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RINGING THAT BELL! (Updated June 11, 2012)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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June 7, 2012


Dear Ones:


          Bellringer here, still ringing the bell, a very big bell.  So, now Drake through Kauilapele’s Blog, through Suzy Star is asking us to vote whether we wish to negotiate with the Devil or not!  Drake’s claim to fame is that the Good guys have cornered the Darkside Cabal in total, who are icy scared and shivering in their boots for fear of the people, when they learn the whole Truth.  So, the Darkside are begging for mercy and promise to be good and do all the right things, if the Good Guys will forget about all the evil, bloodshed, destruction and death the Darkside caused for millennia.


          Yep!  We are to vote to negotiate a deal to speed up getting our money or the Darkside will stall everything for a very long time by creating more war, like throwing a big temper tantrum in the kitchen to get my pop tarts kind of thing.  Wow!  The leopard has changed his spots!  Can you believe it?  We now can trust the Devil!


          Still ringing that Bell!





REF #1: 

Drake’s Proposal for You to Vote On… [Simplified (I Hope!)]

Below I have placed the message from this page of Lady Dragon’s website.

Now, since it took several clicks to get to that page from Drake’s website, I’ve tried to simplify everything by putting the message below and… “The Gist (Essence)”, which is:

a. Go below and read items 1, 2, and 3. Answer either Yes or No to each.

b. Write an email to:

c. In the subject line put the number and your answer to each question.

[Example (put this in Subject line):

1- Yes (or No), 2- Yes (or No), 3- Yes (or No)]

d. Send the email.

That’s it. The full message is below, so enjoy your reading and voting!


Thursday June 07, 2012

Drake’s proposal for you to vote on

By LadyDragon

MONTREAL – ( 07/06/12 (June 7, 2012)

LadyDragon has prepared the page for you all to cast your vote.

Please read the questions and answer through the email provided thank you :)

As many know, I offered new information that I had just received yesterday, on my show.

I will go through that information and how we can use it for our cause. I say ‘Our Cause’, which to me is Freedom, and all that goes with it.

The new information was a second contact by those famous families that seem to own everything.

The bad guys are trying to negotiate surrender.

ALL of them are in a very real bind, their funds have been cut off, and it looks like all of us are getting ready to come hunting them.

A part of that contact came from another person who stated that they are scared out of their wits…

Think of the idea of everybody and anybody being an enemy who just might be hunting you…hmmm?

I have offered the idea of a ‘conditional settlement’ on my show that gets everything done we have been trying to do.

1- Reality needs to be faced, like it or not.

-That reality is the choice of peace or war. IF We The People come after them, they have said they will fight to the very last man.

This means that even those few could inflict extreme damage in many places.

Yes, they have problems, BUT, they are not helpless, and most know what they are willing to do. Add a few military into that and everyone should get the idea.

2- There are three ‘principles’ involved in this.

We The People, Controller of the Collateral Accounts, and The ‘owners’.

What I am doing, by doing this, is to give an idea to all parties involved, what might be acceptable. Nothing more, nothing less.

This is NOT anything official.


It will give We The People a voice and will be presented to the other two principles.

This offers a basis that can be used as leverage in these negotiations.

AFTER the vote is taken, I will offer the results to our negotiator, and make the results known on Sunday, 1 – 3 EST.

It is very important that everyone who wants their freedom to vote.

We are not the only ‘freedom’ people involved in this. America has some 300 million +, and there are billions of people who stand to benefit from these negotiations.

This is just my attempt to help in all this…

The following is what I stated on my show on Wednesday 6/6/12. Each will be listed in the order I stated them.

1- N.E.S.A.R.A. The National Economic Security And Reformation Act.

This offers financial freedom. Please read the history of NESERA [NESARA] for more in depth information at these 2 places:

2- Release of ALL advanced technologies. The Collateral Accounts will be used to set up manufacturing and installation.

This offers jobs. There are between 6 and 800 of these that will change all our lives for the better.

3- Return to our founding Documents; 1787 Constitution + the original organic 13th Amendment/Article, The Articles of Confederation,

Bill of Rights, and The Declaration of Independence.

This offers FREEDOM.

A project was completed where individuals from various states filed a package containing these documents with The Court of The Hague.

This was a ‘Notification Process’ of We The People declaring our freedom once again to the world.

