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Sept. 14, 2012



WE were disappointed to learn that you have personally decided to continue your censorship of the Casper reports because you don’t like what you perceive to be their negative energy. Even more disappointing is your assertion that your ‘cherished readers’ need you to determine for them what they are allowed to read.

I can’t help but wonder whether you actually speak for your ‘cherished readers’ or just the few whose comments you posted congratulating you on your decision.

Were there any others speaking up for Casper, besides “A Guardian”, that you didn’t post? Or did you decide you didn’t like their energy either and so you censored them as well?

Do you believe that your censorship of Casper and others before him and your apparent ‘god complex’ and/or your ‘Hitler’ mentality has had anything to do with your readership leveling off at such a low plateau of four or five thousand readers?


Are you sure your readers need to be burped and have their little booty’s powdered daily as do you?

Could it be that Intel from around the world conveyed by those with a great deal more experience than you is more important to them than the censorship you provide according to your personal energy readings?


Fortunately for us WE have never been dependent upon you or RMN for distribution of our updates and fortunately for the world those desiring fact and truth rather than pre- approved Rumor have other sites available which do not use a ‘guard dog’ at the gate to determine whether their Intel meets with the ‘energy requirements’ of the dog.   


As we are all aware half our population now needs someone to baby them cradle to grave and protect them from the bad news and ‘bad energy’ of the real world. How nice to know that the powder puffs you speak for have you to protect them.


In my opinion you do not speak for even half the population and it’s very doubtful you speak for half the readers of RMN. I suspect most of them are not nearly as helpless as you think or in need of an information ‘filter’ such as yourself.

Is it possible you have simply blown yourself up way out of proportion? The half of our country and the half of your readers who want nothing but a continuous flow of feel good bogus smoke blown up their ass’s surely have plenty to choose from with you at the ‘con’. Others who care to know what highly placed sources around the world are saying will continue to find the Casper updates at Fourwinds.


Did I mention how disappointed WE are in YOU? Several other Web Sites do not share our disappointment.

You see Hobie, a VERY SMALL number of sites are on our ‘gifting list’ for seven figure donations when funding occurs.

As they now receive your share of these donations they are delighted by your decision.


You will pass this sad news on to Rayelan won’t you? Or will you censor that too?

You will post this response to your post won’t you? Or will you censor this too?


Good luck to you, Rayelen and Rumor Mill News.


Casper  9-15-12