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CASPER UPDATE: SEPTEMBER 25, 2012 - In Response to Neil Keenan

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Good Morning All:  This is the ‘infamous’ casper here with a brief reply to this morning’s Neil Keenan reply to our update of 9-20-12.


First Friends, lets recall why casper brought the unrelated subject of Keenan and his business into a casper update on the 20th. It is because he stated many things in writing on the internet one of which was that the programs will never pay. He inserted himself into ‘our business’, a business unrelated to his own, one which he has nothing to do with and obviously knows nothing about other than what he has been miss-lead to believe by his new friends at the OITC and/or Global Accounts who have been saying from the beginning of time that they own every dime that exist upon this planet including any funds which might be claimed or owed to program participants. You will recall that WE ‘fought’ publically with ‘Whistleblower/ Obama’ for a year or two about this before other battles apparently drew their attention away from their skirmishes with us. Now comes Keenan singing the same very old song and in the employ of those who are attempting to claim all funds for themselves.


WE know a great deal more about Keenan and his employers than we reported. What we know, or think we know, comes from sources around the world not from our personal involvement with the Wanta Funds or the 120 nations or the White Hats as charged by Keenan in his overnight update. WE never discuss the Global Accounts, The OITC, the WGS or even the Wanta Funds except perhaps in a passing remark or unless, as in this case, someone like Whistleblower or Keenan issues highly disturbing and false remarks about ‘our business’ then we bite back saying he/they are wrong, do not know what they are talking about and should tend to their own knitting which is not going nearly well enough for them to mess around in things that are none of their business. Based on our Intel Keenan will not be able to re-file his lawsuit. Furthermore, we hear, some of his ‘employers’ are reconsidering their ‘arrangements’.


It would be very easy to take Keenan’s overnight update apart line by line pointing out all the factually incorrect statements, there are so many. But why bother? Those who have read and retained the Intel provided in our updates are able to recognize his miss-statements or deceptions as the case may be. WE have never been involved with any u-tube presentation, for example, nor had even the remotest thing to do with the 120 or so nations or any reporting on that subject. Is Keenan lazy, miss-informed or deceitful. You decide. He goes on to say ‘it is the Global Accounts casper is speaking of, not the Wanta funds’. No I did not, I made no mention of the Global Accounts in our update.  Then he goes on to say “hey Casper, aren’t you the guys who had the packages going out to the Governors a year or so ago”? Well, no, Neil, WE are not. As a matter of fact Neil, there is virtually nothing in your update addressing our group which is correct but a laundry list of things said which are incorrect. Are you too lazy to actually read what we say or do you need a new assistant who can read?  You seem to believe that the accounts you are chasing contain or should contain, all the money in the world. Has it occurred to you that there are funds in this world you are not involved with?


Keenan then mentions many things having to do with ‘his business’ which are no doubt of ongoing interest to everyone but which are not specifically related to our business regardless of what he might think. There is ample derision, confusion and conflicts of interest currently going on in your world Mr. Neil, so perhaps you would find it more profitable to be looking over your own shoulder rather than issuing unsolicited emotionally distressing remarks about ‘our business’ which is no concern of yours.


                           Casper   9-25-12


REF:  1. 


WE have included at the bottom observations from a reader regarding  Drake/T-man which may be of interest to those of you who follow ‘Drake”. WE have no personal knowledge of this matter, WE have never spoken to Drake or T-Man and since WE have never listened to a Drake recording or radio program WE can’t testify either way about these observations.

WE can report that our letter to T-Man was solicited by a third party supposedly at the request of T-Man and that we never received a reply.

It kind of makes a body wonder who the real ‘Spooks’ are doesn’t it.