Those who requested the project were satisfied with the results.

I know a lot of people are concerned with their identities for this vote.

Believe me when I say the none of us have had ANY privacy for years…’they’ know who you are already.

UNDERSTAND that the only thing that will be put out will be ONLY the numbers, nothing else.

As soon as we have the results I will send them to the right people… numbers ONLY.

I hope this clears the air on the subject of privacy and what I am doing.

I thank all who participate.


Everyone please email at

In the subject line put the number and your answer


1- Yes or No, 2- Yes or No, 3- Yes or No

Thank you everyone :) LadyDragon


REF:  #2


----- Original Message -----From: Suzy Star
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2012 10:25 AM
Dear Ones,
There was a very important call yesterday with Drake and my friend has condensed the MOST important issues that were covered in that call and I have included them in this email. Please read, take action and forward to everyone you know so we can vote as soon as it is possible to do so.
Suzy Star
Here is what has been prepared for our contacts so people don't have to wade thru long calls!! We need to reach as many people and any others with large groups as possible. I just learned that the vote will not be possible until later as a delay has prevented this from going up at noon. Hopefully will not be delayed beyond today!! We will send out a notice as soon as the link for voting is up on the site. 



Now here is what must be done. We must get as many people as possible to vote on a "treaty" as soon as possible after noon EDT today to support an effort to break this stalemate of indentured servitude and lack of prosperity. If not, we continue the stalemate that has been going on for years and the small portion of the military that still is taking orders from the illuminati will have an all-out battle with the remainder of the military at great cost of lives to anyone in the way because the illuminati is backed into a tight corner.
The explanation about what happened in the last 12 hours is below. The vote is whether people choose to have financial freedom, rollout of NESARA in very short order, extremely powerful healing technologies brought out now, free energy technologies as well introduced to all worldwide, and freedom restored across the planet with common law and constitutional governments supporting the people.
If you want this, go to
 and after 12 noon today EDT, you will see a voting platform on her site. A simple "yes" will do as I can't imagine anyone not doing otherwise. For a reader's digest version of what has happened over the last 12 hours see below. There is a link to the call last night that went on for 3 hours.
You have a MAXIMUM time period to vote until Sat. noon I believe, but please don't wait that long. Also note that these changes occurred on the Venus transit which is most auspicious. People are tired of waiting and want to get these changes implemented ASAP so that is why all 3 groups below have agreed to this. It ends formally the reign of the illuminati forever! Monday or Tuesday Drake will get a response back from the illuminati group formally acknowledging the agreement they have already consented to to begin the transition!
Many changes have occurred within the last 12 hours. There was a radio broadcast with Drake on Global Network with a Paul [??]  and the planned talk had been changed  immediately prior to that program as Drake had a critical call that changed the entire game plan. I am giving you the reader's digest version.
As you know, Drake has been working on the inside circles with the "Plan" generated some 30 years by Pentagon officials to end the illegal takeover of the U.S. government and governments worldwide. Mass arrests had been planned. There are several groups of players to be aware of: the U.S. military which has 80% of its people supporting the constitution and the populace, We the People [a term Drake uses that refers to those who are taking action to support freedom for all using legal and peaceful means to accomplish this], and then you have the cabal [illuminati folks which include the large number of banker minions].
Here is what has happened. Drake has friends within that last group which has obviously included many who wish to see the new changes inaugurated with the advent of 2012. They are wanting to see all have prosperity and freedom. Anyway, Drake gets this last minute call from that last group who are fearful for their lives because of the impending arrests. They have offered a way out for themselves, at the same time there would be a peaceful transition to NESARA [worldwide financial freedom] and would include rolling out ALL the healing and free energy technologies within possibly a month at the outside.
This country and all other countries would be transitioned almost immediately to common law and the constitutional governments. The illuminati would surrender all power and be allowed to live out their lives with exceptions. Drake said that the ones responsible for major loss of life thru instigating all wars will be tried and likely executed.
Those under the heads of the illuminati will also face similar charges. The only difference is that they will be allowed to be given lighter sentences in prison where they would be able to live out their lives [alive] once they left prison. This is agreed upon by all 3 major groups as outlined initially.
 This means, financial freedom for all within days, healing technologies will be released so powerful that limbs will be restored to all, free energy would be released for every car and home, and the constitution would be restored with freedom for all! 
REF:  #3



----- Original Message -----
From: Suzy Star
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2012 1:21 PM
Subject: Clarification on voting

Dear Ones,

After getting some feedback from some dear friends who I have a lot of confidence in, I did a pendalum check and got a yes.  So with that said I am sending out more explicit directions on the proceedure for voting. You may first go on the website for Lady Dragon that I have provided the link for and read about the 3 issues you will vote on and if you wish to listen to a cleaned up version of the interview with Drake that was done yesterday you can do so by clicking on this link: While there you may choose to join his email list so you can recieve updates as they become available.

          I know a lot of people are concerned with their identities for this vote.

                   Believe me when I say the none of us have had ANY privacy for years...'they' know who you are already.

UNDERSTAND that the only thing that will be put out will be ONLY the numbers, nothing else.

              As soon as we have the results I will send them to the right people...numbers ONLY.

               I hope this clears the air on the subject of privacy and what I am doing.

I thank all who participate.


There is not a place to vote on her website, only an explanation of what the 3 measures you are voting on.

In order to vote you need to send an email as follows:

Everyone please email at

In the subject line put the number and your answer


1- Yes or No, 2- Yes or No, 3- Yes or No

Thank you everyone :) LadyDragon



#1  (Reply)


----- Original Message -----

From: AJM


Sent: Friday, June 08, 2012 9:43 AM

Subject: RE: Drake ~ RINGING THAT BELL


Dear Bellringer,


Darn good alarm bell.  Heard it all  the way here in Texas.  Looks like the Devil wants a "plea bargain" and the agents Draco and Lady Draco are peddling the mind candy being  used to fill another pinata.  A desperate move that cannot and will not succeed!  The Devil has no power over the Light!

So Be It,




#2  (Reply)


----- Original Message -----

From: CS

To: Bellringer

Sent: Friday, June 08, 2012 2:20 PM

Subject: Ringing that bell


Dear Patrick and Anne,


Is there any credence in this 'Ringing that Bell' or

is it all a fantasy?

Including the deliberate post from PHB

Thank you for your continuous support and patience.

Is there  a light at the end of the tunnel or is it a gorilla with a flashlight?

There certainly appears to be progress. Now that would be truly amazing for all of us!

In Love and Light





FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  CS
DATE:  June 10, 2012
Dear CS:
    I do not write fantasy!  I am totally serious about what I said.  To vote is to put your name on a list to be used by anyone, anyway they wish.  Sure, the promise is to do the right thing with the names, but their are many options.  Besides you have no guarantee that your vote will make any difference.
    There is always "Light at the end of the tunnel" for God wins, always.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer


#3  (Reply)


----- Original Message -----

From: RS

To: Patrick

Sent: Friday, June 08, 2012 1:47 PM

Subject: The 1 2 3 Vote


I need to decide how to vote on the 1 2 3 yes or no options on Drakes information. I do not want to compromise with the Dark. I do want the best for all of us ASAP. I do not want to be un forgiving either. So my question is how to vote? WOW', decisions, decisions.

Would like your feedback. RS




FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
    TO:  RS
DATE:  June 10, 2012
Dear RS:
    If you "do not want to compromise with the Dark", then do not vote!  Compromise is what this negotiating is all about.  Creator God's Laws are absolute and unforgiving for those who break them.  What would Sananda do?  What did he say to the lawyers and Pharisees"  What will he say to you when you meet?
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#4  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----


From: EJ

To: Bellringer

Sent: Saturday, June 09, 2012 5:02 AM



Hello Patrick

I was wondering and have been thinking about this for a couple a days now. Would it not be better for mankind for us to accept this and say yes yes.

Yes I know they (cabal) have wronged but with the 'Karmic cycle of debt' will not these evil doers get what they deserve within their cycle.

In the meantime if Nesara were introduced it will save thousands of lives and stop all wars, stop starvation and human slavery/suffering ect ect. I know we all want these bastards to suffer as they have made us suffer all these years, but should we not forgive and leave any retribution for God Aton to decide.

It would ease the pain for so many here on Planet Earth. And when it is time for the Galactics to introduce themselves, the so be it.

