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Here is an unexpected update to yesterday’s update:


Word from European Banking Contacts says the ‘LIBOR Scandal’ has expanded from the initially announced 16 Banks to 35 to 40 Banks which now includes 5 American Banks. Because banking ‘Regulators’ in the U.S. and London are ‘in the pockets’ of the banks just as the Politicians are it may take some time for the full extent of this scam to become known. It boils down to literally every person on the planet being INTENTIONALLY screwed by the Banks over a period of several years and may well prove to be ‘the straw that breaks the camel’s back’ (fiat banking). How can further bailouts of known Corrupt Banks be justified?


Wilcock says he talks to and likes Drake BUT his several ‘insider sources’ cannot confirm the things Drake has been reporting. Today another connected ‘web-blogger’ is out with the news that his sources are calling Drake a fraud. WE  have intentionally avoided comment about Drake’s Intel but in view of these other reports we now feel obligated to report that our sources in the far east have been saying for several weeks that ‘Drake may be the most honest person in the world but  there is nothing to the stuff he is putting out’, a suggestion that maybe he is being used. This week we have additional info from Europe also poo pooing Drakes Intel  so ‘heads up’. WE are big supporters of the military so naturally we wanted Drakes Intel to be correct and it may yet prove to be correct but that’s not what our sources, Wilcock’s sources and other sources are reporting.


WE are informed this morning that the most recent EURO BAILOUT is already falling apart. In Germany the whole mess is in the hands of their Supreme Court and Merkel has been warned by parts of her Governing Coalition they will desert her if she attempts to spend still more German Taxpayer Funds on countries which have (like Obama’s U.S.) spent themselves into oblivion while sitting under a shade tree drinking iced tea and playing dominoes. Meanwhile Finland has rejected the ‘agreements’ outright (100% approval required within the E.U.). The most urgent need for new capital was to bail Spain’s Banks. Are they participants in the Libor Scandal? Will the worlds citizens tax funds and debt liabilities again be used to bailout Criminals? As for the previous 100B Euro bailout for Spain’s Banks WE hear the funds ‘never actually arrived’. The situation is very complex and intertwined like a Gordian Knot and may come crashing down as early as July 10th if certain Emergency Funding Mechanism’s fail to ‘Capitalize’ themselves as scheduled by July 9th.   


Some messengers continue to report a) Dinar Whales continue to be funded and b) The R.V. rates have gone from 8 to 11 to 14 to 18 to the 20’s and now some say the 40’s. As previously reported our sources say none of this is true, that no Dinar ‘Investors’ have been funded. And, as previously reported, people must be incredibly gullible to believe these R.V. Rates which are being quoted. The only way such quotes could prove true is if the currency Dinars are measured against (the Fed Res Dollar) were to devalue simultaneously by more than ninety percent.


           Casper   7-5-12  opinion