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Wendy, WE and I would like to thank the many many hundreds of you who have already requested inclusion on our new g-mail list during this first 24 hours of its availability and to especially thank the many who sent such wonderful comments. You will be receiving the exact same updates as our previously existing but separate e-mail list of many many thousands who requested direct updates over the years. WE are happy to be a regular feature at Fourwinds and that will continue. WE would like to insert here a ‘plug’ for the Bellringers who have given so much over so many years. The ‘foundation’ of their work and their web-site is the Phoenix Journals, approximately 100 [241] books in a series, approximately 45 of which I have read and all of which are available through Fourwinds. As you know the updates have always been given without charge nor have WE ever accepted a single dime from anyone during the 23 years we have been ‘on the job’. WE are not and have never been ‘associated’ with any other person or group and all the various ‘speculations’ about us appearing on the net from time to time have been 100% wrong. And for the record, we despise ‘The Corporation’ which stole our Republic and suspended our Constitution and its various Agency dis-info teams which have done so much to intentionally hurt program participants. Of course WE do dream that some very rich person will someday read our reports and offer serious financial help to see us through till funding but as you know we have never issued a solicitation for funds. It is true that WE are basically ‘poor folk’ made poorer by the years invested and expenditures necessary to our efforts. I suspect few have even contemplated the total of our phone bills, for example, over a 23 year time period much less International Travel, etc..


The g-mail list of which you are now a part has had ‘special security’ applied to it by our friend, partner and ‘Communications Director’—Wendy. It is your e-mail address which is being shielded from ‘prying eyes’.


Things are very very quiet this weekend. The 3DD ‘message givers’ did a post last night saying ’24 hour delay’. The extensive number of groups  (messengers) WE refer to as ‘Secondary Sources’ are again saying “Monday/Tuesday” which has been their Saturday Mantra for more than a year. Much of what they say revolves around their expected R.V of the Dinar which they have been wrong about, twice each week, for at least 8 or 10 months. There is no money available for an R.V. under the existing fiat system. In our last update or the one before we asked rhetorically, in view of them now flooding the world with electronic currency mopping up worthless debt, adding it to the Fed’s Balance Sheet and charging the interest and principal to U.S. Taxpayers, “how long before they reach for the peoples retirement accounts”? A month, a week? Jim Sinclair is out now with an update saying ‘they’ are preparing to do exactly that, they are going to replace YOUR retirement portfolio assets with Treasury Paper. He says they will confiscate 2 Trillion from the people in this manner, our sources say 5 Trillion. They are already ‘sweeping’ segregated/allocated cash and gold accounts WITH COURT PROTECTION. The CRIMINALS are conducting open, visible, financial warfare against the people. This will only get worse as they become even more desperate to hold on to power.


A friend advises that ‘DRAKE’ has called me a ‘Spook’ on his radio show. Drake is another LIAR who has not been right about one single thing since showing up out of the blue some 8 months ago. Not one single thing.


Discernment is so important right now what with all the B.S. flying and those who don’t know squat still ‘hanging on’ to ‘sources’ who have been miss-leading them for years. WE don’t know everything either but much of what we say nowadays is appearing in public forums.


Again, thank you for subscribing to the Casper Updates.


                          Casper    9-16-12