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July 1, 2012

----- Original Message -----


To: Bellringer

Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2012 9:44 AM

Subject: Please Post this request.....)( if you choose....)

Hello Patrick and Anne,
We all appricate you keeping the Casper Postings and Opinion pieces on FourWinds10.
I, for one, beleive in the literary comment of Casper, as being as close to the truth as I personally can vette.
For many years, his comments have kept many people Sane.
Some of us are smart enough, and have enough contacts to KNOW, the never ending  Corporate 'Paublum' Story of "it's comning Tomorrow"...
is just that, a finely  tuned orchestrated story to keep the masses placated, while Rome burns.
Frankly, I wish Rome would burn faster!   Burn it to the ground, and let's start fresh.
In the meantime Patrick and Anne,... since Rumor Mill News has decided to Censor Casper and not post his writings, as least they are kind enough to  mention that the reports are posted on Four Winds 10.  Your readership, I am certain is happy to have the luxury of reading the Casper articles here on your site.
I would certainly think that many of these same people would be happy to contribute to a fund, to help you with the financial obligations that this site incures monthly.
Have you ever considered posting and requesting Donations from the readership, to help you in the maintence of this?
I am CERTAIN that may people would dontate, if there was an EASY way for them to do this.
Possibly something like the 'CHIP-IN" thar Rumor Mill News uses would work.
It' s just a suggestion, however, if EVERY reader of Casper, and that is over 3,500 each time Casper was posted to RMN, IF each one just donated a Dollar or Two....
 I am sure that would offset your monthly fees for the site.
We all need this site to continue to Post the Casper articles, as I have received over 4,000 emails in the past 2 weeks, requesting that the Casper articles continue to appear , when Rayelen and Hobie made the decision NOT to post his articles. 
I know, the readers would help you financially in support of Four Winds 10.
This is just a suggestion from ONE woman.....that has read the 4,000+ emails requesting that Casper continue to be posted.
Some suggested a separte site for Casper, which I believe is not necessary, as you are willing to post them.
And to the Readers I say:    CONTRIBUTE!   Please.    We need to keep information flowing inorder to Win this Battle!
If there is anything I can do in this mission , please feel free to contact me.
Thank you in advance,
Caspers Friend.
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  Wendy
DATE:  July 2, 2012
Dear Wendy:
    Thank you for your letter and comments.  It is true that we have no resources to keep Fourwinds on the Internet other than monthly donations from a few very kind people.  The Angels handle our budget, and miracles happen each month to keep Fourwinds viable.  With so many people struggling to stay afloat economically, we have difficulty asking for money.  Your suggestion of many people giving a little bit sounds like a Plan.  We walk in faith, my friend!  Thank you for your concern.  We have "Make a Donation" on our homepage for those, who wish to do so.
    Casper probably understands "The Plan" for world change to Goodness better than most people.  Because he speaks Truth, we are quite happy to post his reports on Fourwinds.  May "The Plan" come together soon.


In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer