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FULFORD: Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis20120917: Murders and war-mongering continue to escalate as back-drop to high level negotiations

Benjamin Fulford

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Sept. 18, 2012

As the battle for control of the global financial system rages towards a climax, murders, provocations and disinformation campaigns are all escalating. The disappearance of Xi Xinping, the man who is supposed to be the new leader of China, is one example. Xi Xinping vanished from the public spot-light for two weeks to hide his bruises after being beaten up by his handlers, according to two separate high-ranking Chinese sources. Xi works for Jean Daniel Cohen of the French Hoche group and has been ordered to provoke anti-Japanese demonstrations in China, according to one of these sources. Mr. Cohen has not returned this writer’s call asking to confirm this.

The Japanese junior officer corps nearly fell for the recent Chinese provocations (including the sending of warships to disputed Islands) and demanded war before cooler, senior heads warned them it was all a trap.

The murder last week of Japan’s Financial services Minister Tadahiro Matsushita was linked to a cabal attempt to extort money, Japanese public security police sources say. Matsushita had refused to hand over $5 trillion

Weekly Geopolitical News and Analys