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Friends, am I miss-reading things, possibly over reacting, or do you agree that the first paragraph of the Galactic Federation Of Light update dated yesterday June 1st by Greg Giles is and admission by them that things are not as they have led us to believe and their update amounts to a gigantic ‘crawfish’ (swim backwards) on their part and an admission that nothing is going to change for the better any time  soon?

 It is likely no coincidence that the Intel contained in our Saturday morning update was obtained the evening of June 1st the same day as their update which appears to us, to be saying, that the bad guys have won the day, as reflected in our report of Obama’s orders to bail out the fiat world on the backs of American Taxpayers, thereby delaying ‘The New’ indefinitely.


What is your opinion?  



                        Casper   6-2-12      #2


Ref:  Greg Giles Update: