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The BETRAYAL by John Roberts of the 60% of the people who do not want Obama Care should remove any remaining doubt that those who ‘rule’ the Political Parties, The Courts and the Country are all in bed together doing exactly as they are ordered to do by their NWO ‘Handlers’. Our country’s ‘health care insurance problems’ could be easily solved by allowing said insurance to be sold across state lines creating a nationally competitive environment in which insurance cost would quickly plunge dramatically as each insurance company fought for ‘market share’. This is called ‘Capitalism and/or ‘Free Enterprise’. Now why do you suppose this has been precluded by the legislation passed by the Politicians. The first of two reasons should be obvious even to the non-thinking Liberals among us, THE POLITICIANS HAVE BEEN BOUGHT BY THE INSURANCE COMPANIES which do not want Insurance Premiums to immediately fall precipitously nationwide.  They want and have obtained unjustified extremely high premiums by ‘paying off’ your friendly Politician (spit). The second reason is that the Government itself wants to take over the insurance premium income and therefore wants the premiums to remain as high as possible BECAUSE they intend to ‘Securitize’ the income stream thirty years into the future thereby collateralizing the borrowing of fantastic sums of money similar to the ways in which ‘they’ turn every prisoners incarceration into a Bond which then collateralizes still more borrowing. This is what the occasional ‘insider’ means when he/she says “Obama Care has very little to do with health care”. Nothing is as it seems or as it is presented to you. The Corporation and its top Administrators (Politicians, Judges, etc.)  know what is going on (in both parties), receive the same ‘orders’, are acting in concert and are equally guilty of perpetual fraud whether they are Democrats or Republicans.  Obama and Roberts, Obama OR Romney, it makes no difference. The short version of this is that they all follow the instructions of the Cabal and will not allow Ron Paul or any other ‘outsider’ to actually threaten their Fraudulent Fiat Financial Playpen. One more thing,  Romney is no less a Criminal than Obama. He is a GHWB  lap poodle.


Regarding our business “the best July 4th ever” didn’t happen and our sources say those posting ‘Any Minute’ on the various Dinar Web-Sites don’t know what they are talking about either. The current mantra being disseminated worldwide, in case you are interested, says ‘By Saturday’. Do WE believe? No, because these same ‘source’s’ have been dispensing false B.S. weekly for the past year. OUR sources say there is ‘forward progress’, things are moving forward but there are still commitments/agreements yet to be fulfilled before the valve can be ‘turned on’. Notice that the ‘Collateral Accounts’ lawsuit by Keenan and the funds represented therein have not been ‘released’ as reported on the net three weeks ago, in fact the lawsuit has been temporarily withdrawn meaning still more dis-info specialist are spreading false B.S. week after week. The same with the internet report three weeks ago saying the Wanta Funds ‘have been released’. More lies. Our sources say no funds have been released therefore the Dinar R.V. and other programs can not pay---yet. Of course WE ‘query’ our sources about the possibility of the F&P now separate and apart from ‘the backside of the deal’, the actual ‘Program Money’. They say NO and have been saying no weekly for the last six months.


The LIBOR interest rate scandal breaking into public view in Europe is said to be the greatest financial scandal in history with 16 major banks participating. Since Barclays has already been fined 450 Million and the top three ‘officials’ have resigned this shows that the investigation and its outcome have been known for quite some time. Therefore it is very possible that this forms the primary underlying justification for the forthcoming? massive arrest.


Speaking of the latest GFL, etc. messages,  today they say ‘flyovers’ July 9th between 11 p.m. and 1 a.m.. There is some ‘small print’, go and read for yourself. In his current update Nidle likens our current status to a ‘Countdown at Cape Canaveral’ where delays can occur but emphasizes that the ‘countdown’ is under way. There are important updates out from The White Hats (#43) and also from Wilcock. I found the update from Wilcock to be especially enlightening. Fulford is also out with a new one. To much info to summarize. This is a time when these updates should be read and digested as they come out if you wish to stay up with ‘current events’. Some of the GFL/SaLuSa/Nidle/Giles updates require some concentration and deep thinking. Reading must precede the thinking. The first step on the ladder is ‘the intake of information’ which leads to the second step which is ‘knowledge’ which leads to ‘understanding’ which leads to ‘wisdom’ which leads to the top step, ‘unconditional love’.  Just because I think we should throw a few of the bad guys into a pot of boiling oil and turn them into ‘hush puppies’ before hanging them and tossing them on the railroad tracks does not mean I don’t understand the greater program.


Happy Fourth Everyone,


                Casper  7-4-12   opinion