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This week, in Brooklyn I think it was, school children scheduled to sing ‘God Bless the USA’ at a school program were removed from the program by the black principal of the school. So the children gathered after hours near the school and began to sing their song on a street corner.

They were quickly accosted by those living nearby SCREAMING  ‘Burn in Hell, Burn in Hell, Burn in Hell, get that Republican crap out of our neighborhood’. Imagine this, black welfare recipients screaming ‘Burn in Hell’ to SCHOOL CHILDREN singing ‘God Bless the USA’ while also screaming insults at the taxpayers who pay for their welfare payments.

This is what our country has come to under Liberal Leadership.

America has no greater enemy than the Liberals (Progressives, Socialist, Communist).


Now we have the White House asserting ‘Executive Privilege’ on the Fast and Furious matter. While Holder (Dept. of Justice) and Obama were distributing over 2000 weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels and MS-13 in Honduras, Hillary, fresh from her attempts to ‘sell out’ our country to China with various offers of Eminent Domain in return for debt relief and continued debt purchases, proceeded to agree, on behalf of all of us, to the U.N. ‘Small Arms Treaty’ (to be ratified by a Liberal controlled Senate). WE hear the weapons to Mexico were to be used for all manner of violence inside the U.S. providing the excuse for the Liberals pursuit of gun confiscation under the U.N. Small Arms Treaty. After 16 months of saying NO to the Congress regarding delivery of the relevant documents and now under immediate threat of a ‘Contempt of Congress’ citation against Holder, the White House suddenly asserts Executive Privilege (you can’t see the documents now or ever). It looks very much like Obama was personally aware of this scam as well as many other scams now known, causing the death of one American Border Patrol Agent and god knows how many Mexican Citizens were killed by the Drug Cartels using the Holder/Obama weapons, all as an ‘excuse’ to implement gun confiscation in America.


Also this week Obama once again attacked the Constitution asserting that the ‘Executive’ had the right to issue orders, as he did, through HLS, for Amnesty to certain ‘Illegal Aliens’ in an obvious play for Hispanic votes. The issue is not whether this segment or other segments of this population should receive Amnesty. The argument is that Obama is not a King yet Obama is declaring himself a King or a  Dictator. Obama is intentionally by-passing Congress and the normal Legislative Process—again-- and in so doing is declaring null and void the Constitution. Worded differently, Obama has dropped all pretense of ‘Constitutional Law’ in America knowing, as do you, that our Constitution was voided long ago by the very Cabal he now works for.

That Cabal, ‘World Government’, is Communist. If you cannot see, if you are unwilling to see, what Obama has already done to march our country out of Freedom and out of Free Enterprise (Capitalism) and into Socialism/Communism then you should, IMO, join the screamers on the streets of Brooklyn as that is what you are supporting whether you realize it or not.


Do you remember who visited the Oval Office more than any other? The head of the SEIU (Service Employees Union). In a MAY DAY parade in California, sponsored by SEIU, participants carried signs saying ‘Workers of the World Unite, Fight for Communism’. These bastards have no shame. May Day no less. Do you understand how many millions of America’s finest men and women died to protect our country from the likes of the Communist and the SEIU?


Throughout history ‘The Left’ pushes and pushes and pushes and then pushes some more until eventually ‘The Right’ says NO MORE, ENOUGH, THAT’S IT. The outcome is usually bloody in a very literal sense. The Left wins the ensuing battle occasionally, rarely (Mao), and the people live under atheist and slavery for a generation or two but most always the Left gets exactly what it deserves and are left wondering what happened to their ‘Sugar Daddy Existance’. In Greece, a handy example of the Lefts thinking, they refuse to pay their bills or their taxes. They now work 31 hours a week and refuse to work more. They retire at age 52 and refuse any extension. In other words, they have been living off the labor of others for decades just like ‘The Liberals’ in our country. Most liberals are welfare recipients. The Liberal Elite (Obama) have a most obvious goal, half work for Government, the other half are supported by Government. In other words, The Liberal Elites are like Bookmakers, they live ‘in the middle’ redistributing from those who work to those who do not while collecting the ‘vig’ which is never ending re-election. If things ‘get tight’ just toss additional bags of Opium to the people, ‘Other People’s Money’.


Those who have done this for generations have damn near destroyed our country just as the Greek Politicians have destroyed theirs and they have also destroyed the very people they professed to help turning them into permanent non-working welfare recipients and permanent members of the ‘WE ARE VICTIMS’ society. We have arrived now at that place described by smart men long ago, ‘Democracy will last only until such time as the people determine that they can vote themselves largess (benefits) from the public trough after which they will vote for whoever promises the most goodies’ (and, I might add, with no thought whatsoever to who is paying for their goodies). Democracy is then followed, always, by Dictatorship. Obama’s Drones are now flying overhead. He has issued orders that Americans can be picked up and held indefinitely without cause or even a phone call. And a dozen other STALIN/Hitler like ‘Executive Orders’ and ‘Presidential Directives’.  The Liberals, supported by the Unions which turned Detroit into a Ghost City and caused tens of thousands of businesses to move offshore taking their jobs with them, are hell bent upon the IMMEDIATE destruction of Historical America. They can’t afford to wait hence all the blatant Police State orders coming out seemingly ‘all at once’. As more and more of the criminal nature of the Obama Administration and his personal frauds leak out they ‘must do now what they may not be able to do later’. Those millions who fought and died for ‘Freedom’ preserved  the Liberals/Socialist/Communist rights to argue for their views, to march and carry signs proclaiming their devotion to Communism and Obama. It is ‘We The People’ collectively who are responsible for allowing these people to rise to power in our country. It is an amazing thing to witness. Half the people say ‘anybody but Bush’ and the other half say ‘anybody but Obama’ but when offered a different choice, a truly different once in a lifetime choice, the choice of a man who has delivered 4000 babies and spent his entire life trying to expose the Fed and its resultant slavery of the people, he is rejected. (Ron Paul)     

Frankly speaking, IMHO, the American people deserve whatever they get no matter how bad it may be.


This past week a new friend wondered ‘aloud’ why the casper updates have been ‘negative’ such as the above remarks I suppose. As others said week after week for months on end that ‘deliveries are coming this week’ and WE said ‘no they are not’ he viewed their false reports as positive and our accurate reports as negative and redundant.

This caused me to do some introspective ‘soul searching’ since last week and has resulted in a re-commitment to our previous decision which was- and is- ‘to tell the truth, the whole truth as we understand it, and to let the chips fall where they may. So, friends, and new friends, you know that ‘WE don’t know everything’ and you know WE can’t ‘guarantee’ the accuracy of what we report but once again now, from the beginning—WE will always do our best to tell you the truth about what our Intel is-- even if it is occasionally accidently wrong.


Speaking of ‘the beginning’, to the best of my knowledge there have only been three messengers who have been ‘Candle Bearers’ from the beginning (20 plus years) those being Casper, Poof and Bellringer.

In OUR considered opinion reporting truth, even if it be momentarily negative, is not negative reporting.


Regarding “OUR BUSINESS” there is so much going on it is hard to keep up with it all. There have been several remarks issued by the ‘Galactic Messengers’ and their intermediaries directly applicable to Our Business. Drake is out over the weekend with a serious update with another on tap for tonight. Fulford, Nidle, etc.. Ray C. Dam’s personal aide appears for the first time saying the Collateral Accounts have been opened up while the Neal Keenan side of that multi trillion dollar lawsuit also acknowledges the opening of the accounts and says Keenan is in charge of them. It’s not normal for opposing sides in a trillion dollar lawsuit to both claim ‘victory’ on the same day. Also last week I think it was Hennegan who reported the opening of the ‘Wanta Accounts’ which, if memory serves, is another 27 trillion dollars.

Still another report claims the bad guys have finally surrendered and signed documents so stating. All this leads up to this week’s reports by the usual messengers saying ‘by Tuesday, definitely this week’. Perhaps you have noticed that we long ago stopped describing ‘their’ Intel in detail but let me tell you there were many weeks when they had us questioning our own sources as they were so sure of theirs.

We know now that their weekly stories, no matter how great they sounded or how convinced the messengers were, never came true, not once, not ever so ‘our gang’ no longer gets overly excited with their reports no matter how convinced they are.

While wanting them to be right week after week we must always face the ‘we told you so’ chastisement of our own sources. This is still another week in which ‘they’ are certain we will receive, so rather than be ‘negative’ by quoting our own sources let us one and all root for them and their Intel to be right----------this time.


As WE have reported to you literally hundreds of times before, short of a nuclear war or similar there is no way the bad guys can win this financial war. Yes it is true we have been saying this for 15 or so years but we have no control over the timing, we are observers not principals.

Over time we reported to you the movement of vast sums of Fiat Funds being used to prop up the Status Quo and Banks worldwide. We reported their doubling down, then tripling down, betting the farm, etc. etc. and it is still going on.


All caution has been thrown to the wind as there is no room for or excuse for caution when decisions have been made to ‘save the Status Quo’ and preserve themselves in power at all cost. How long this can continue before imploding is beyond our knowing. In spite of our desire to be positive what we see is not positive, not from the prospective of ‘Our Business’ but if WE are missing something here perhaps others will kindly enlighten us.


The Brics, China separately, the G-20, Euro Zone Finance Ministers, IMF, etc. have all issued statements supporting a continuation of the ‘bailouts’ and the continued ‘printing/production’ of E-Currency (funny money) which appears to us to be the preservation of the Status Quo which is the opposite of ‘the new’ and the opposite of the weekly positive reports. Do you view the reporting of this obvious truth to be ‘negative reporting’? Billions of Euro’s seeking ‘safe haven’ are being moved daily into the U.S., Germany and Switzerland. U.S. ten year bond yields are 1.62%, German ten year 1.26%. Perhaps this portends a collapse of the Euro which might portend a collapse of the Status Quo creating a vacuum for ‘The New’.

Perhaps the ‘players’ all know this and only we the people are left in the dark-as usual.


Let’s end todays update with a joke for our ‘Liberal (Communist) Readers’:   Two little boys playing. One becomes extremely upset and angry and screams at the other,


                                            “ Get out of my house and off of my property,………… You are the very one who helped to kill poor Jesus”.


                                                                                                                              Casper   6-20-12   opinion