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WE have always said “Obama Care is unconstitutional on its face”. This is what the court ruled (can’t enforce individual mandate under the Commerce Clause). Then, John Roberts joined the Liberal Lunatics on the court and gave Obama a back door method of enforcement by calling Obama Care a tax. Some say Roberts eyes were very red as if he had been crying before facing the cameras. Others are reporting a private meeting between Obama and Roberts prior to the vote. Others say Roberts changed his vote at the last minute. WE can not verify any of that but we can report the following: WE were informed Wednesday night what the vote would be and that Roberts would be the ‘swing’ vote. Stop and think about that for a moment. NO ONE was supposed to know. Obama supposedly caught the news on the television like the rest of us. Bullchit. Our sources knew the night before the vote was announced. Do you recall the small matter of ‘the ranch’? On Military land outside of D.C.? And our many reports covering this subject? And certain despicable sexual activities? And many Judges and Politicians visiting? And certain videos? The way it was worded to me was ‘the mob got to him’. I took that to mean the Chicago Mob. WE were also advised that Roberts is owned by The New World Order and his job is to protect Obama. At least four lawsuits challenging Obama’s eligibility have reached the High Court and Roberts is sitting on them. The Court is INCORPORATED as is every Dept. and Agency of Government. A couple of thousand ‘Government Corporations’ replaced our true Government and untold hours and months and D&B reports were expended calling this to your attention on Fourwinds (see the archives) by “S” and Casper. Washington D.C. is a cesspool of corruption. The Beltway is a giant toilet seat. The U.S. Corporate Government and its Courts and its Political Prima Donnas do not work for the people.


Four Hundred Billion in new taxes are to be imposed upon the middle class and the poor, the exact opposite of what Obama said he would do. This is in addition to the Five Hundred Billion being stripped from Medicare.  Now Obama and his Czars will determine who lives and who dies as the entire Medical Profession will soon be in the hands of the Government. This is the same route HITLER used to take over Germany. Tens of thousands of Doctors have said they will leave the profession. Soon every doctor will get paid the same regardless of education or competence.  Soon Americans will have to wait months for the simplest operations as is the case in other countries with ‘Socialized Medicine’. Every Democrat voted for Obama Care. Every single Republican voted against. These Democrats despise Freedom, Free Enterprise and desire to CONTROL every aspect of our lives. They are TRAITORS and deserve the fate of Traitors everywhere as does our COMMUNIST/MUSLIM/USERPER of the Presidency along with John Roberts and all Judges/Politicians who have refused to surrender and who continue their determined effort to implement and enforce their New World Order Agenda, an effort going on many fronts simultaneously.  


