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Never in history has there been a Presidential Administration as corrupt as Obama’s. There is a scandal underway in every department and all get their cue ‘from the top’. Nary a week passes without still another scandal being added to the list. Never in history has our Constitution been under such direct and constant bombardment by anyone much less a President. And still this Foreign Born Fraud and USERPER of the Presidency can’t bring himself to salute the flag or even to place his hand over his heart even in the presence of dead soldiers…………


Today we learn another 445 million taxpayer dollars have been diverted to ACORN, otherwise known as ‘personal  friends of the Obama’s’. They are preparing for vote rigging on a massive scale.


Their corruption is equaled only by their incompetence as our country continues its slide toward their intentionally created abyss. Not only is Obama corrupt and incompetent, he is demonstrably  ANTI-AMERICAN. Obama is a COMMUNIST. Communism is the antithesis of Capitalism and Freedom. For years he disguised himself as a Socialist while the butt kissing MSM were so enamored with their Black, Gay, Man-made Climate Change proponent, Obama Care loony tunes President they ignored the facts attached to the end of their noses with  safety pins. We all know the extent to which the press has sold their souls to the Devil, the Satanist, the Cabal but few realized the levels of Treason involved in their deception’s and their outright lies.


The ‘cover-up’ continues. For example, vast sums of money are being used to prop up the European Division of their New World Order at American Taxpayer expense.


In our last update about 10 days ago we reported that Obama had ordered Europe to be bailed out at our expense, that the banks were to lose no money, that the Status Quo was to be preserved at all cost, that nothing was to interfere with his re-election and that this amounted to a blockage of ‘the new’ and our deliveries and funding and announcements and that it would be easy to tell whether this Intel  was correct vs. the ‘deliveries today and every day’ stories you are accustomed to. What happened? The Stock Market was up 500 points last week, reports (on the net) said  114B had been moved to Canada then, this weekend, 125B Dollars was provided to bail Spanish Banks with, WE hear, another 125B in reserve for whatever contingencies might arise. Clearly Obama, Bernank and Geithner and their ‘Funny Money’—‘E-Currency’ Computers are still spinning their Fraudulent Financial Carousel round and round as directed by their Controllers, The Evil Ones, The Cabal.


They are preserving their Fiat World with a never ending supply of Fiat Funds as ordered by Obama which is the opposite of ‘The New’.


Gold Bullion is being moved from Italian Bank Vaults to Switzerland as they are next on ‘the hot seat’. Capital and Border Controls are being implemented in Europe in spite of EuroZone treaties.. Now the already bailed out Ireland is upset because Spain got ‘a better deal’ this weekend. The latest round of elections in Greece are next weekend. Investors are swapping Physical Gold for Physical Silver.


Those who always say ‘this week’ and ‘by Tuesday’, are following their weekly pattern right now. Our Intel does not agree.  


WE want them to be right but WE don’t think so.


As for the Dinar, ‘The Tail Cannot Wag The Dog’.


Our most recent Dinar Intel agrees with our oldest Dinar Intel, “it is an attempted scam by the Bush/Maliki crowd” and China sources say “it  ain’t  gonna happen” just as they have  said from the beginning.


WE hope they are wrong.


WE want to see as many ‘investors’ get funded as possible.


              Casper   6-11-12    opinion