicidal flight path.


It has been our policy for many years to tend to our own knitting unless we are disparaged by others or unless they attack the validity of the ‘programs’ we write about. As Keenan, Whistleblower and others have chosen to do exactly that lately we have temporarily laid our ‘policy’ aside in order to respond to them.


                       Casper   9-26-12   opinion