Love and Blessings





FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  EJ
DATE:  June 10, 2012
Dear EJ:
    Do you not think that the mess our world is in today is Karmic debt from our past choices?  Lessons repeat until we learn them.  How much repetition do you wish to experience until you deal with the Darkside?  They laugh at you for your indecision, and they will laugh, when they win again.  Why?  Because they are evil.
    Yes, the evil ones will get what they deserve, when they are held accountable by Creator God for their wrongs, but they are here, now for our lessons.  We all desire to ease the pain and suffering of humanity, but can you trust the Dark Cabal to keep their agreements, when they have broken everyone they have ever made?
    It is not about retribution, but the containment of evil.  If you get big money and George Soros is walking around your neighborhood, you will lose it so fast, it will make your head "spin"!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer


#5  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----


From: N


Sent: Friday, June 08, 2012 6:51 PM

Subject: Fwd: Patrick Bellringer letter



  I really appreciate reading "the Drake" article, but after thinking about it a day I feel compelled to respond to the part referring to "execution of certain individuals". I can safely say I could not sign any document in favor of, or support that thought. I do not need to have that blood on my hands. I could show love toward them by rather, having them earn their own bread at $8.00 per hr. for the rest of their lives, like millions have had to do, or something less generous. Revenge is not where it is at, rather, the experience for them. Thank You, Patrick.






FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
    TO:  N
DATE:  June 10, 2012
Dear N:
    Yes, you are right.
    Creator God has made it quite clear that it is not our right to murder another human being.  There are other ways to confront evil and contain it.  We kill only in self-defense to save our own life or that of our family.  To not do so, would be committing suicide, Aton says.
    Really, this whole matter of voting to negotiate with the Darkside is the real issue  I believe Drake said that the Dark Cabal was demanding mercy, or they would cause more war and the blocking of the funding for a very long time.  That sounds like a threat with no intent of compromise anything.  That is not negotiating anything, but a continuing of the Dark Agenda to do as we say or else.
    It's a big trick, a big joke on the people.  Is Drake really trying to see how many would fall for their trick?  The Darkside will only compromise "their way".  Great wisdom can be gained thorough this lesson at hand.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#6  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----


From: KE


Sent: Saturday, June 09, 2012 4:25 PM



Dear Patrick and Anne,

The fact people are actually considering voting on this surprises me.  The only thing I see is the dark cabal making demands with extortion threats.

A day has not gone by without the mainstream media extolling it’s propaganda.  The dark cabal continuously instigate wars, and they don’t seem to be stopping anytime soon.  They continuously push on a daily basis their death vaccination program along with the Time news magazine article giving away money to kill the elderly for decreasing the population.  Does anyone really need to think on this?  These guys have been in

control for well over 2 millenniums, does anyone actually think they are afraid?  If anything, they have stronger conviction to keep themselves in power, because they know the truth of which the majority do not.  They are well aware that people are beginning to awaken, these guys are just buying time, to place more obstacles in the path of one who is a seeker of truth.  If there is a time for discernment, this is it.  Don’t vote period!!!

In love and light,





FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  KE
DATE:  June 9, 2012
Dear KE:
    You are so right.  This whole voting thing may be about measuring how stupid people really are, and knowing who they are.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#7  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----

From: CS

To: Bellringer

Sent: Saturday, June 09, 2012 9:30 AM
Subject: Re: Ringing that bell
thanks, Patrick
I have signed up for all three: 1  yes  2 yes  3 yes
Nesara alive could be the most amazing change after 12 years.
In Love and Light
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  CS
DATE:  June 9, 2012
Dear CS:
REF:  4

(See REF: #5 below)






On Sat, Jun 9, 2012 at 1:46 PM, ANMilitia <> wrote:




New post on ANMilitia

Voting Update –Vote Below if You Haven’t

by Drake

This is the update posted on Facebook...For those who have not voted yet, you can vote at Soldier Hugs...

ANNOUNCEMENT: I was just contacted by GVN with a message from Drake regarding the Vote Polling and its data. I was asked to post this announcement relaying that the original Lady Dragon Poll has been tabulated and is now closed for the purpose of obtaining the initial "Sampling" of votes.
I was informed that the Lady Dragon sample indicated approximately 94% in favor of the Conditions listed for that Poll. I was asked to relay to the people here that Drake has requested that the SoldierHugs Poll remain open and aggregating votes for longer tabulated sample to be collected sometime Tuesday.
As such, please continue to share and vote on the SoldierHugs Poll if you have not already. Additionally, I am pasting some location demographics from Google Analytics for the SoldierHugs site as of this morning just in case folks would like to see how its going. Very interestingly, Canada was the 2nd largest demographic behind the uS. As of this morning Japan is #2 with nearly 4 times the numbers of Canada. Thank you to all...