The reason we have included the above letter in this update is because we are receiving ‘urgent inquiries’ from deeply troubled Program Participants triggered primarily by current comments by Neil Keenan appearing on the net and saying in effect, “the programs will not pay so stop lying to the people” (We go further into the above letter below). He was addressing the comments of someone else appearing on the net and saying that virtually all of the remarks (which he list) are false. WE agree with most of what he says with two exceptions. WE do not agree with his remark about the programs never paying or his remark about the Wanta Funds being under the control of the OITC or the Global Settlements, if that is in fact what he said as we find his remarks vague in this regard. Although WE have nothing to do with the Wanta Funds or the OITC or Keenan for that matter, OUR INTEL simply does not agree and it is overseas Intel as opposed to personal opinion. WE are informed that Keenan works for or with seven Chinese Families and certain interest in Indonesia in an attempt to claim or grab or lien funds to be paid out to the people. Also that he works with or for Putin in an effort to go after the Wanta Funds. Our sources say neither he or the OITC or the Global Settlements have possession or control of the Wanta Funds as he claims even though such efforts have been made by Kennan. WE are further informed this morning  in response to our inquiries yesterday that Keenan and those he works for want not one single penny paid to any American citizen.

The ‘Wanta Funds’ are another of those programs we previously reported are supposed to be paid to the people not to any Gov’t. or Agency thereof. And in any event you are all aware of Keenan’s late arrival to the party, the adjacent party actually, as he has never had anything to do with the ‘Program Funds’ and does not now. Long long ago we reported to you that the OITC was ‘in bed’ with Obama. More recently we reported to you that  several Chinese Family ‘sources’ of information are part of the weekly Obama dis-information team spreading the D.C. news from over there giving the impression that one confirms the other. Not true, never true and now we are informed from over there that Kennan is working for those ’families’ or other ‘Chinese Families’ to obtain all funds for themselves at the expense of all American citizens. By in large those inquiring about this like and trust Keenan and therefore don’t understand why he would say such things which have them deeply disturbed. WE can not address the why and we don’t know Keenan personally so we don’t know what his motivation might be other than the obvious, to collect his share of whatever he obtains for his clients (Keenan lives in Bulgaria and uses an Irish Passport). According to our sources his claims are untrue and he is one of many fighting over the money and he is not representing ‘the people’ in general or ‘Program Participants’ specifically.  He is working for interest in Indonesia, Chinese Families and Putin.  


Now as to the current status of things and the urgent inquiries and the latest round of emotional devastation many are feeling,  WE must first ask you to read again the letter included above and consider that what was for many years ‘Hard and Current’ news in our updates has morphed first  into ‘opinion’ and more recently into whatever we can discover and observe with our own eyes, analyze and report our interpretation to you. In some ways this current effort is more fruitful than depending upon Intel from others of unknown in integrity but WE really miss the many sources who helped us so much over the years but are now deceased, all from natural causes. For example, the Cabals extension of the Status Quo is a publicly observable thing by anyone who is paying attention as are the broken promises of still others.


A ‘wet blanket’ has been thrown over everything, everything except the constant flow of the twice a week dis-info coming from those who are to us “Secondary Sources”. WE are always sincerely hopeful their positive poo poo will be right ‘this time’ but they never are. WE sometimes know what they are going to say before they say it as the dis-info originates in D.C. and on occasion we hear it before they do. Most times we just look forward to their Wednesday story or their Saturday story like you hoping it will finally be correct. Meanwhile that which we can observe with our own eyes says the opposite-more delays-bad guys extending the Status Quo (fiat) again. WE know that things could change back in our favor at any time so we watch and listen to everything and everyone. WE have been reporting Obama’s blockage of things for quite a long time now. Recently we have pointed out to you the crawfishing, back peddling  and full blown retreat of “the Celestials” who so many were depending on to ‘save the day’ as they said they would on so many occasions. Yesterday one of their primary messengers, SaLuSa, said “no rush, we never said by ascension”. Does that jive with your memory? “The process was always going to run into next year”. Does that jive with your memory?  “If matters do not proceed within a certain time frame we will be authorized to take more direct action”. Is that what you remember?  I remember ‘authorizations obtained, DIVINE DECREES OBTAINED’, ass kicking to proceed, ‘WE will now take care of business’ (paraphrasing).  I know WE have said a thousand times ‘good wins-evil loses’. I still believe that but now realize that it may not be true during my lifetime. It was not true during the lifetime of my 24 dead friends and family members who hung on to false hope and phony promises to the very end. It appears to me, it is my OPINION, that the ‘good guys’ have had their tails kicked, at least for the time being, by the bad guys. That said the existing fiat system cannot hold together permanently even with the infusion of still more trillions by Obama, Bernanke and Draghi (ECB). But it does successfully delay matters just as Obama has said so many times that “he will allow NOTHING to interfere with his re-election”. In our last update we listed a variety of things which could change this current analysis instantly. The messages from the ‘Celestials’ are so beautiful and often so profound and/or educational. I have been reading them in one form or another for twenty five years so I am a serious and experienced student. Also a frustrated and drained student as dozens of messages saying ’they could and they would and they will and they are’ have again come to naught even as they begin to mention ‘next year’. Ah yes, ‘next year in Paris’ said Bogey. Or was it, ‘we will always have Paris’. Who cares.  It appears to me the ‘wet blanket’ is accompanied by all sorts of blackouts and erasures and situations like ‘Stone Cold Silence’ as if some have been warned to ‘shut up or else’.  The murders have continued. Not a week goes by that one or more are not reported. Of course we still talk to sources in Europe and Asia almost every day. Our point is that the wet blanket extends to them as well and is in use everywhere, not just here.


The Financial War underway for years behind the scenes appears to this writer to be transitioning/migrating into WWIII. The players are lining up, the U.S., the G-5, Japan, the 25 nation armada off Iran vs ‘them’. Israel may pull the trigger at any time. The Muslims are demanding Jihad the world over believing it their duty TO DIE for Allah. It’s been a couple of years since we addressed this subject. Since then the radicals have taken over in many countries. I believe the inability of the ‘good guys’ to defeat the ‘bad guys’ financially coupled with the fact that WAR  is the normal ‘cover’ for insoluble

Financial Difficulties between nations coupled with the Israel/Iran and China/Japan situations plus a wide array of circumstantial evidence indicates ‘war it will be’ in spite of Celestial assurances saying otherwise. The most recent ‘Celestial Assurance’ (Aton) regarding 3DD appears to be another ‘false alarm’. How many false statements and broken promises are required before a complete loss of credibility is registered? China has ordered a dozen war ships and 1000 fishing vessels to the Islands in dispute with Japan and is threatening to crash the Japanese Bond Market. The U.S. has a treaty saying they ‘will defend Japan against all comers’. They, the Chinese, are intentionally whipping their population into a war fervor. You know about Israel/Iran. The Illuminati are apparently ‘Stirring it Up’ all over the planet and who knows the extent of the blackmail that might be keeping the good guys at bay. Allowances must be made, conclusions delayed because ‘We The People’ do not have the Intel necessary to draw hard and fast conclusions and history says it may be 50 years before the truth is known, maybe, to the general public.


A quick aside while It’s on my mind: Three times the Democrat Party rejected the word GOD having any place or mention in its party platform. Least you think this was a ‘leadership’ decision, it was put to a vote on the convention floor. Three times the delegates said NO forcing the Mayor of Los Angeles, the man at the Podium, to overrule the delegates pretending they didn’t really mean what they were saying and ruling that GOD would be included after all.  Three times GOD was denied by the Democrat Party. Not only have the Democrats become the Communist Party of the USA but now they have the appropriate ‘religion’ to go along with their politics---atheism. There is no more devout Democrat in this country than this writers elderly mother. She is now mumbling ‘no more’. ALLAH is the Muslim word for GOD. They are on their knees praying to him five times each day. All of them. They are blocking the streets in New York City because the mosque are over flowing. If you were God who would you favor, those who pray each day or those who reject his very mention?


Back to business: We program participants can not deny the obvious which is the Cabals extension of the Status Quo (fiat) but at the same time we are not at a place calling for ‘give up’ or surrender. Not no but HELL NO. The establishment is committed to the indefinite extension of Fiat. It keeps them in power. It allows for the purchase of votes. It allows for the purchase of politicians. It stops the programs from funding and the Global Settlements from disbursing. It preserves the ‘old’ and the Fed. It precludes the ‘new’ and asset backed banking and monetary systems. ‘They’ don’t want the controls and limitations that accompany the new. They want to continue to rule the world using a totally fraudulent Ponzi monetary system. OBAMA is stopping the new, demanding more and more ‘thin air’ fiat money to buy still more votes and to pay off still more ‘helpers’ such as Soros and Corzine. The whole thing is a house of cards financially and morally. It is sick. It is corrupt. It is The New World Order.


“We” (program participants) have never controlled anything and we don’t now. We have always been at the mercy of the powers of this world and we still are. If we could gather together and ‘lash out’ we would do so wouldn’t we? But we all know that is senseless. Either the good will win and a few of us (you) will remain alive long enough to assign our (your) funds to others and pet projects or it won’t. We have virtually nothing to do with it other than prayer which, frankly, does not seem to be getting the job done. It is too late to reverse our decisions made so long ago. We went ‘all in’ long before ‘they’ did. We are on the pony and there is no way to get off. I often think back to the late eighties and early nineties and wonder about the alternate decisions I could have made. Bush and Obama probably wonder what would the situation be today had they allowed the big banks to fail as they should have and what they would now be able to do with the many trillions had they not pissed them away on wholly corrupt bankers. But we can’t get off and we can’t go back and we can’t reverse our decisions. We must ‘ride it out’ and wait to see what the final outcomes will be. And it’s best we do so in a self-serving state of mind. You know as well as I do that we must relax, wait, observe, pray, hope, expect. We have no other viable choice.


They bought a little more time. They did not change the outcome. Keenan has nothing to do with ‘our business’ and is another of the ‘new kids on the block’. He will not be able to ‘intercept’ our funds. He has his business, we have ours. If WE should ever become aware of an end to ‘our business’  we will say so publically as promised so long ago.

REF:  2: 

In response to Casper's latest opinion- Keenan speaks out

On sunday the infamous "Casper" made scathing remarks aimed at Neil Keenan and various others who's work revolves through the world of the World Global Settlements, Prosperity Packages, the Dinar/Global Currency Revaluation, and of course the Wanta Reagan Mitterrand funds.  Casper's Opinion gives out information that is incorrect- be it because it's "disinfo" or because his sources are leading him around by the nose, I just don't know- but it definitely has a slant that is not right in my opinion. 



You can read Casper's report HERE.


Enerchi of Ascension with Earth contacted me about the Casper opinion piece and asked if I could write a follow up article to address this with Neil Keenan.  


Neil's reply is below:




Hi D,   Who is Casper is he the friendly ghost?  hahahah..   I did not read it all, seeing it is just hogwash.  I guess he has been around for a long while making promises to the people who put their faith in him and then find out that the ball he gave them has no air.  I could give you a litany of things they have promised, but you all know what they are and not one of them has been true.  For something to be called the "Wanta funds" it must mean that he earned this money somewhere along the way, but this is the money that was used to take down the USSR. Where did it come from?  The Global Accounts, and guess what that is where it is sitting right now?  Sorry, no Wanta Funds, it is a myth.  I will not allow them to keep pounding us with this crap.  Am I stopping the American People from getting any of these funds by forewarning them not to believe this?  Not at all.  I am simply advising them that this will never happen seeing it does not belong to the White Hats or Wanta.  It belongs to the Global Accounts.  Those funds were stolen from the Global Accounts, and are now resting comfortably in the accounts.


