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CASPER OPINION: JUNE 13, 2012 (UPDATED JUNE 14, 2012 REPLY FROM 'A GUARDIAN')(Updated June 15, 2012)

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Guess who had birthdays Tuesday, June 12th.       ->  Bush Senior and David Rockefeller, 88 and 97 respectively.


Well, have you heard the latest testament to the Glory of Obama?  The net worth of the average American family has fallen 40% during the first three and one half years of his Presidency.

Can you handle another four and one half years of this?

Perhaps you can get an exemption from Obama Care taxes to help you out as he has given to more than a thousand of his supporting companies. Or maybe you can just get yourself a lump sum payment like in the lotto, similar to the BILLION DOLLARS of taxpayer funds he gave to ACORN and SOLYNDRA or the other BILLIONS given to his other dozen or so  ‘Green Energy Buddies’. Marxism brings everyone down to the lowest common denominator.


After our Monday update we were blessed with a response from ‘The Guardian’ on Tuesday referring to casper as a Party Pooper.

The thread under the casper update signified a response from ‘a reader’. It would likely have gained much greater attention had it been identified as being from ‘The Guardian’.

Mr. Guardian did not disclose exactly what it is he is guarding nevertheless I recommend his letter/reply to you.


As you know WE are the only messenger reporting to you week after week that the funds have not been released, that deliveries are not going to occur ‘this week’ as other messengers say.

After saying essentially the same thing the Guardian then refers to casper as a Party Pooper for telling the people the same thing he just told the people.  

A bit bizarre I realize but remember, it is very hot and dry Down Under.



The Guardian indicates he has been reading casper for five years or so which tells us right off that he has just arrived, so to speak, to the ‘party’.

I and most of my ‘gang’,  arrived well over twenty years ago with plenty of ‘party favors’ and plenty of spice for the punch.

The punch, after twenty plus years of waiting for the party to get underway is warm now and wasted.

We have waited through all manner of rain and snow and hail storms have we not, with regular breaks for funerals. Lots and lots of funerals. And along the way dozens, dozens of ‘spokesmen’ and ‘Guardians’ saying ‘don’t be a pooper, the party is about to begin’.  


I found several remarks by ‘The Guardian’ to be worth noting and calling to your attention. He says ‘surely I didn’t expect the messengers conveying the Galactic Messages to be acting in our best interest, did I’?  Well, yes, as a matter of fact I did at least hope so, although I found it impossible to digest their support for the shyster, con-artist and fraud using the name ‘Obama’ this year. He refers to my ‘UFO Contacts’ leading me (US) to believe that he miss-understood our remarks in a series of updates from a year ago. At that time WE were consistently getting feedback that there was great distress ‘upstairs’ over the various disclosures we were reporting to you at the time especially because they could not identify their ‘leaks’. So, WE took to ‘teasing them’, twisting their noses as it were, saying that we were getting our Intel from our ‘E.T. Contacts’. Those remarks were facetious, a joke on the bad guys (D.C., Quantico and White House ‘child molesters’).  I’m sure most of you understood but you must remember, on top of the normal hot and dry conditions Down Under there has been a drought the last couple of years. As for a legitimate discussion about the legitimacy of the ‘E.T.’s’ and the messages being attributed to them I find it personally disappointing that so few are willing to discuss the matter openly. The ‘division’ of thought can’t be any greater than the political divisiveness  which is discussed openly every day.


The Guardian then goes on to remind us that the Fed does not take orders from Obama and that he is 30 levels ‘from the top’. Technically true, in practice untrue. The Fed ‘bends and sways’ to which ever administration is in power, some more than others. The Fed and the Corporate Government are now, of necessity, in Partnership.

In 2009 the Fed owned 302 Billion Dollars of Treasury Debt, this year it’s 1.668T (nearly six times as much) and the Fed has replaced Japan and China as the largest holder of the debt and they are buying more U.S. Debt than anyone else at the weekly Treasury Auctions. Obama ‘orders’ (demands) as we reported. The Fed accepts the demands as it is necessary to preserve the Fiat System and their Fraudulent Financial Playpen. The Fed would likely have made the same decisions without demands from Obama.


‘The Guardian’ offers some words of wisdom regarding the coming ‘colossal changes’ and their importance far exceeding anything of a financial nature. Again I suggest you read his words yourself in his ‘Party Pooper’ response to casper. I found his remarks regarding the Dinar R.V. unclear, perhaps you can decipher. He goes on to say that ‘no one knows everything’ which sounds a little bit like the one thousand plus times we have said “we don’t know everything”.


The ‘take away’, I think, is that he says we will not see ‘the new’ till the old is ‘zeroed out’, more or less the same thing we have been telling you when we say such things as ‘the funds can not be accessed by those spouting off each week’ or ‘the funds are not liquid, they can move digits on the computers but they cannot access a single dime.


Therefore it should be obvious to one and all that the Guardian, like casper, is a ‘Party Pooper’. A ‘Junior Pooper’ as he has apparently not been pooping long enough to understand the full extent of the poop going on here.


         Casper     6-13-12    opinion


p.s. I suggest you respond to ‘The Guardian’ with your questions. He seems to fancy himself a highly informed fellow, or Mate as it were. Perhaps he will confide in you what it is he is ‘guarding’. Perhaps he is ‘guarding’ the truth.

Perhaps you can get him to tell you what it is so that we don’t have to wait another twenty plus years to start the party.