Country/Territory Visits Pages / Visit Avg. Visit Duration % New Visits

1. United States 5,254 2.30 00:03:20 76.08%

2. Japan 1,757 1.65 00:02:10 80.08%

3. Canada 554 2.11 00:03:10 79.06%

4. United Kingdom 245 1.96 00:02:45 82.45%

5. Australia 199 2.55 00:03:20 76.38%

6. Italy 129 2.02 00:11:03 81.40%

7. Netherlands 99 1.68 00:02:03 84.85%

8. (not set) 91 2.05 00:07:30 54.95%

9. Germany 86 2.41 00:03:40 74.42%

10. Romania 85 1.59 00:02:06 95.29%


Drake | June 9, 2012 at 11:14 am | Categories: Updates | URL:
REF: #5





We the People of planet Earth hereby set forth the NON-NEGOTIABLE CONDITIONS whereas to accept the COMPLETE and IRREVOCABLE PEACEFUL SURRENDER of the various Dark and Controlling factions whom have illegally and covertly usurped Human populations & societies with varying agendas intended to control, rule, manipulate, subjugate, and ultimately exterminate the majority of our Human populations. These Dark and Controlling factions have and operate under many names, structures, titles, and organizations. Some to include but not limited to are; The Illuminati, P2 Freemasons, The Cabal, Committee of 300, Bilderberg Group, The New World Order, Rothschild Group, Rockefeller Group, Neo Nazi Bush Cabal, Federal Reserve Central Banks, European Central Banks, Shadow Government, etc, etc… all hereinafter referred to as “Cabalist´s”.

*Foundational Premise*

It is understood and assumed as a Prerequisite to and in Addition of the below conditions listed, that the Cabalist´s STAND DOWN and allow a NEW  GLOBAL FINANCIAL system to be enacted and ANNOUNCED; whereas the current FIAT and FRACTIONAL RESERVE Banking and Financial protocols of the FEDERAL RESERVE & ROTHSCHILD EUROPEAN banking Cartels and their Subsidiaries, are REPLACED with  a new EQUITY based & ASSET backed  Financial system and Currency exchange REVALUATION globally that ALIGNS with the INTERESTS and WISHES of the World populations. (ie: uS Treasury notes vs. Fed. Reserve notes) Additionally it is demanded the immediate release of the WORLD GLOBAL SETTLEMENTS, the PROSPERITY PROGRAMS, CMKX, FARM CLAIMS and all AMERICAN INDIAN SETTLEMENTS that Congress has APPROVED yet has still not funded, be RELEASED and INITIATED



Adjudication: In addition to COMPLETE and IRREVOCABLE PEACEFUL SURRENDER, any and all Cabalist members and their Subordinates will BE ADJUDICATED for any applicable crimes against the human populations perpetrated by the Cabalists during their initiated agendas and occupation of influential and governing positions in any capacity. These crimes and charges thereof will be applicable from any and all relevant jurisdictional arenas including Public, Private, and International affairs.



  • AGREE (96%, 3,158 Votes)
  • NEUTRAL (EITHER WAY) (2%, 77 Votes)
  • DIS-AGREE (2%, 43 Votes)

Total Voters: 3,278



Dissolution and Disbandment: All Cabalist Organizations, Hierarchy, and Structures will immediately and hereinafter and forever be DISBANDED, DISSOLVED, and OBLITERATED from existence. No such Cabalists organizations, hierarchies, and structures shall ever again be formed, operated or organized under their Past, Present, Future or Alternate names for any reason whatsoever for eternity hereafter. Enforcement and oversight of this Dissolution and Disbandment shall be conducted by an authorized and freely elected enforcement entity to be determined by the peoples of the various countries of Earth.