Do you remember the You Tube presentation from the very same people, Casper included, that the White Hats had 120 nations supporting them and that we would shortly have a new financial system?  Everyone said "WOW".  I did not say "WOW", nor did David Wilcock, and why?  Because we were in touch with those nations and at that time there was not 120, but much less.  One day after this release, David (Wilcock) received a call from Danny Gamage asking for help.  Seems that the White Hats had not one country backing them and they needed help.  When David could not help them, I received a call from the White Hats asking for the same help.  Their Your Tube release was full of crap just as many releases have been.


Now do not get me wrong, I have seen some White Hat releases that are fantastic but to be honest I only read a bit of it.  Doctor Michael Vandemeer used to ague with me over them and who they represent.  I would tell him they are disinfo and nothing more.  I know what I am doing and they attempt to cross over into my realm on occasions and when they do they show where they stand.  They might mean well and if so then they should stop publishing the nonsense they do.  As stated above, some of their releases are on the money, but what they are discussing now they are just winging it.  Sure the people get excited when they hear money is going to be released to them, hell I would be to, but they have sent out so many false flags how can one believe or trust them.  I know where the accounts are and they rest comfortably and I do not want anyone to have false beliefs that something is just going to appear on their doorstep.  It is not going to happen.  Even when this matter with the Cabal is cleared up, the money is not going to just appear from the Accounts.  You see D, the accounts are owned by the World, not by Wanta or White Hats.  Many countries and Societies have deposited their Gold into those accounts and it is their assets that Casper is speaking of, not Wanta's.


I could tell you many stories of what I have heard but I feel no need to do this.  Casper is mad Neil Keenan is a new guy on the block and I appreciate this, but understand this Casper: the new guy on the Block is not naive and he he does not like the people getting confused by people such as yourself.  This is tough enough for them to be misled again and again.  What will you do? Lead them to the slaughterhouse? Is this your goal, for you cannot be foolish enough to believe your own blarny.  Take it easy on the people, they have been through lots and most have no idea why.  Get your facts straight, I know you are more than capable of doing so and if not, then then what reason do you have not to let the people know what is going on?  If you really do not know then do not print it.  It is best the people do not read make believe and take it to heart.  Do I want the people to receive money?  Hell yes I do, but I do not want them sitting there with dreams that have no chance of coming true.  Hey Casper aren't you the guys that had the packages going out to the Governors a year or more ago.  Again it was over and people had been issued the packages right?  Ah it does not matter JUST TREAT the people better they deserve more.  They have been through a lot.


Casper, I do not know if you are a disinfo agent as they say but you cross over into what I am doing often and when you do you step on my toes and I have to advise you that I Bite.  I have so much more I can say but will not.  I have no fight with the White Hats but will not let them cross that line over to my territory.  I understand Wanta or the White Hats even filed a copycat lawsuit similar to mine in Switzerland in Wanta's name.  Is this true?  Seems like so many others that things just keep being said but nothing is happening.  As for the liens I filed, you are right, they did not represent the US, they represented the Family Heritance Guarantee seeing as they had more than 4 Trillion USD stolen from them over the years by the FEDS.  What you do not tell the people is that President Soekarno from Indonesia presided over all those accounts you speak of and when he went into buisness with Kennedy to eliminate the Federal Reserve Bank, Kennedy was killed by the Bankers.  After this we had an appointed Marcos, not elected and furthermore there must be more than just smoke and mirrors to the Ray Dam situation seeing as he screams loud that he is in control of the accounts but what he forgets to mention is that he was never elected, only appointed by the West.  What gave the FEDS such contol over the collaterals?  Why were they allowed to hijack a system that was supposed to be supported by the very assets of the East?  My fight is to get this cleaned up Casper.  Seeing as those people you seem to agree with are those same ones who are hurting the very same people you claim you are trying to get money for. Let me leave this response at this:  I PRAY YOU DO GET FUNDS RELEASED TO THE PEOPLE BUT I DOUBT IT and NO I AM NOT STOPPING YOU FROM GETTING IT TO THEM.  JUST BE HONEST WITH THEM THEY WILL UNDERSTAND IT.