Regarding ‘our business’ WE are not ones to say ‘we told you so’ (no deliveries)    but we did. While some messengers report ‘Obama Signed Off’ our Intel says the opposite, that he continues to threaten people and countries all over the world, especially Europe, through Geithner most of the time. His intention as so often reported here is to continue the ‘Status Quo’ at any cost. This week it was the saving of the European Wing of The New World Order he was demanding which we read as threats to Merkel seeing as how Germany is the only semi-solvent country in the Euro Zone big enough to ward off the inevitable financial collapse a while longer. Every country must be ‘brought down’ to the lowest common denominator don’t you see while being forced to forfeit their sovereignty to the NWO/EU, in this instance by having Germany assume liability for the debts of the already insolvent Socialist Countries of France, Italy, Spain, Greece and the other PIIGS. Under the proposed cost for another ‘sip of water’ (money) the individual countries must forfeit control of their National Budgets and Banks. This is the hand of Communism at work on a world scale while the same principles are simultaneously being applied domestically by Obama and his Marxist cronies. Obama, Bernanke and Geithner are delivering  lord knows how much ‘E-Currency’ (computer manufactured funny money) just as they did by delivering 16 TRILLION during the crisis of ’08 (as uncovered by Ron Paul’s partial audit of the Fed at that time). Facts on the ground indicate that ‘the good guys’, i.e. the 190 countries so often written about by others, are unable to stop this Criminal Perversion of the Reserve Monetary System of the Western World. How do you stop the movement of E-Currency among them short of blowing up their computers? Unless it is stopped they can continue this game indefinitely so long as the privately owned FED is willing to continue expanding its balance sheet indefinitely as necessary to maintain Fiat Financial Control and to keep their ‘company owned’ Politicians in office, specifically Obama.  How often have we said ‘it all comes down to the question of who controls the Printing Press (a figure of speech). What Obama and Geithner and Bernanke are doing and will continue to do, in our opinion, is to provide unlimited funny money (QE III through QE XX) in order to preserve the status quo and themselves in power (although said funds may be provided to the worlds banks secretly and not identified as QE).  The banks will then continue to do the Texas Two Step with the Sovereign Bonds of their various bankrupt nations thereby implementing the Obama/NWO orders that nothing be allowed to interfere with his re-election after which he will complete his intentional destruction of Democracy and the United States on behalf of his handlers as laid out in writing for all to see prior to his first election. The authors of this program for the destruction of America and its ‘takedown’ to  third world participant in their Communist New World Order were aware that half the people are too lazy to read and many of those who do read do not comprehend what they are reading. Meanwhile ‘Drake’ reports ‘Green Light Given’ then corrects himself to say ‘oops, still another Green Light needed’. As so it will continue, IMO. Because of their support for Obama I cannot get over the possibility that all such ‘messages’, whether from Drake, Ashtar, the GFL, etc. etc. etc. are part of the NWO plot to destroy historical America and the will and freedom of its people. ‘Psychological  Warfare’ against the people would obviously be one facet of such an undertaking.  You have no doubt read a million of their words with no visible, tangible result. I have been reading their words since the mid-eighties, millions of words, and cannot identify a single visible tangible result. Keep your wits about you. The arrest have been promised for how many months now? Their ongoing ‘victories’ from John Roberts and Obama Care to the apparent preservation of their Fraudulent Fiat Financial playpen month after month does not require anything other than your focused observation and


And reading and ‘comprehension’. The E-mail headline reads, “Five Banks to Fail by July 1st”. Did you read the accompanying article from ‘Reuters’ on which the headline was based? It says no such thing. The Banks ‘Living Wills’ discussed in the article are simply reporting requirements ordered by the Dodd Frank Banking Legislation, a ‘plan’  for Trustees and Regulators to follow should a ‘too big to fail’ Bank-fail. Some banks must comply this July 1st, others next July and others December, 2013. This is an example of the B.S. flying around ‘out there’ daily. Most of it is simply not true. No Dinar holder has been ‘funded’ in spite of claims ’17 whales got funded’.  The ‘JR’ program has not funded which is this week’s line of B.S.. The false information messengers are ‘buying into’ week after week, month after month originates with the dis-info team in D.C. which is in partnership with ‘’The Families” dis-info team in China. Those responsible for this never-ending bullchit, this ongoing TORTURE of enormous numbers of innocent victims, belong at the bottom of a big pot of boiling oil. They  are EVIL beyond words.


I realize the above will be perceived as negative because, well, it is negative. But it is the situation that is negative, at least for now, and WE do not consider the reporting of the facts as we see them to be negative reporting.


The bottom line friends is that ‘the money’ remains frozen and without the money no one is going to get anything. WE tend to agree with the several who have said that the old must come down before the new can rise up to accommodate the ‘funding’.  The alternative of ‘side by side’ worldwide operations of wholly different banking systems does not seem plausible to us.


                                    Casper   opinion    6-29-12


p.s. Remember friends, that which has never happened, is not happening right now, is not actually visible on the horizon and may not happen tomorrow, can still happen day after tomorrow or the day after that. It is not unreasonable to observe, in our opinion, that it is sometimes darkest right before the light. Sometimes. But not always.