  • AGREE (98%, 3,178 Votes)
  • NEUTRAL (EITHER WAY) (1%, 36 Votes)
  • DIS-AGREE (1%, 29 Votes)

Total Voters: 3,243



Disavowed Participation and Interaction: After the COMPLETE and IRREVOCABLE PEACEFUL SURRENDER and ADJUDICATION of Cabalist members and their Subordinates, and in the interest of protecting free humanity from further and future propagation of Cabalist agendas in direct contravention to an agreed Treaty and Surrender; All Cabalist members and subordinates whom are cleared and released from the Adjudication process and any of their current living heirs or children, SHALL BE PROHIBITED from ANY Participation or Interaction with the Prosperity, Security, or Evolution of the Human Condition, in the form of Executive management or any other Direct influential position of the following Industries or Sectors whether they be of Public, Private, or International application:

  • Any type of National, or local State, City or Province Governance or Elected office
  • Any type of Election Protocol, Technologies, or Procedures
  • Any type of Judicial structure or Infrastructure thereof
  • Any type of Financial, Monetary or Banking Industry or Infrastructure thereof
  • Any type of Energy or Infrastructure thereof
  • Any type of Agriculture or Infrastructure thereof
  • Any type of Transportation or Infrastructure thereof
  • Any type of Medical, Pharmaceutical, or Alternative Healing Modalities or infrastructure thereof
  • Any type of Education, Curriculum, or Child Development or Infrastructure thereof
  • Any type of Environmental preservation or Infrastructure thereof
  • Any type of Communications technology or Infrastructure thereof
  • Any type of Internet or Informational technologies or Infrastructure thereof
  • Any type of Military, Defense, or Police and Infrastructure thereof
  • Any type of Natural Resources of Infrastructure thereof (water, minerals, metals, food storage, etc…)
  • Any type of Religion or Spiritual teachings and practices
  • Any type of Scientific Research, Advancements, or Discoveries or Infrastructure thereof
  • Any type of Main Stream or Alternative Media outlets or Infrastructure thereof



  • AGREE (96%, 3,090 Votes)
  • NEUTRAL (EITHER WAY) (2%, 71 Votes)
  • DIS-AGREE (2%, 63 Votes)

Total Voters: 3,224



For these united States of America:

  • Enactment and Announcement of the lawful N.E.S.A.R.A. (The National Economic Security And Reformation Act)(Ends Federal Reserve & I.R.S)
  • Return to our founding Documents; 1787 Constitution + the original organic 13th Amendment/Article, The Articles of Confederation,  Bill of Rights, and The Declaration of Independence.
  • Abolishment of these De-facto Corporations but not limited to the following, “THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Government Of The United States Corporation, also doing business as U S Government , and White House Corporation, also doing business as Executive Office of the United States Government. ”
  • Abolish all State Corporations acting as dejure constitutional State Governments
  • Abolish the Securitization (monetizing) of court cases, prison sentences and birth certificates.



View Results


For all Peoples and Populations of Planet Earth:

*Only the TRUTH can set humanity’s souls FREE and allow them to truly be SOVEREIGN in their evolution.

  • Release of ALL Advanced Technologies. The Collateral Accounts will be used to set up manufacturing and installation.
  • Immediate Disclosure concerning our brothers and sisters in outer space and in other dimensions.  Establishment and Expansion of Diplomatic Relations in an open and global fashion.
  • Reveal all Secret Societies, all occult knowledge, all TRUE history, expose and ajudicate all majick supernatural councils and subsidiary orders, brotherhoods, covens, mystery schools, Monarch, MILAB, MKULTRA, et al, that have been used to manipulate human consciousness with malevolent intent and harmful consequences.



View Results


Cease and Desist of Malicious Actions: The Cabalist must IMMEDIATELY CEASE ALL activities and operations whereas malicious operational agendas and actions that have been and are currently being instigated on the planet and its populations. Examples of these malicious agendas and actions are but not limited to; HAARP actions, Chemtrail spraying, Environmental destruction, Poisonous vaccines and pharmaceuticals, Starvation agendas, Eugenics agendas, Ocean and Fresh water contaminations, and any and all other malicious agendas and actions resulting in the degradation and harm to the planet and its human, animal, plant and other life organisms.



View Results


*Please post comments and feedback in the blog thread for this topic at



 #9  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----

From: N

To: Patrick H Bellringer

Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2012 1:37 PM

Subject: RE: Ringing that Bell...My Vote


I vote that we arrest and incarcerate All of the Cabal until the Star Elders (our family members of the Highest Realm = Hatonn) reads their Soul Contracts and then determines the ego-less fate of the Cabal. 

In the Light of Compassion and Love

Grandmother Nothnormal