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NESARA Restore America

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Sept. 11, 2012

Hello Drake,

This letter is from many concerned people that really like you , and listen to your show. We all want to believe you BUT?
We all have been listening to your 3 hour shows since April.  We have listened intently from week to week and followed your postings.
When you first appeared from out of nowhere you said the good military appointed you as spokesperson for keeping us informed.  Well, it is time to let us know the truth… Don’t tell us from week to week any longer that this or that is being done as we have not yet seen evidence that most of what you say is, indeed, happening…. We ALL hope we are wrong about our combined concerns, but we have questions about what is and what is NOT taking place, and we believe that you and the “good”? military owe us some explanations.
1.     The chemtrails continue to be sprayed overhead, destroying earth’s water, soils, foliage, food crops, insects (like the bees and various birds very important for pollinating), and infecting and killing animals and humans alike daily. 
2.     You say most foreign troops are on our side when others in the know, folks such as Alex Jones and many others, including average watchful patriotic Americans, are saying otherwise…
3.     We, meaning the folks writing this, are observing with our own eyes the FEMA railcars equipped with shackles, railcars carrying loads of heavy military equipment, and truckloads of guillotines moving daily throughout the country… Some of us have seen them. Look at the abandoned military base near Rocksprings WY. 2 years ago it was loaded with Chinese troops.. PERHAPS it still is....
4.     We do not know who or what entity is feeding you the information you claim to be providing on your broadcasts, nor is that which you are reporting taking place. 
5. You even wanted us to be at risk and arrest these creeps.... We really started thinking someone was totally loosing it. Did you want us to get arrested?
6.     The arrests of various high level traitors in this nation were to have occurred 5 months ago.  When the ‘news’ about the ‘arrests’ of Geitner and later on, on your broadcast Pelosi were reported to have occurred, within hours both were back on the streets carrying on their traitorous activities per usual.   ‘Arrested’ to us means off the streets and no longer able to carry out their BS.
7.     A few of us, until we see proof and evidence, do not believe anything being said on the broadcasts any more, as all being ‘reported’ is unsubstantiated hearsay with little to no evidence.
8.     When the ‘big shots’ are arrested and put away (those at the top devising their evil schemes and issuing the orders), all the mid to lower echelon staff will not know what to do, thus positioning them as easy pickings to be removed from harming fellow Americans.
9.     It seems to us that the US military is NOT honoring their oath and are dragging their feet on making any decisions or actions to break away from the NOW/NATO to defend America. We do know that the US military has not been a servant for the united States for many years now, having been taken over and put under the control and orders of the United Nations and the NWO to carry out their Nazi agenda.
10.     We want to give a limit to them to get er done or get out of the way. You once gave the Military a date and nothing happened… Are you not wondering where the military is at with all this? If you want to WIN - -  control both sides just like the Rothschilds and Rockerfeller did during WW2.... they made a fortune from a war they started and supported at our cost....
11.  Many of us are older like you with upper end professional lifestyles, ex-military officers, and college degrees including many who have studied logic.  Looking at current events logically, so many things you say are illogical and do not line up or seem to ever happen.  An example:  If 75% plus of the US military is on the side of defending America against this tyranny, it is our belief that the chemtrails would by now be history and ALL of the BIG SH-TS would be in the slammer. How much more death and destruction has to occur before the US military gets off their butts and demonstrates  (by visiable arrests) their loyalty to their oaths and to their nation?
12.  Drake, is the cabal/the US military using you to keep the Americans  sedated and trusting what you are ‘reporting’ while they get ready to bring forth the ‘surprise’ and begin to round up good loyal Americans?? People are already disappearing all around the nation, and it is believed there are already people in the camps.
13. How much more ‘evidence’ does the US military need to conduct the arrests and to lock up those fully known to be traitors to America?  If an American breaks a simple law, they are subject to being sent to jail. These crooks, thieves and assholes are in our faces daily with their continued heinous crimes and experience NO repercussions for their continuing traitorous activities.  Americans are loosing their homes, money, health, lives, even family relationships due to the stress as well as other losses and NOTHING appears to be getting done on their behalf.  In fact, QUITE THE CONTRARY. Actions speak louder than words, and if it is not seen it isn't.