Perhaps with the truth we can assist the “old and the weak and the tired and the worn out” not to be Party Poopers any more.




----- Original Message -----
From: A Guardian
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2012 1:05 PM
Subject: "A Guardian -- Casper Response for 06/13
"Dear" Casper,
Many thanks brother for taking the time to expunge some thoughts on such large matters.
I feel though, since you have afforded us some relevant questions in your rebuttal (or reply) to
"Casper is a Party Pooper", I shall do the honors mate with a fair retort.
1) If you are unaware of who or what guardians are and do and why, unfortunately Sir this is probably
    not the forum for it, sorry.. Think of it this way: we are helping to remove the cockies (ie.. roaches)
2) Your messages are not necessarily inaccurate. They are just profoundly negative. And that feeds right into


     their energy, their program. Of course the real daily reports are not exactly positive (at this moment) but

     "The Plan" will not be stopped. We both know you are very much aware of " The Plan". There is "a light"

     at the tunnel, Casper. There absolutely is. So why harp so much on the poop? All the time. We can just turn

     on main stream state sponsored corporate news for that.

3)  Yes, it has been a tough ride. No funerals here but lots of "other types of attacks" both physical and non -
     physical, so need need to argue that things are and have been great and nothing could be a better. The dark
     is not either picky either mate: women, children, whatever works for them. But it does get better. Earth has


     been heaven and hell (ie. duality mate).

4) OK, thanks for the clarification on "UFO Contacts" as being flippant vs. literal. I never claimed to always be
    the brightest bulb in the shed, sometimes. As for the "channeled messages", 95% minimum should be disregarded as T-pee. Between  them super-computers and them "lizzies", they sure tell lots of great stories, don't they. "Their" agenda was addressed. Gosh, me hopes they stop. Annoying.
5) Obama does not give orders to Rothschild and Rome (ie. Fed). He is not the ruler of the world. He will never
    be ruler of the world. And there will not be another four more years of "no hope and less change". But you know that.  The exposures and disclosures will follow (for many of them). Tik Tik, go check the clock, freedom is about to dock.   Soon. Not tomorrow. Not next week. But soon is not an overstatement.
6) My intel is the Dinar RV, if "a real one" exists", is not something that can happen till after the reset button is pressed and if such a program exists, the folks seeking a windfall might be disappointed, very. That said, I think enough people -  in and outside the Dinar RV program -- realize that "if it smells like poop and looks like poop, its poop". So we move on.
7)  You clearly have superior -- and mainly -- accurate contacts and all that good stuff, but we're in the home stretch brother and "the bad guys" are running out of time, money, and friends. The END-GAME is not too far off. But you know that too.

Somewhere in the midst of the 'bad news bear reports", shed some light on what is going in the right direction.

And no Casper, we are not talking about hopium.

Likewise, "I am confident" there are things you do not or can not share either.



#1  (Reply)


----- Original Message -----
From: J
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2012 8:57 PM
Subject: Response to (UPDATED JUNE 14, 2012 REPLY FROM 'A GUARDIAN')


Hello Patrick and Anne

Thanks for sharing those cheerful things you do to stay positive.  Sometimes I need a “spiritual-kick-in-the-butte” to get over my boo-hoos.    A Guardian just gave me another one, which I’d like to respond to.  Please post if it might help others.




Thank you A Guardian!  I see despair, chronic depression, and hopelessness ALL around me; and friendly smiles, quiet acts of kindness and courtesies, and unbounded joy from playing children and singing birds.

Hatonn and Sananda have chiseled into my head and heart that I CHOSE TO BE HERE ON EARTH AT THIS TIME, and so has every “God-souled” human being. 

It is easy to “go negative” these days.  Historically, the negativity goes back dozens of generations.  But always, through history there have been Beacons of Light to show us the way. Contrary to quick glances, there are many Beacons of Light, or Lightworkers on Earth today.

My positive “gurus” are and have been those folks who have helped me find the TRUTHS along the way which include, but are not limited to,  Hatonn, Sananda and the Rainbow Masters, Patrick and Anne, and all our space brothers and sisters who have travelled so far from their own home planets to keep the Dark Cartel from exploding our beautiful planet Earth.  My gurus also include many of “my authors,” folks who’s books have helped me find and understand what is true; which also include, but are not limited to Joseph Campbell and Bill Moyers, Zecharia Sitchin, Viktor E. Frankl, William Bramley, Malachi Martin, Michael Cremo and Richard L. Thompson, Graham Hancock, Riane Eisler, Michael Talbot, Richard C. Haogland, Robert W. Felix, Joseph P. Farrell, David Wilcock, Arthur Koestler and dozens more.  Art Bell showed me how to examine one topic from many different angles and points-of-view.  Art bell and Richard C. Hoagland showed me the joy of debating and disagreeing, in the spirit of seeking truth.  I so enjoy the book authors who have shared with an audience the life experiences that lead them to writing their books. 

If you don’t like your life, change your thoughts (Hatonn rephrased)

Stinkin’ Thinkin’ is the greatest source of pollution on Earth.  (My response to those who want to change the world so they don’t have to grow up.)

Jesus/Sananda said to treat others as we treat ourselves, and we do; and that is why the world is so negative.  Be kind to yourself and you will be kind to others, and the world will be a little more positive.

A Guardian; thank you for reminding me that we find what we look for, be it negative or POSITIVE.