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Since our ‘welcome letter’ and short update sent to new subscribers mid-day Sunday, hundreds more have asked to be added to the list. Request are literally pouring in from Grootfontein/Namibia, Equator, Costa Rica, Norway and Sweden, Australia, France, Germany, UK, India, UAE, Canada, Mexico, Panama,Viet Nam, Greece, Spain, China and more. Wendy has devoted most of her day to cutting and pasting e-mail addresses.

More wonderful remarks some of which are very special to us. They are all special. A few bring tears. Thank you friends, WE will do all possible to send you accurate and timely Intel.


The purpose of this brief update is to once again say, in response to much internet discussion this weekend, that the U.S., Obama and Bernanke/FED are CREATING vast amounts of E-Currency for distribution here and in Europe. Use of the word ‘printing’ in one or more of our updates was a mistake. “Currency in Circulation”, even when adding in currency offshore (more there than domestically) is minor, very minor, relative to the amounts of Electronic Currency being CREATED out of thin air. In an update about a month ago WE addressed this subject saying that the groups of nations trying to put a stop to the Fed’s CRIMINAL ACTIVITY have not been able to stop the Fed/Bernanke/Obama/U.S. production of E-Currency which is almost exclusively Bank to Bank. That said our domestic banking contacts advise that they are still receiving their monthly delivery of new PAPER currency. To them it does not matter when it was PRINTED, only that it arrives when due.


Big fights today we hear, U.S. and Europe. The subject is money of course. Not fighting each other we think, we refer to locations of the fighting. WE are working on it.


     Casper   9-17-12